BVI News

Premier chides Walwyn for unfair tactics

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley criticised Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn for straying off-topic recently during discussions meant to focus on critical financial legislation in the House of Assembly (HOA). The debate, which was supposed to concentrate on financial services and beneficial ownership, unexpectedly shifted to unrelated issues like tourism and infrastructure.

Dr Wheatley expressed frustration with the deviation from the main agenda, arguing that Walwyn’s argument was ’a real stretch’ and indicative of political gamesmanship.

He lamented the departure from established norms of bipartisan support for financial services legislation, which he argued is vital for the territory’s economic stability.

“I welcome the support given by all members of the House…but I do have to say that we’re very liberal in terms of debating the bill before us, and we found ourselves talking about water and roads and tourism and other matters,” Dr Wheatley said as he protested Walwyn’s contribution.” It was a real stretch, and I think it’s not something that should be encouraged.”

But Walwyn defended his approach, suggesting that the Premier’s criticisms were inconsistent. “The Standing Orders clearly say that you stay within the periphery as it were of the issue. You’re dealing with financial services, which touches the economy. But if, let’s just say, perhaps I am wrong and the Premier has gotten up and condemned that I’m wrong. He can’t then turn around and respond because to respond would also take him outside of the very same thing that he’s accusing me of. So… you can’t be two persons at the same time. You can’t have two views at the same time.”

Premier Wheatley expressed confusion at Walwyn’s interruption, arguing that he was merely referencing Walwyn’s comments in a cursory way and pointing out that Walwyn’s statements require a response.

The Premier also voiced concerns about how the debate’s content is relayed to the public, suggesting that it might not always be presented fairly. “A lot of information goes out to the public… it is from the perspective that I would not say is balanced and needs to be balanced,” Dr Wheatley stated.

“I would have much preferred just unconditional, unequivocal support as we’re used to on financial services matters rather than conflating all types of other issues on the financial services issues,” the Premier said. “I don’t think it’s helpful.  I think it’s a reason why we don’t want to politicise these types of matters.”

He urged lawmakers to keep partisan jabs out of the debate and encouraged them to stick to matters before the House instead.




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  1. SMH says:

    This is all he good for. Putting up fracas and being on the defense instead of producing results without charade. Just like his predecessor! Always jumping to react instead of being productive without provocation.

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  2. BVI? says:

    Natalio Wheatley you are a wa**e of time I think most of the BVI knows that

    Like 18
  3. Chupes says:

    Walwyn just outsmart him that’s all. I was listening to debate. He believe that his brains big but Walwyn has him on the ropes.

    Like 23
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  4. so says:

    so walwyn bring up issues with roads and infrastructure and the premier had an issue with it becuz its not relative to the discussion?

    the same issues that the people crying out for to fix?

    smh alright mr wheatley.

    Like 15
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  5. Observer says:

    The financial services industry is part of the economy so Walwyn was within his right to speak on the wider economy. The Premier does not want to be hold to account so he will make any excuse not to do so. Keep the pressure on him Myron.

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  6. Anonymous says:

    This known as attacking the one personality that appears to rising as the most best persona to be in place tcchallenge for and take over leadership of embattled Virgin Islands.

    Strewn to storms one way by gluttonous greedy members of a corrupt party, and embattled by the currents of its leadership for complete fulfilment of its personal financial goals.

    All have seen and witnessed the blatant legslative authorization drive for achieving personal riches steared towards the current Greedy Bunch orchestrated by the roality at Maiami’spenalhotel and the second in command here in office..

    Indeed, nothing has been done to bring their legislative riches in line with with reasonableness, fairness, moral righteousness and Godliness.

    And sadly, the clowns of thei territoury will stil be looking upp to and drnking the fake show reilgiousparades ofthese our religious. for greed, money and lots of it.

    From VG (9th) to Tolat to JVD, they all of the agenda, they agreed toit and theypushed forward. inimplemetig it.

    They. made sure they got all they wanted, while agai pushing bac the people’s business of increments another four years.

    These are some of the most. evil, greedy and corrptindividuals the BVI populace have ever elected to office. The are up there with the best practitioners of greed ever seen in the political world.

    Like 1
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  7. @ ANONYMOUS says:

    and what would say about those who caused the implosion in the NDP , that’s where it all started ( the Indians said ” white man speak with forked tongue ” , but there is no white man in the NDP – so it ain’t the white man alone who speaks with FORKED TONGUES , then we have a ser of wann pastors that is using the Bible as a front just like themselves fke politicians using their positions as a weapon on their own people , with a smile on their faces as they walk all over you

    Like 2
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  8. BuzzBvi says:

    But the people dont want that anymore. The people want transparency OR the UK.

    Like 5
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  9. Leave says:

    Myron walwyn for the premier who vex, vex .this socall premier don’t know is head from is foot worst premier ever in the bvi to leads us bvi people’s wake up some ayo like ayo still sleeping this man going to lead ayo over the cliff

    Like 15
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  10. Gong says:

    Mr. Premier, WHAT THE F**K IS REALLY WRONG WITH YOU PARNA? You see what is happening in the country and you continue to focus on BULLS**T, going on Tola Radio to TALK S**T, spend almost $2mil on Music Fest, no focusing on August Festival while ignoring the real issues in the Territory. Man you are a COMPLETE FAILURE AND WASTE OF TIME!!!!!

    Like 12
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  11. Malcom x says:

    Get the f**k out of here

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