BVI News

Premier off to Monaco Yacht Show to boost BVI

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr Natalio Wheatley is currently attending the prestigious Monaco Yacht Show until October 1st and is expected to be engaged in issues that will help to bolster the territory’s interests.

A government recent release noted that Dr Wheatley is leading a delegation from the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry at the annual Yacht Show which is dedicated to the world of super yachts. Premier Wheatley described the event as an excellent opportunity to showcase the territory as the sailing capital of the world.

“The BVI is the sailing capital of the world. We are an excellent destination to experience the wonders of the sea,” Dr Wheatley expressed.

He added: “Moreover, we can offer world-class services through our Red Ensign Category 1 Shipping Registry. The Monaco Yacht Show allows us the opportunity to promote the benefits of sailing and registering in the BVI.”

His trip to the Yacht show will be followed immediately by a United Nations Meeting in New York on October 3rd and 4th.

While in New York, Dr Wheatley will address the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly at UN Headquarters.

The platform provides him with an opportunity to advocate for the overall socio-economic and political interests of the territory on the global stage, the government said.

During Dr Wheatley’s absence, Deputy Premier Lorna Smith has been appointed to act as Premier and Minister of Finance from 23rd September to 5th October.

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  1. Salty Fish says:

    He’s the last person I want (or should be) representing our Country. First, because he has no idea what he is talking about, (Second) he’s as va**nt as the come and even the simplest of questions go over his head, and (Third) why the hell are you not taking care of our myriad of domestic issues which are of serious concern to the bulk of the citizens?

    I feel so defeated right now! Even ashamed of what has happened here. The Country and knew and still live is no more!

    God alone knows what this trip to Monico will cost for the Premier and his entourage!

    Like 30
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  2. Thats the best ah he says:

    Off and flying again leaving the 7th district in a mess….AND AS USUAL, COMING BACK EMPTY HANDED

    Like 21
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  3. Reality Check says:

    If the word on the street is even somewhat accurate, Ship’s Registry spends roughy twice as much on expenses as it takes in fees! This trip to Monaco is likely to cost at least $250,000, just as likely $500,000. Their offices are in the most expensive building in the BVI, they travel extensively, and have no control organization looking over their operation; a rogue organization spending our money recklessly!
    There are several legislative reasons why yachts don’t want to register here, one is that Import Duty is due if the vessel is in the BVI, another is that crews are subject to the Labour Code regulations.
    Dealing with them is problematic as the first thing they tell you when you go in to register is that they don’t want walk in traffic, go pay an agent to do it for you! If, as I have done, you persist, instead of handing you a complete set of forms with instructions, they only give a few at a time; it took me seven visits to complete the registration when I tried the first time. The second time it cost me three months and $1400.00 dollars with an agent.
    Premier, cancel this trip and have an audit performed immediately!!

    Like 31
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  4. A FUN BOY says:


    Like 29
  5. Yes he says:

    He seconded Andrew’s motion to kill boating around here during the pandemic.

    Like 23
  6. Bad move says:

    This man’s presence in Monaco will only harm the BVI’s marine industry. Megayachts may visit the Caribbean but never register or visit the BVI. More backward thinking by these temporary politicians.

    Like 29
  7. Barry says:

    The only thing he bolstering is his mileage and his interests

    Who is part of this delegation ?

    How much money is this costing government?

    What are the immediate and long term benefits?

    When is the next trip planned for ?

    UN is another waste of time and money

    He all over the world looking attention, squandering government money, promoting and NOT looking after the job he signed up to do
    Barry say Who don’t hear WILL feel

    Like 19
  8. Facilities available for Mega yachts says:

    6 chairs in Labour 20 chairs in immigration please book ahead to avoid disappointment.

  9. JumpStart says:

    While he is there, hopefully even if inadvertently, he will gain insight into what direction the BVI should adopt to become a successful one of a kind success Caribbean Island both economically and socially.

    The Monaco model,a perfect fit for these VI !!!!

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  10. PURE BS says:

    some shyteee

    No more no no more nor hacking more no

    these joy rides is at the end ..

    PACK YOUR BAGS Natalio and do so quickly pack your bags and clear out of that office

  11. Wild wild west says:

    Will the rich really want to visit here with how the crime rate is rising???

  12. WTF says:

    Who the industry professionals that accompanying the government on this trip?

    What we gonna sell at Monaco? VISR is a laughing stock compared to other OTs. We just gonna show everyone what we don’t have.

    Nobody in Monaco is interested in the BVI, with all its restrictions to keep their yachts out. Nobody in Monaco cares about who our Premier is or what he says.

    This was a waste of money until we could show them what we have DONE. Nobody cares about our empty promises about what we gonna do.

    Like 11
  13. ISLM says:

    I hope and pray every day that when Governor John J. Rankin leaves the BVI he will have a surprise for Natalio Wheatley I hope he will suspend the constitution and get the rid of these sorry people who call them a government.

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  14. @Barry says:

    I would also like to know who is in that “Delegation”. The last Monaco trip they took persons who had nothing to do with the subject. And you know they are all going to only stay in First Class accommodations and fly First Class. I cry for my beloved BVI, only money wasted and nothing to show for.

    Like 12
  15. Oh great says:

    Another trip where I’m sure he’ll tell us that “many sessions were held” and “productive discussions were had” and all sorts of vague proclamations made that will ultimately result in NOTHING while this territory continues to circle the drain.

    Like 12
  16. atourist says:

    Well I was at the MYS today and didn’t see him there, saw and met the Anguilla crew, why did the BVI not have a stand there. Its the place to be if you want to attract the mega yacht set.

    Like 13
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  17. Help us father says:

    What could this mo**n actually do for us in Monaco? The man just got on a vacation. He has nothing to offer the BVI at home or abroad.

    Like 8
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  18. Smh says:

    Waste of taxpayers money, just like the non-stop concert.

    Like 11
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  19. LOL! says:

    In order for a mega yacht to enter the territory they have to deal with ship registry, radio licences, work permits, immigration, customs, trade. If we were truly interested we would have a ‘package’ rather than a jolly to Monaco. Bays full of sargassum and unsustainable fishing will be the death of the BVI unless we do something about it (issues that dont need a first class ticket)

    Like 10
  20. Taxpayer says:

    How much do we spend for our government to take all these trips? Flights, hotels, restaurants, taxis, ETC. Come on! show us transparency.

    Like 8
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  21. Vacation Season in full force says:

    Monaco, Turkey and then off to the Big Apple. Then it is going to be off to Florida and back to the Big Apple for Tourism. I keep telling you guys, if you want to see the world, have Carte Blanche, unlimited perks, fly first class, stay in the best hotels, get into Politics in the BVI.

    Like 17
  22. To thats the best ah he says:

    He represents the BVI which include you too.

  23. Rhyme. Err. says:

    Oh Premier: where can you be?
    In Monaco, on a jolly!
    What are you doing?
    Our home is a ruin.
    Which makes us very unhappy.

    Like 10
  24. @Rhymer. ERR says:

    Premier is getting a first hand experience of the Monaco experience and the Monaco Model

    The smallest of principalities consciously built with importation of Wealth and with the best interest of its people,economically and socially.

    Unlike the BVI, built with imported poverty and criminality resulting In a quality of life depression,education eroded,overcrowded prisons and a scrambling for social service aka handouts,infrastructure ,bleak future

    Common sense is the Monaco Model for these BVI.

    Like 1
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  25. Deh Watcha says:

    VIP, k!(( um. They vote ayo back in so ayo can k1(( um.

    I don’t even blame the lady in the corner anymore.

    You all straight out voted for half of the HOA to be VIP members. You all celebrated when they won. You all celebrated when the lady went into another corner.

    That is what you all wanted, that is what you all got.

  26. Rubber Duck says:

    They have been there before.

    How many mega yachts ( the show is only about mega yachts ) have registered in BVI?

    I have never seen one.

  27. Talk to much says:

    The Premier was definitely at the MYS and the BVI had a lovely booth. Instead of the negativity, let be hopeful about what this means for the BVI.

  28. Talk to much says:

    The Premier was definitely at MYS and the BVI had a lovely booth.Instead of the negativity, let’s be hopeful about what this means for the BVI .

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