BVI News

Premier banking on restored CCTV to identify indiscriminate dumpers

“We see stoves, even refrigerators outside bins. Persons would never know how many times government has clean up around these dumps.” — Premier Fahie

The government will be spending just under a half-million dollars to restore the territory’s closed-circuit television (CCTV) network and it is hoping this restoration will bring them a step closer to identifying persons involved in indiscriminate dumping locally.

Premier Andrew Fahie gave that indication recently when he signed a contract with Cable and Wireless BVI Ltd to rebuild the backbone surveillance infrastructure destroyed during the September 2017 hurricanes.

The leader of government business said the project, which is valued at more than $411,000, will not only support the efforts of law enforcement in detecting and preventing crime.

“From districts One to Nine, we see stoves, even refrigerators outside bins. Persons would never know how many times government has clean up around these dumps. It is only a minority of persons that are guilty of this, but it is a growing trend and it reflects badly on all of us. This [project] will help us tremendously in identifying the culprits,” the Premier said.

In the meantime, works for the project is expected to commence shortly. Those works will involve the installation of a dedicated fibre network for the CCTV system through the territory.

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  1. Its a shame says:

    that we have come to a point in this territory whereby CCTV is needed to identify illegal dumping and dissuade people from doing so. Where has our pride gone? Is this the way we maintain our homes as well?

    Now, I think part of the solution is not just installing CCTV, but installing easily assessable solid waste dumping areas in all 9 districts whereby residents can go and take their heavy items for disposal.

    I would imagine this issue is not necessarily one of people just lacking in pride for their communities, but probably one of they don’t have anywhere to conveniently dump large items. Some of these dumpsters I see along the roads are simply too small for such items.

    Again, designated solid waste areas needs to created in all 9 districts, followed by heavy finds for law breakers.

    Like 16
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    • AReminder says:

      These are the humanity and culture with which t he VI has chosen to build. Personal gratification of elected power is the intent. A place now where poverty and handouts and questionable education progress. Crime of every kind is motk. Policemen crawling where no crime not too long ago was a rarity.
      A change in the demographic makeup of the VI would be a start in the right direction.
      The Monaco model looks fitting.

  2. What!!!! says:

    Stupid idea for cameras at bin sites.
    Once people know there is a camera at the bin they will go and dump their garbage in the bush.

    Like 29
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  3. Hmmm says:

    Stop wasting my tax money on cameras & fix the water system here in the BVI !!!! done here in west end we haven’t had water over 4weeks for god sake. !!

    Like 12
  4. Lilly says:

    Unfortunately, that’s one of the things that comes with growth. Some people come with no pride because they are not nationals.

    Like 1
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    • @lilly says:

      You mean the nationals that washing out their cement trucks in the road? Or the ones that dumping construction waste, oil from their restaurants ect at residential trash bins?

    • Pinthtop says:

      The obvious is to create an expanding population with quality. Build a BVI with decent humanity.
      We know who the culprits are.. the boarders at Balsam,the trouble makers and the indecent and the nasty,
      Stop the nonsense about “all ah we are one ” and do what is right for the future of the VI and its people.

  5. Pinthtop says:

    The obvious is to create an expanding population with quality. Build a BVI with decent humanity.
    We know who the culprits are.. the boarders at Balsam,the trouble makers and the indecent and the nasty,
    Stop the nonsense about “all ah we are one ” and do what is right for the future of the VI and its people.

  6. Solution says:

    Have a bulk pick up day once per month and this will help. They do it in other places.
    Allow persons to put out their bulky waste on particular days and have solid waste pick it up.I know some persons can do better but
    not everybody has the means by which to take their bulk waste to Pockwood Pond.

    • @ Solution says:

      I do believe that there is a bulk pick-up day because I’ve seen Solid Waste Department collecting the bulk from the dump sites on various occasions. The problem I believe is that persons may not know the schedule (or even care to find out) and so they dump their bulk at any given time. A solution can be for the Department to actually post signs at the bin sites notifying the community of the bulk pickup days. Yes, some persons may ignore the signs and still dump nilly-willy, however, at least the department would’ve done their part.

  7. Feed up says:

    Fix the school for goodness sake who cares about a bloody camera

    Like 2
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  8. heckler says:

    Fahie stop it! stop it!…..Didn’t you know that after folks were told to throw their solid waste by the garbage bins it will continue indefinitely? To add insult to injury, they are now being told that garbage contractors will be the ones contracted to dispose of it so therefore the 3yd truckers gonna stop going to the incinerator

  9. Wish you luck says:

    It comes down to who monitoring these cameras and how serious are they. And would they be protecting their friends and family. We kno how the thing run here..

  10. Waste says:

    Something gone to these people head. One failed policy after the next. Waste of money, waste of space, worst than the waste they claim not being dumped in the bin. Is the problem really worth spending a whole half a million to resolve! Something not right and soon it will come to light. These knee jerk policies seem to be a reaction to some underlying storm that will come to light. No vision! No vision! It was all a lie.

  11. L Ipton says:

    Lack of priorities at the moment. Putting CCTV to discover who dumping around the bins…ridiculous. These bins should be erected larger or garbage extracted more frequently.

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