BVI News

Political victimisation even more prevalent in the BVI, Penn claims

Opposition Leader Marlon Penn

Leader of Opposition Marlon Penn is claiming that political bullying and victimisation have reached an all-time high under the Virgin Islands Party government.

During a recent media conference, Penn said that since publicly raising the issue late last year, it has gotten even worse. Penn further claimed that members of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition have seen what he described as a vast increase in reports.

“The issue of victimisation and the issue of cronyism, we are deeply concerned that after our November press conference, where we raised this issue to honourable members, other people of the public and the wider region, that it’s more prevalent now than before. Persons are afraid to speak out, persons are afraid to speak against anything that the government is doing for fear of victimisation,” Penn stated.

He continued: “We get reports daily about the issues that are being faced by persons within this territory, substantiated reports in terms of victimisation of this current administration. A person called me just the other day and they were told, ‘you’re probably not getting this job because you voted for Marlon’.”

Opposition will be a voice for the voiceless

Penn who is also the Eighth District Representative said that he and members of the Opposition will ensure that they all speak out for persons who may feel that they are voiceless in these matters.

He said: “We have to say to the people of this territory that, this is a democracy, the BVI is a democracy, and you have a right to hold your government accountable and you should do that without fear of victimisation or retribution, and the bullying and the victimisation that is happening currently is something that is of grave concern to us in a democracy.”

Board members continuing to over step role

In the aforesaid November 2019 media conference, Penn had stated that he and other members of the opposition had received numerous complaints from employees, alleging that board members from statutory bodies were overstepping their authority and victimising them.

He revealed that the issue continues to persist, with reports of board members still getting involved in the day to day running’s of certain government institutions.

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  1. Sure bet says:

    Reading the comments from the previous article, it appears like we are going to need all forms of DA: (Detective Agencies) to keep this new G-gang in check for sure, since they seem to want to bully everyone around who may question their motives or gets in their way. Let’s hope the new CEO of the RDA has guts, and would not be an easy walk over by this newest and already seemingly notorious G-gang in office.

    Why seemingly notorious? Because first thing they did once in office, was to secure their unjust law to make conflict of interest for themselves with businesses to continue fleecing their own government, instead of opening the bidding process and competing for the projects like everyone else. Imagine all these politicians approving their own unjust laws.

    These types of unjust laws are what create permanent underclass in any society and eventually makes it impossible for new entrants and existing businesses to compete against them and succeed in the general market place. This becomes yet another form of stagnating growth in the territory.

    Only in the BVI can all these unjust acts be done and no one sees a problem with them.

    Let it be known – “An unjust law in the 21st century is not a law” and must be challenged and not allow to stand, if we really understand what it will cause in the long run.

    Like 16
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    • Stop says:

      Everything that is going on is common in Africa and third world nations. The BVI is no different. Those that are from the ruling families “have” and those that aren’t don’t. It’s not going to change now and it’s not going to change ever. You keep the voting base small by your Belongership BS and thus there is no way to change. Thus you should all sit down and shut the hell up.

      Like 15
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      • Free Soul says:

        Now why are you only mentioning Africa and so called 3rd world countries. Who ‘labeled’ them as 3rd world? They are not 3rd world enough to be raped of their natural resources though for centuries! Corruption is everywhere! In the US Gov’t, in European Gov’t, in Asian Gov’t and Central/South American Governments! There are haves and have nots globally!

        Like 6
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        • @stop, slightly edited version reposted says:

          You sound highly institutionally educated, but come across like an unaware and hopeless case. Change anywhere starts with each one of us, first. At the same time, empowering yourself with not only institutional education, but a broader knowledge of self and the various dimensions of the world we live in. There are some who are working selflessly hard without thumping their chest to bring about positive changes. It’s a thankless job with many twists and turns, but some just cannot stand the injustices in the world and gravitate towards its calling. Your thoughts seem to be engaging towards one dimensional linear thinking and with an attitude like that, you just make everything even harder. Some of us have experienced the world, been through many experiences, lived many lives to discover their worth and now using those lessons to make a difference. Keep your head up; some see beyond all the programs that have been set-up through colourism, materialism, divisions, religions, etc., but to educate outside of the institutionalized programs have to be done from all dimensions, all fronts, and from all sides.

          Like 6
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        • @Free Soul says:

          @Free Soul, All good points. Additionally, a key hallmark of Democracy is, “Every man one vote, meaning that everyone is afforded the same opportunity; everyone, (after election day) vote still counts. Everyone votes and what happens next? The spoils get sliced and diced between the elite party members, (members of Founders family, kids and friends. Government jobs, Civil Service jobs, Department heads and members jobs, Board members jobs +++). We the Voters vote for change….but this is what we get. In my humble opinion Democracy is just another good sounding idea being thrown around; just like religion and Sunday worshipers. “Do as I say not as I do”
          Ironically, our forefathers, the ones that make it, all came on the same ship. In the cane and cotton fields we were one. But like a baby chicken, as young as a few days old, when being fed will grab a piece of bread a bit to big for it, runs away from its brothers and sisters chicks and bang the hell out of it without a crumb going to the others, we likewise do when opportunity comes our way.

      • @stop says:

        You sound highly institutionally educated, but come across like an unaware and hopeless case. Change anywhere starts with each one, first. At the same time, empowering yourself with not only institutional education, but a broader knowledge of self and the various dimensions of the world we live in. There are some who are working selflessly hard without thumping their chest to bring about positive changes. It’s a thankless job with many twists and turns, but some just cannot stand the injustices in the world and gravity towards its calling. Your thoughts seem to be engaging towards one dimensional linear thinking and with an attitudes like that, you just make everything even harder. Some of us have experienced the world, been through many experiences, lived many lives to discover their worth and now using those lessons to make a difference. Keep your head up, some see beyond all the programs set up through colourism, materialism, divisions, etc., but to educate outside of the institutionalize programs have to be done from all fronts and all sides.

  2. Geeze says:

    BVINews, your media sight on fire. That last news cycle yesterday was hot, hot, hot. Today again starting out blazing.

    With the likes of all those comments being read in the last news cycle, it looks like the countdown for new elections already getting heated-up and starting right here. Is this the beginning of another long round of mudslinging and dirty political rivalry getting started already? Should the new parties begin recruiting early and putting their manifestos together? Because this already looking like it’s going to be full out war this time around. Are all these news media going to keep up with the pressure for what looks like it’s going to be an all out war to gain or retain political power in our Virgin Islands.

    Like 9
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    • Destruction says:

      When is a good time to say idiot!!!! This not about political war it’s about a government elected by the people and for the people moving the country forward. JUST STOP THIS POLITICAL WARFARE CRAP. SHAME ON THE NATIONAL DESTRUCTIVE PARTY. THERE MOTTO IS TO DESTROY OUR PEOPLE IF THEY NASTINESS NOT IN POWER.


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  3. pagu says:

    ayo better keep ayo eyes on fahie, think he easy?

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    • @pagu says:

      Oh please. The NDP right about no should be seen and not heard. They cannot speak about victimisation. They were the king of it.

      Like 9
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  4. Quiet Rebel says:

    Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy!

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  5. Lol says:

    This is a bunch of bull, Victimization usually happens in secret. Who with a position of power is so dumb to boldly say that you ain’t getting the job because you voted for Marlon.

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  6. Victimization says:

    He/she who feels the cato nine tail cross he/she back side knows it, and the perpertrators are as invisible as air, silent as a cat and deadlier than a double edge switch blade.

    Victimization of BVIslanders against BVIslanders is endemic in the BVI. It has been so since time immemorial and is getting worst.

    The victims can fill every grave yard in the territory to over flowing if they were all killed tomorrow. That is fact!

    Like 9
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  7. ccc says:

    Marlon desperate it’s so sad

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      • Heat! says:

        He’s evil now because he’s bring the heat on this grossly corrupt and vindictive administration. If that’s his reason for his evil, I want him to continue with his devilish ways! We need to rid the BVI of this corrupt, Authoritarian regime

    • @desperate says:

      I heard the ring of corruption is becoming nervous. Do your job smurf, don’t let these corrupt prudes detour you. Remain focused, keep your courage. I see you’ve found your voice and I love the sound of it!

  8. Anonymous says:

    We are practicing genocide against ourselves. Who among us can discern this statement deeply enough?

    • Some do and discern beyond... says:

      @Anonymous. But black supremacists and wannabes are no different from that of others; they all need cutting-down regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. Can others discern that? It’s best to clean this whole mess that we allowed to fester for sooo long- in-house, but this cannot be the case with a population who are afraid of the repercussions. Remember, to fight with these kinds of hue-men are like taken on the “Big Devils and their minions” themselves. They got their training from the best. Heck, history has shown that you might even end up dead in the process. But as the saying goes, “all we need for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.” “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” if not kept in-checked. The whole world sees how it’s being played out here; and where the world is involved, there are those with eagerly intentions to grab up the spoils. We can do better, but excessive greed has become the only mission for gaining political power in our country today, for most.

      • Our BVI story time says:

        That’s why they had Kendoy Penn killed, execution style. He was passionate about fighting against injustices and corruption, and they had to take him out before he became too much of a threat. He would have been the biggest pro bono attorney in the BVI today, if he was allowed to blossomed fully. Rest in love our brother. Some are still keeping those memories alive. To those who carried out this heinous crime, or may have been involved in any shape or form, may his spirit continue to haunt you’ll, day and night, till justice is finally solved.

  9. @some do says:

    Do you mean black supremacists against their own? This practice is carried out on a grand scale here in the BVI.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Our mental, psycho and sociopolitico health are in a terrible state. Yet, we are as ignorant of our musings as the days we were in bondage. Is the any hope for us?

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