Premier had requested to join governor at COI press conference
Premier Andrew Fahie’s last-minute request to be a part of the live press conference on Commission of Inquiry last Friday was seemingly denied by then-Governor Augustus Jaspert after the notable absence of the Premier at the event.
A letter addressed to the governor by Premier Fahie dated Thursday, January 21, revealed that the leader of government business had formally requested to attend the occasion just hours before the conference.
According to the Premier, his intention of being present was to show some semblance of unity among the territory’s governing officials.
Fahie told Jaspert: “I note that you intend to hold a press conference, together with the Commissioner, tomorrow, Friday 22 January 2021. I believe that, even at this late stage, it would send a clear and positive signal of our mutual intention to work together to ensure transparency and to make the Inquiry a success, if I, or another Minister, were to participate in that event as well.”
“If, as I hope, you are in agreement, I would be most grateful if you would provide details of the arrangements,” he added.
Premier explains the acquisition of legal team
Premier Fahie also explained to the governor why his government decided to acquire the law firm Withers, along with leading counsel, Sir Geoffrey Cox, QC — the former Attorney General of England and Wales.
He said their main role is to advise and represent the government in all matters relating to the Commission of Inquiry, which include the Terms of Reference.
“My concern is to ensure that the Inquiry is assisted in its task of reaching a just outcome, which will be widely accepted as having fairly and rigorously examined the facts and matters that are said to be the basis of issuing the Commission of Inquiry,” the Premier stated.
“This can only be achieved if the Inquiry, as no doubt it will, acts with the maximum of transparency, applies proper probative standards to the information it receives and affords a fair opportunity for important allegations of fact to be tested. Only if that is so, will any recommendations for improvements in governance and administrative culture that it might eventually make be likely to take root and be effective,” the Premier explained.
The Commission of Inquiry is expected to conclude sometime in June/July, where the findings from all the investigations will be handed over to the territory’s sitting governor.

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BVI news you’re so stupid with this silly transparency logo. Leave that for the international media house. You are also bringing down the BVI. Then again where you from? Most likely not BVIslander run.
Just leave it alone don’t make things worst here
Are we sure that our Premier is mentally sound? Between this request and his dressing on Saturday to see the governor off I don’t understand. The blind could see that it’s his behaviour and actions over the past 23 months is the main reason for this COI but yet he is out here trying to convince us that it’s the NDP who left government two years ago. So the actions of a government that was removed from office two years ago is what caused this. Is this man serious? Boss, take responsibility for your actions. Everybody could see. You want to join the governor at a press conference for something that you caused? I think you need to have your head thoroughly examined.
I would agree, The Premier appears that he is a little bit on the m***tal side or he is about to be. He appears to be loosing it. LOOK AT THE WAY HE PRESENTED HIMSELF WHEN HE SEND THE GOVERNOR OFF. NOT A GOOD LOOK. HE BOUGHT MORE EMBARRASSMENT TO HIMSELF. SHAME ON OUR PREMIER FOR LOOKING LIKE A STREET TH** WITH ATTITUDE.
I am wondering the same thing. Our Premier is running helter-skelter trying to prove a point. Please take responsibility for your actions.
As for the dress code to see the Governor off, as simple as it seems it speaks volumes. It’s indirectly saying you are not that important for me to look official.
Was in shock at the Premier’s dressing on Saturday. Simply unbelievable !!!
Press Conference 7 January, 2019 (Why Are We Crying Wolf)
“Hon. Fahie referred to the Motion of No Confidence that he brought on the government and stated that none of the former government members who are currently with the PVIM supported the move. Therefore, Hon. Fahie called on the residents to remember this when they go to the polls:
While continuing to allege that both the NDP and PVIM are the same Hon. Fahie said: “The blue NDP members and the red NDP members are equally responsible for the current hardships in the society, the botched recovery efforts and the rampant corruption in the land. Based on answers to questions in the House of Assembly; based on events that are now unfolding – I can safely state that I have been fully vindicated when I proclaimed years ago that “this is the most corrupt government in the history of the Virgin Islands. I will go out on a limb to say that in my opinion, they all must be equally punished by the electorate of this Territory.”
If you live in a glass house don’t throw stones and if you can’t take blows brother don’t throw blows
Ok now, our Premier is officially a b****t case. Time to resign Premier. It’s in the best interest of the country. Let Carvin take over as leader. You have demonstrated that you don’t have the c******nce, temperament, diplomatic skills needed to run this territory. And now it seems as if you are m*****ly uns****e. A COI is being called into your government handling of the stimulus money and all the other awful allegations being made and you want to stand up with the person requesting the inquiry jointly? You all can’t see this is a dep****d mind at work?
Hiring this high-priced lawyer is an admission of guilt in my book.
Andrew cried wolf and now wolf come. The only thing is that he is going to get eaten by the wolf instead of those who he schemed and lied on hoping that they will be eaten. Your own mischief has now come back to haunt you. God doesn’t sleep.
Have anyone heard from Mr. Whiskers? He is usually vocal on issues concerning all the Governors.
Come out, come out wherever you are!!!
Go sit your behind down! Stay in your lane!!
No Mr. Premier, you cannot micro-manage the inquiry nor can you bully your way in.
This man is da******s and de******ive and he does not know when to quit. He does all his b**ness and then run to church to hold up his hand and play more holy than Jesus himself. He has all the pastors fooled since they allegedly get big money from the stimulus money from Social Security. I hear churches get up to 20K while businesses who employ people get 3-6K. How can that be right? He want to get the pastors and the churches on his side to white wash his imagine. The pastors are so blind they can’t see a thing. He just wanted to go to that press conference so he could continue to push his untruths and put blame on other people. I have had enough of him and Claude. Their judgment will be swift and heavy.