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Premier moves to amend controversial retirement law

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley stuck to his word when he moved a motion in the House of Assembly (HOA) yesterday, June 29, to amend the controversial Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Act, 2021.

The law, in essence, granted lawmakers lump sum payments, gratuity and guaranteed salaries for years to come, even in instances where they were voted out of office after only serving as single-term legislators.

Often referred to by some residents as the ‘Greedy Bill’, the law was met with vociferous opposition after its passage, but the former Andrew Fahie administration at the time remained unmoved over those objections and subsequent protests.

After a call from the now-Sixth District Representative, Myron Walwyn, during the elections campaign to have the law repealed, other lawmakers jumped on board and also pledged to repeal or amend the law once they got elected.

Dr Wheatley later promised during the election campaign to forego any payments owed to him as a result of the amended law.

“I’m going to man up and I’m gonna say that was a mistake and I’m gonna man up as well and say, I will not collect a dime,” Dr Wheatley said during the campaign season. “I will not collect a dime on that retirement act in its current form and I intend, God willing, [if] I’m given the opportunity, to repeal the entire bill.”

Yesterday, the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Services) Amendment Bill, 2023, was added to the Order Paper during the Second Sitting of the House and given its first reading.

Despite a promise some legislators made during the election campaign to deliver greater transparency in the HOA , it is not immediately clear whether the provisions in the new law will be made public at any time during the proceedings and ahead of its passage.

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  1. WIL LOCK you up says:

    My check ready yet?

  2. Rattie says:

    Fu**y man just grandstanding he got his ton of money

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  3. Elevate says:

    My district rep made this happen! Thank you Hon. Myron Walwyn.

    Like 11
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  4. Eldread says:

    Myro is a true leader, his observation and pronouncement has determine the narrative during the election and shape future events in politics, that history in the making cause he alone has reversed Fahieism.

    Like 5
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  5. @Rattie says:

    Shut yuh lying mouth. Somebody pass the baygon let flit this moo moo

    Like 1
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  6. Set ah moo moo says:

    Hon. Walwyn was brave enough to call this out on the campaign. They throw licks on him to shut him up and nobody came to his defense until the public fully understood what the Act did. When the public tide shifted to Hon. Walwyn then you see the other political parties including the same VIP come saying that they will repeal part of the Act. Thank you Hon. Walwyn for standing up and being brave regardless. What you got was what you were entitled to and you were not a member of House of Assembly at the time. If they pass an Act that you and others benefit from how does that become your fault. Don’t listen to the retarded cult members in the VIP.

    Like 8
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  7. Faithful VI Gal says:

    Walwyn done collect on the Greedy Bill so now he’s pushing for it to be repealed. If he gives back what he collected from the said Bill, then and only then will I see him as a genuine person. If he keeps it, well we know that he doesn’t give a rat’s @$$ about our Territory, only himself

    Like 8
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  8. What!!! says:

    No the premier is not a man of his word.Before the election he promised to repeal the “greedy law” amend and repeal are not the same thing.Suggest he looks up the difference between amend and repeal so he can do what promised if re elected.

  9. @faithful vi gal says:

    How could Walwyn have collected on the greedy bill when the greedy part of the bill started with the persons who were members of the immediate past House of Assembly? Was Walwyn a member of the immediate past House of Assembly? No! The VIP pass a bill that increased the pension for every living member of the legislative council and the House of Assembly. Is Eileen fault that her pension amount increased? She left the council nearly 20 years now? Is Conrad fault? Ronnie fault? Orlando fault? Kedrick fault? Stop being an idiot!
    The greedy part of the bill is the part where members of the immediate past House was paying themselves a salary after they left government.
    Take the time to read and understand things before you open your trap and talk piddle. We don’t intend to learn no kind of sense at all?

  10. @Faithful VI Gyal says:

    At some point, the stupidity in the country must come to an end. May it start with all the idiots that keep singing that song about Myron benefitting from a bill when he was not even in power when it was passed so it could not possibly have extended to him. Someday soon, stupidity will be no longer exist in this country but it has to start somewhere. Do the country a favour.

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  11. Jj says:

    Myron is e**l and selfish he benefitted from the greedy bill now after harassing the premier about his greedy bill back pay now asking for it to be repealed!!!!! hypocrisy to the bone that’s why he going d** in office in the opposition

  12. Who took the greedy money? says:

    Did the shouty woman, and the other jokers who lost their seats at the last election, claim the greedy money.
    I suspect that they did.

  13. John R says:

    We in zone 6 waiting for the bi election when he goes to jail

  14. @ What!!! says:

    Premier also said he would not collect a dime from the greedy bill. We are following??

  15. @John R says:

    Is more licks you want poor Alvera to get again? That was what the nasty set was out there saying to district 6 people but they still get blows. Landslide!

  16. @John R says:

    This country has some sick and wicked people. No wonder these things are happening to us. We are bad. Why would someone wish this on another person? These cannot be normal people. Andrew Fahie was wishing all manner of things on others and look where he is. Continue to wish bad tings for others and see what becomes of you.

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