BVI News

Premier avoids giving support for Willock’s COI injunction push

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has avoided giving any endorsement of House Speaker Julian Willock’s push for an injunction against attorneys that work on behalf of the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI).

The injunction is specifically against attorneys Rhea Harrikissoon, Andrew King and Bilal Rawat — all of whom Willock and his legal team said has been practising law in the territory without being called to the Bar, as required by law.

Speaking last Friday during a press briefing, Premier Fahie said he has chosen not to voice his opinion on Willock’s actions against the COI since the legislative body (the House of Assembly headed by the Speaker) was ‘independent’.

When responding to a question on what his thoughts were about the Speaker’s actions, Premier Fahie said his branch of the government – the executive – remained in full cooperation mode with the COI and was hopeful for a fair and just outcome in the end.

“It continues to be government’s policy to engage and work with the COI,” the Premier said.

He added: “We stated clearly that we believed in a transparent Commission of Inquiry that will yield a just outcome … and we believe that this is the best way to demonstrate that the initial allegations levied by former Governor Jaspert are incorrect.”

The former governor, Augustus Jaspert, instituted the COI to establish whether evidence of corruption, abuse of office or other serious dishonesty has taken place in public office in recent years.

Meanwhile, the Premier said the Speaker is in an “independent area” but his government remained steadfast in its stance.

This is despite the fact that it was Premier’ Andrew Fahie’s government that selected the outspoken House Speaker to serve in the post.

According to the Premier, no one should ever be seen as interfering with any of the three branches of government.

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  1. Whatever.... says:

    You think we stupid. You are behind that 100 percent.. Abdrew

    Like 25
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  2. Suck teeth says:

    This Premier continues to take the BVI people for fools. He is the minister of finance and if he wants this injunction to stop it would stop because it cannot go anywhere without money. All of these legal cases being brought by the Speaker requires money. Whether they were budgeted or not the minister of finance can decide not to fund them. The game that our Premier is playing is to use Speaker Willock to do his deeds and then pretend that he is not involved or that the Speaker is working independently. Andrew Fahie believes he is the only person with a brain in his head in the entire BVI. Trying to be clever but is actually not at all just a very dec**tive person.

    Like 43
    • well well says:

      How come he saying that the speaker is independent
      now , and when the speaker did the same thing with Mark , Andrew step in. And his Advisor want us to go Independent?

      Like 10
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  3. SMH says:

    He had bettet do that! Speaker out of Order! Thinks He has Power!

  4. Translation: says:

    Willock, you on your own.

    Like 7
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  5. heckler says:

    Ayo don’t mind he! He is the one behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings.

    Like 19
  6. LOL says:


    Like 15
  7. Well sah says:

    So he throw the esteemed under the bus

  8. VI Gyal says:

    Political gimmick. Premier think only his brains on all. Just some out here stupid enough to believe his every word.

    Like 13
  9. Good says:

    The the speaker will pay all the legal costs when he loses.

    Like 8
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  10. Know this says:


    Like 4
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  11. 3rd string says:

    This man is a j**e and poor oj gone and join him with this nonsense.

  12. HELLOOOOOOOh says:

    those of you seems to be in a slumber seem to forget how he disposed of his PATHNER from the 3rd district ( who cannot even decide on a good *** to complement his image

  13. YOUTH says:

    The Premier is a wise man.

    Like 1
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  14. @Know This says:

    Premier knows he is at the brink of POLITICAL SUICIDE. I would not think he would be this silly to be behind something like that. But in due time we shall see. REMEMBER, WHAT GOES IN THE WASH, MUST COME OUT IN THE RINSE. YOUR CALL MR. PREMIER.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Full cooperation mode and demolition mode by the puppet master & Will-Cocky the puppet.

  16. KLM says:

    @To Heckler, The COI hasn’t broken any laws of the BVI, the COI is doing an inquiry that’s not a criminal offense. There have been many detectives in the BVI from all over doing investigations “Did they had to pet the OK from the Head of police? These people know what they are doing and they know better than anyone of us if they needed to get a OK from the BVI Bar Association.

  17. PT9 says:

    Andrew Fahie said he has chosen not to voice his opinion on Willock’s actions against the COI since the legislative body (the House of Assembly headed by the Speaker) was ‘independent’. So to the people of the BVI, that would mean that he should be paying the lawyers, not the taxpayers. I hope the COI recommends that you and Willock pay for the lawyers. You acting all nice now but you have already set the outcome of this COI with all the crazy spending and all that you are doing is proof that you are way over your head with this job as Premier. I do believe that you are in on this behind the scenes you think you can get away with anything because he is smarter.

  18. Jones says:

    What is said in public is far different from what is said in private. What I am saying is though the Premier may not appear to be supporting the Speaker’s efforts publicly, it doesn’t mean he’s not supporting them privately.

  19. Facts says:

    Willock we the people with you

    Like 2
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  20. BVIGOVLTD says:

    The government should be treated like a company- it gets paid to provide a service to the public. Companies pay third parties huge sums of money to be audited yet the UK is offering this service FOR FREE. Any witness providing resistance of any kind (Wi****k) should be placed under the highest level
    of suspicion.

  21. Free Soul says:

    This … just doesn’t done with the lies, gas-lighting, and deflection. Poor humankind of the BVI!! He need not be Premier after this circus show!

  22. Jimmy Jowe says:

    A couple A$$-Clowns, Aqndy and Joules. This whole VIP and NDP are A** Clowns.

  23. Strange says:

    Is the House of Assembly headed by the Speaker independent? Independent of whom? Who control the speaker or covertly supports him? Isnt the HOA comprised of all cabinet members? How then is it independent of cabinet?

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