BVI News

Premier champions COI reforms amid Andrew Fahie verdict

Though he has come under fire for his handling of the COI reforms, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has championed the good governance changes, saying they must be used to restore the BVI’s reputation amid any negative backlash from his predecessor, Andrew Fahie’s conviction.

At a press conference last week, a journalist asked Premier Wheatley what the government is doing to ensure that the territory continues to convince the world that law and order is respected and upheld amid the negative fallout from Fahie’s drug conviction in the US.

“The COI and the implementation of the reforms — that’s the main thing we have to do, along with the report for the mutual evaluation (linked to financial services) — these are things we have to do and let the whole world know what we are doing to strengthen our institutions of government,” Premier Wheatley stated.

He also hailed the BVI’s judicial process, saying they must be strengthened to ensure that justice is administered where necessary. But in the end, the Premier said it is up to individuals to hold themselves accountable and make sure they are on the right side of the law at all times.

Last week, the BVI was hit with news that former Premier Andrew Fahie was found guilty of conspiring to smuggle drugs into the United States with the intention of laundering the proceeds he would have made from the arrangement.

The news has saddened many in the community, some of whom believe the former Premier was framed by UK government officials who disliked his leadership when he led the BVI as Premier.

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  1. Time for Change.. says:

    Time for a change. We have tried locals after locals and we got failure and oppression over and over..Time for the Table to turn, people like Cindy and others who’s being oppressed by her own just for her opinions deserve a chance. Hence I support a short Britain take over.”SHORT” Fix things put us back on the right track, call a local election and hand it back to us..

    Like 21
    Dislike 2
    • Hmmmm says:

      Agreed with 80% of what you suggest except voting in a person like Cindy. Remember she sold us out when she banded with Luarna in the Corna. Likely got a big check too. That kind of judgment I think we can do without. Don’t you think?

  2. Anonymous says:

    How does one get framed to do a crime outside of the country? You think the UK and American government would coordinate a framing of the former premier? You do the crime you do the time. This blog loves to frame the Former Premier as innocent even when found guilty. It’s pretty sad. Good thing small time blogs won’t ever influence American politics.

    Like 13
  3. Rubber Duck says:

    Framed by the UK?

    He took and kept $20,000 from a man he believed to be a drug dealer and promised to break the law for more cash.

    Wheres the frame?

  4. Home says:

    How can the UK set up Andrew when Andrew was the one who set up is own self my greed how some of ayo does really get this say out of ayo mouth.
    [1] did the UK force Andrew into going to the USA
    [2] did the UK order Andrew to go and look for the drugs kartel to make a deal with drugs and Guns
    [3]Andrew sit rite there and talk everything about how to get the drugs and Guns here in the bvi by air are by sea .ayo forget them have he in tapes and videos saying all these things
    [4] ayo remember Andrew the 1 saying on tapes that he help many people’s brings in drugs before and them never pay he ayo forget that ,so tell me how did the UK set he up eh lol ,these people’s in the UK maybe reading all these bloggs and saying some of these people’s here in the bvi are very stupid how can the UK set he up when he’s the one collect the 20k here all that on tape and the list goes on ,Andrew would’ve never walk away free not in americana

  5. Home says:

    How can the UK set up Andrew when Andrew was the one who set up is own self by greed how some of ayo does really get this say out of ayo mouth.
    [1] did the UK force Andrew into going to the USA
    [2] did the UK order Andrew to go and look for the drugs kartel to make a deal with drugs and Guns
    [3]Andrew sit rite there and talk everything about how to get the drugs and Guns here in the bvi by air are by sea .ayo forget them have he in tapes and videos saying all these things
    [4] ayo remember Andrew the 1 saying on tapes that he help many people’s brings in drugs before and them never pay he ayo forget that ,so tell me how did the UK set he up eh lol ,these people’s in the UK maybe reading all these bloggs and saying some of these people’s here in the bvi are very stupid how can the UK set he up when he’s the one collect the 20k here all that on tape and the list goes on ,Andrew would’ve never walk away free not in americana

  6. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    What does the Premier, S!0w W@nde, and the A$$ C!0wn Brigade have to say about the US$87.000 which FAHEY reportedly used to pay VIP debt? The VIP spent drug money. We need to get to the bottom of that whilst the government is transparent re tackling the COI

  7. Concerned Citizen says:

    I am concerned as the VIP party reportedly received $87000 from FAHEY from the drug money. Aren’t they a not for profit entity and regulated by FSC? The Commission needs to get to the bottom of this if it is to be taken seriously. They don’t need political permission to review every shred of paper, every memo every letter every email etc etc

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