BVI News

Premier says gov’t spent roughly $5M on COI so far

Premier and Minister of Finance, Andrew Fahie

The government spent approximately $5 million during the recently concluded Commission of Inquiry (COI). 

Speaking at a press conference last Friday, Premier Andrew Fahie said the money was used to defend the name of the territory during the COI. 

“I would say it is definitely in the millions, close to $5 million. But the exact figure, when the time comes, I will give it because it is something that continues because when they have extended, we have to extend our figures in legal, public relations, etcetera to protect the name of the country,” the Premier said.  

“The BVI cannot be deemed or having the look that we do not want to be looked into. That is not the point at all. But we want to make sure we are given the fair due process in the middle of this but at the same time we have to protect the name of the Virgin Islands and to protect your name. It will cost,” Fahie continued. 

He noted the former governor, Augustus Jaspert, had gone into the public space and maligned the name of the territory and there were also utterances made in the United Kingdom’s House of Commons that the government squandered the $40 million [Social Security grant] among friends and cronies. 

Fahie said the governor also gave the impression that leaders of the territory, both past and present, were working along with drug lords. 

“A man’s name is all he has. I say that in every press conference, and I said that from the start. So, we also had to get a lawyer to defend the country and the country’s name during this process to make sure there is due process. You cannot have a country that is not allowed due process in any kind of proceedings that goes on legally,” the Premier said.   

Emotional impact on public officers

Fahie said the COI had not only affected the government financially, but it had an emotional effect on public officers. 

“[It] has affected many of our people emotionally – especially our public officers, in terms of the way that the COI was initiated and due to the strenuous deadlines with requests for information that was at times very unreasonable,” he said. 

“Nonetheless, we continue to stress that we have no disagreement with a transparent and independent Inquiry that will yield a just outcome,” Fahie added. 

The Premier said the issue has always been the way the Inquiry was conducted and the timing of it given the complex and unique challenges the government, public officers and the people had to face during the middle of COVID-19.

“Whatever recommendations are made by the COI report to further improve the systems of government, we will take them under consideration, and move forward in a manner where there will be no retrograde steps as it relates to the democratic advancement, constitutional advancement, and institutional advancement of the people of the Virgin Islands and the aspirations of our people,” Fahie said.

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  1. Trevor says:

    Firstly, BVI is a territory of England, not a independent country.
    Secondly, You are only trying to protect yourselves, not the good name of the BVI. If anyone has tarnished the name, it is you and your cronies..

    Like 38
  2. July says:

    Just another way to waist money to protect your self and the the cannot stop the coi to do their fact 5 million dollar is a lot of money..that money could have spent on fixing the road.

    Like 25
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  3. BuzzBvi says:

    Wasn’t it Fahie that told Jaspert about corruption and bad management in Government?
    $5 Million to defend nothing but yourselves. This was an inquiry not a trial. That may come next of course. The we see who has to pay. the speaker maybe?

    Like 25
  4. heckler says:

    Ayo better get rid of the VIP next election

    Like 12
    • And says:

      do not bring any ndp government either. We will be looking for many independent candidates. It is time to pick persons with no apparent interest to get this territory fixed. This country is small and people know who is who. this party thing has created a monster in the BVI.

      Like 13
      • agree says:

        do not bring any party in front of me either because I will be picking persons based on my knowledge of their character and capability to get things done in the best interest of the people of the territory. Those who served their years and are already receiving pensions do not bother show your faces again. and those who have no integrity do not come either. we know who is who and who can be trusted.

  5. LB says:

    Lest he forget that he is the one who called for the COI when he was in Marlon shoes. Screaming to high heaven about a $1 million wall that turned out to have no issues and a $7 million plane service that turned out to be bad business decision and not corruption. But now VIP government is in just 3 years old and the corruption is blatant! You caused this AF! You made this bed and now we have to lie in it.

    Like 18
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  6. Anonymous says:

    $5 million to answer some questions at an inquiry. They wonder why the country is in the state it is.

    Like 11
  7. Can't make this up! says:

    The government spent approximately $5 million to defend them for F ing up public funds. Just wow! They have managed to surpass the 7.2 million on an airplane in just a few months of taking office. I would love to know the exact figure squandered!!!

    Like 12
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    • hmm says:

      if i knew i was innocent i was not hiring any lawyer. let the COI come in and do its work to find nothing. Then lieing in the process but do not worry the voting public knows.

  8. No innocence says:

    Only Guilt.

    This was an Inquiry, not a trial. Those who hired lawyers -either from their own pockets or by using OUR money- advised the people that they believed themselves to be corrupt.

  9. Big Richard says:

    Awww. An emotional impact on public officials. Show us the numbers !!!

  10. Deh Watcha says:

    The BVI was never on trial.

    Good governance was.

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