BVI News

Premier open to discussions with other legislators willing to switch

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie is remaining tight-lipped on whether other Opposition legislators are expressing interest in joining the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).

Fahie, who is the VIP’s chairman, however, said he is open to entertaining discussions around the topic if others are interested in crossing the proverbial floor to join his administration.

“If anyone who feels in their heart that they could share in the vision for the territory and they feel that they can put away any differences and they want to sit down and talk with us — talk with me as the leader — and they are coming to add value and not coming to see what they can get personally, but come in the manner that Honourable Maduro-Caines have come and say, ‘look, I want to help, I come for the territory, it’s not an easy thing to do, but I come‘, as the leader, I will speak to them and speak to my colleagues and once they agree I’ll welcome them home,” Fahie said during a recent press conference.

The Premier continued: “So my answer is I cannot say that we have an open sepulture to say whosoever will may come. I don’t know if any speaking to me, they may be speaking to others, they may not be speaking to no one at all. What I am saying is in case they want to speak once they have oneness in mind, then we will be willing to listen.”

The conference was to announce that former National Democratic Party stalwart, Sixth District Representative Alvera Maduro-Caines was now with the VIP.

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  1. vip heckler says:

    Stop encouraging wrong! We need a strong opposition to keep you in check

    Like 23
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  2. vip heckler says:

    Why should they switch and you promised us that you will fix all districts and none will be left behind?

    Like 18
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  3. Clearly says:

    You can never please some of you evil people in the BVI that only love division.

    Like 2
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  4. LOL says:

    He is looking for more traitors/defectors

    Like 8
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  5. Be fair says:

    Fahie and his new Government has done well in their 1st Year. They take our children from half day School when finally the Elmore Stoutt High School L-Shaped building was fixed two years after Irma. They started training and qualifying of Virgin Islanders at HLSCC in Marine & renewable energy. For me the reopening since Irma of the West End ferry terminal with the temporary facilities was huge. Regularizing our Caribbean brothers & sisters who have made the BVI home for so many years and help to build the BVI was a well done action. Yes they made mistakes and will always make those & yes they have alot to be done but they have done tremendously well in 10 months. I say all of that to say that if I was in the Opposition then I too would join Fahie because under his leadership the BVI is going places.

    Like 3
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  6. VG man says:

    VG loves Fahie and his vip team…FORWARD.

    Like 2
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  7. Diaspora says:

    With the crossing of the floor of Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines-Caine, D-6 and a 3-term legislator, from the NDP to the VIP; the VIP has a 9-4 advantage in the 13 elected member HOA. The remaining seats are by held by NDP (2), PVIM (1) and PU (1). Is it the VIP’s goal to wipe out, annihilate , neuter the Opposition? Is it (government) trying to have a rock solid foundation, giving it the freedom to do what it wants, when it wants, how it wants, where it wants…….etc.? Is it aiming to become a de facto king/queen, monarch……..etc?

    A minimum of 7 seats are needed to form a government. A strong, robust and effective opposition is vital for good governing; it is healthy for the nation and democracy. Lopsided government up and down the Caribbean have been less than successful. Here at home, both NDP (2015-2019) and VIP (2007-2011) have had 11-2 majorities that were failure. In both instances in the succeeding election, VIP and NDP were shellacked at the polls. A sitting government must be constantly looking over its shoulder at the sound of footsteps behind it; a strong opposition keeps the government minding its P’s and Q’s.

    Nonetheless, even with a strong opposition, government can be successful if does the right things at the right time for the right reasons and for the right people (masses). It cannot just cater to the connected few but it must also cater to the many. The many have more votes than the connected few; the many can leverage their votes effectively.

  8. Love says:

    Vip always for they people that what part stand for very important people
    Thank to older politician guys Fahie please keep the history up.

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