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Premier on Willock’s legal bill: I don’t control the HOA!

House of Assembly Speaker, Julian Willock

Premier Andrew Fahie has denied any knowledge of a likely reporting date for a committee he pushed to establish over three months ago to review the payment of House Speaker Julian Willock’s legal fees.

“I don’t … That’s a House [of Assembly] matter. I’m not in charge of the House so I have to check and see with the House and ask them so that a report can be given. But that’s outside of my authority. I don’t control the House of Assembly,” Premier Fahie said when asked for updates on the matter at a press briefing last week.

It was Premier Fahie, who told reporters when questioned on the same issue in early December, “the committee should start to get running very soon, it is already in place.”

At the time, the Premier disclosed that no work had been done so far by the committee he had set up in the House to examine the payment of legal fees accrued by Willock.

When the committee was established, it was given two months to complete its task and come to a decision on whether payment of the legal fees would be made by Willock — the person who incurred them — or whether the bill would be foot by taxpayers instead.

The decision on who should pay Willock’s legal fees from a failed injunction bid before the High Court was met with much protest by the community at large, forcing the Premier to reverse his initial decision to have the House pay the legal fees outright.

The decision on who will pay the $98,000 legal bill was ultimately left up to legislators Julian Fraser, Mark Vanterpool, and Vincent Wheatley, who are the three persons who reportedly agreed to sit on the committee.

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  1. well meh bwoy says:

    He l**ng thru his teeth for the umteen time

    Like 38
    • Yes says:

      We already predicted that the committee’s is to delay the matter until people don’t care anymore. Then they will pay willocks fee while we move on to other things.

      Like 18
  2. heckler says:

    Fahie, stop it! stop it!

    Like 23
  3. PT09 says:

    Andrew Fahie, If you think the UK and the COI aren’t listening you are wrong. Every day you play into their hands more and more and we love it.

    Like 36
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  4. LOL says:

    When it’s something positive or appears to be positive, it’s him and his Government. When it gets sticky or negative, he has nothing to do with it. I wonder if he think we all only went Sunday School?

    Like 33
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  5. Chupes says:

    You are responsible for funding as the minister of finance. If you do not advance the money then they cannot pay the legal bills. It is these silly games that you play that make me detest you. You are always busy trying to fool and manipulate people. You think that you are the only one that went to school and all the rest of us are idiots. We are laughing at you. You are sickening. You were the one who put Willock up to these stupid things. Even a blind man can see.

    Like 35
  6. Carrot Bay says:


    Like 11
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    • @Carrot Bay says:

      Say it and mean it. He is not a doer. He is the Premier and Minister of Finance. He says something one day and the next day he contradicts himself, while doing next to nothing for his District or his Country at large. His excuse used to be they won’t pay him and his District any attention and he didn’t have the funding. Well, what did he do with the funding he is in charge of now? Should resources have gone into knocking down the Isabella Morris School? The people were on cloud nine thinking they will get whatever the District needs. Well ha to that and all he has are excuses. While a Junior High is an excellent idea, priority must be given to the Elmore Stoutt High School at this time.

      Please when he comes with his tricks and coercion election time tell him go away and vote his sorry behind out.

      Like 10
  7. @ PT 09 says:

    after the number he and D WIGGED one did on the 3 rd district fellow ,no one should be surprised but like you said the (COI) should be paying attention as confesses

  8. says:

    I thought this bill was already paid pure talk pay the bill Andrew and hush

    Like 4
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  9. Omg Stop it... Pls. says:

    Aren’t you the Premier and the minister of finance, no large amt of monies leave the treasury without your permission..Stop it.

  10. Jack Sprat says:

    The Hon Premier says he does not control the HOD … His cabinet members during the voting process has the most votes , so who controls the HOD surely not the Governor ! Surely not the Opposition Leader

    The population cannot be fooled by your political rhetoric. We are a conscious up coming society of young people

  11. Citizen says:

    The COI coming for you too, the non honourable so called speaker!!

  12. Public Disclosure says:

    Donkey years this man has been voted in for his District. Zero can be attributed to the needs of the District. He allegedly built homes for friends and family within his personal circle and cash and big trucks in addition to him being acquainted with the suspicious eyes of the *** Nuttin…yet still the D1 people repeatedly returned him voted for him..It is these and this district moo moos and the largesse recipients to blame for the public foolery of Humpty Dumpty country wide.A total failure and embarrassment.

  13. NB says:

    Some things leave me speechless…..tsk tsk smdh

  14. Irma Chisit says:

    Praise the Lard

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