BVI News

Power struggle! They even try to use my father against me

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Ahead of his Virgin Islands Party’s (VIP) congress and race for party leadership this Sunday, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has condemned the usual shenanigans that play out during the proverbial ‘talking season’ in the territory — a term often used to describe the frenetic period just before elections are held.

Dr Wheatley alluded to a recent report in the media which claimed that he slept on the floor of the airport in Antigua and argued that such reckless information was being peddled for malicious reasons.

The allegations ignited a mini-firestorm of controversy in the territory and forced the Premier to forcefully dispute the claims multiple times in recent days after the claims began circulating.

“Lots of arrows [are] being pointed in my direction and I think it’s a sad thing that it takes place. Most of it is because of politics,” the Premier said in the House of Assembly on Thursday.

Premier Wheatley said he was saddened to see how politics causes persons to seek to tear down and destroy each other.

“I have persons who – they even go as far as taking my father’s unfortunate circumstances to try to use it against me politically,” the Premier stated. “I mean that’s how low they stoop, just for politics.”

After surviving some of the worst and most difficult times in recent years through what he described as love and neighbourliness, Dr Wheatley said persons are now at each other’s throats, simply for the sake of power.

“I just think we’re better than that as a community. And of course, we’re in the political season, and you’ll hear all types of things in the political season – just for the sake of power,” the Premier said.

Dr Wheatley made a plea for decorum and urged persons to keep their heads on during the political season.

“Don’t get caught up in the madness,” Premier Wheatley urged. “Because when the political season is over, we will still have to live with each other, and survive with each other.”

Dr Wheatley is expected to contest the post of Chairman of the VIP when the party meets this Sunday to elect office bearers ahead of the expected general elections that are due by mid-May.

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  1. Resident says:

    Sadly Mr Premier it’s not just because of politics. BVIslanders like to pull down others for no reason. They do it a lot to expats and unfortunately they do it even more so to their own local people. I’ve seen it first hand and I was appalled but have gotten used to it. It’s really sad. Don’t mind the noise Sir. It’s not going to change. Just do what you can in your position as premier to lift this country up. There are more for you than against you.

    Like 36
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  2. Karma says:

    You live by the sword. You die by the sword. You were step in step with the head coach destroying the credibility and names of other people during the elections. God knows if you knew about the witch craft as well. You are not innocent. You are not born again. This is not a new party with a new vision. It’s the same terrible party that lost its elected leader. A man who you admired and emulated and learnt a lot from.

    Like 41
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  3. Full circle says:

    The Sl+*anda has no credibility to talk about tearing down has he forget what he has done to others?

    Like 19
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  4. @Resident says:

    What u said about BVIslanders is true but expats love to hold down and down cast BVIslanders too. Especially after they were good to them.

    Like 24
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  5. Chupes says:

    When he and that fork tongue Head coach mentor of his was tearing down people and telling lies he didn’t know. Sowande I can’t wait to see you out of government.

    Like 13
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  6. Merle says:

    Why is the Premier so disturbed by what people say. Play his tapes from the last election campaigns and tell me if he is any different. I wondered why politicians resort to the things they do and say then they cannot take the same criticism. He will get over it some day.

    Like 15
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  7. Elsa says:

    Expats, especially from other Caribbean islands like to tear down BVI Belongers too because of envy and greed, so you need to hush. You don’t hear the Asians complaining and sticking their noses where they don’t belong, but a certain crew think they should have the same rights as the natives. As my brother would say “go long”

    Like 15
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  8. ASK HIM says:


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  9. cant believe he did that says:

    What kinda man will put his father in the old people’s home?

    Like 3
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  10. Fact, says:

    years ago, a couple came and asked to help them with shelter, to include the entire family.

    They were happy. They received willingly what they need.

    Here is a sample of some of their awful, evil minds. A few months later, the landlord informed that they requested that i be put. Why their reason? Oh,they wanted the whole dwelling for themselves after begging for the kindness of an individual.

    The landlord decline. They then began participating in beaviors that were creul, and even attempted murder was tried.

    So, @ Resident, he who feels the bad minded sword of some of those people have think to tell.

    Like 3
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  11. Me says:

    Put this boi on stage to say a recitation he is perfect..This is not leadership mentality.Thanks I not voting no more

    Like 7
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  12. @Elsa says:

    You know what the Asians saying! the unknown is what you should be worried abut

  13. Oh Boy. says:

    Politics has become dirtier and dirtier as politicians and media becomes more desperate..Thats the game, either play or go home..sad though..

  14. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    It’s time for the 7Disttict to recall this man. They need to mussel him quick because every time he open his mouth he finds a new way to embarrass himself and his constituents

    Like 5
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  15. SPH LOVE NOTES says:

    We need a political revival in the BVI. We need to see a resurrection of lost values. A re resurgence of lost principles. A new flavour of modern politicians wno are about nation building and not self-aggrandisement. It will take more than popularity contests to bring the BVI from its fallen state of moral decline. The dibnity of the common people needs to be restored. We cannot achieve better if politicians are sold out to campaign financiers.

  16. ???? says:

    Doug is in his Country of birth. Are you in your Country like wise????

    Like 1
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  17. How low says:

    How low will you stoop Premier to stay in power while powers that be destroy the country while you watch? Why do you think they using you. Because you stoop low. Step down and support the people who are strong to lead against the injustices of the people that they now seek to legalise in this country. Just read the proposed police bill. Can you imagine such an incompetent police force having so much power to do what is illegal and inhumane in any civil society? Is this the price you have to pay to stay in power? Time to do the right thing and step down.

    Like 2
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  18. ???? says:

    Nonsense you talking. You need to explain your case sir/madam

    Like 1
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  19. Facts says:

    This is why nobody with any common sense will seek to hold any elected office in the BVI as the voters and most politicians have this thing for a big joke. Pure power hungry, clannish people at work. A small Territory with 12,000 voters, only 60% of which actually turns out to vote and have all this drama and 3 and 4 different parties. All while nobody is focused on moving the Territory forward. Big names, big jeeps, big house, big pension, big allowance, big parties, big ranks. This is all they care about, have fun.

  20. Lol says:

    It’s a regional thing..self sabotage and victimhood.Say like ants stinging themselves for spite lol.

  21. Not capable says:

    No one on office and no one on the roster capable of taking the bvi out of where it is. The comm of inq exposed so much mess but it turned out to be a waste of time because we will now be doing more of the same

    Like 3
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  22. Rubber Duck says:

    A bright new future is coming soon with a new leader who is competent and honest.

    We all know who she will be.

    The current crop of politicians will be in retirement or in Balo.

    Bring it on.

  23. Thin skin says:

    We have a cry cry baby tin skin leader. Suppose Barack use to bawl everytime they say something about him buddy? All our government people from top to bottom can’t take nothing before they start to ball. Man up the man and run the country. Leave the little stuff alone and lead the people out the wilderness if you have the ability

  24. Wickedness in high places says:

    Leave expatriate out of this they did not vote anyone in Govt . Take the blame squarely
    The wickedness in high places is falling down on the country . The cries of the poor and needy that are oppressed and turned away by Social Development, the people in position oppressing the down trodden are what is haunting the country . Repentance is needed

  25. Anonymous says:

    We don’t want another Noel Loyd. You will get the vote of this Generation. Lion Heart

  26. Lion Heart says:

    We don’t want another Noel Loyd,so you will get my vote. Remember who you were 20yrs ago.

  27. Anonymous says:

    All f you have lost your senses, no one focus on what the change will bring but quickly asking where the Premier dad is. Kee the perspective to the forefront and try to reason why the new change will come about. This country have something’s another country needs for their survival and instead of finding loopholes and covering it with solid constitutional right, most try to bash the premier. Silly how Virgin Islands are quick to do a bus run over the premier. So, hear my silly advice of counsel.

    1. Can we ask the people and Christian counselors to sincerely pray for this country and stop talking foolishness and create action.
    2. Virgin Islands belong to the Virgin island people, to live in peace and harmony.
    3. Start talking to the family to support their candidate of who will deliver work in exchange for a salary in this election. If most young people travel and explore other people culture, am sure they will return to this beautiful place and appreciate it.
    4. Know where you stand with your vote. Don’t let the older business men support their part for all the government contract, but let it be shared among the young also.

    Your vote counts, so, let it work in your favor and others also.

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