BVI News

Premier still clueless about status of gov’t spending with COI

Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley

Weeks after being asked about how much money his government has expended on the Commission of Inquiry (COI) reforms so far, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has indicated that he remains uncertain about that figure.

Previously, Premier Wheatley described the costs of the ongoing COI reforms as ‘evolving’, noting that he, at any time, would be unable to say what actual figures were going to be needed for the massive undertaking being made by the government.

The question arose once more at a recent press conference after an $8 million Schedule of Additional Provisions (SAP) was passed in the House of Assembly (HOA) by legislators weeks ago. 

The Premier had promised at the time that information would be made available about government spending on the COI reforms once the SAP had been passed in the HOA.

“You know, I have to apologise to you. That’s a question that was asked before in terms of the amount of money,” Premier Wheatley told reporters recently. “I’m still trying to get that information from the Ministry of Finance. It’s actually an ongoing moving figure because every day something pops up where where we have to do something.“

Premier Wheatley, when pressed once again to explain where the government actually stood with regard to COI spending, attempted to clarify that much of the spending is currently focused on filling vacant positions in the public service.

However, he said it wouldn’t necessarily be accurate to describe this as COI spending since the government was basically filling posts.

Some of the persons that are working in these positions, Premier Wheatley explained, are doing work related to the COI, even as others already employed in government are engaged in similar tasks. “We have a few persons who we’ve engaged,” the Premier added, “like some lawyers etcetera and some other persons who have been doing some reviews for us.” 

“If I’m honest with you,” Dr Wheatley told reporters, “I’m really disappointed that information isn’t available to me right now. Right after this press conference, I’m going to make sure I call the Financial Secretary and get a figure for you.” 

In the meantime, days after giving this new undertaking, the promised figure has still not been sent to the media as the Premier indicated last Friday.


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  1. CoI says:

    should have cost the BVI government Zero, nada, nothing IF they were honest and totally legal. Alas none of the HOA and some of the civil service were not up to that minimum standard so they spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money to ‘defend’ their corruption and lost.

    Since they lost they should pay the CoI fees and costs with their own money not the taxpayers money in the BVI Treasury.

    Like 13
  2. SMH says:

    Dude clueless period.

    Like 19
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  3. ALL AH WE says:


    Like 15
  4. No clue says:

    He is clueless on every single thing. He was clueless at the college and even more clueless now as the Premier. What do we expect?

    Like 18
  5. Hmmmm says:

    It makes you wonder if he was really Deputy Premier more than just in name. How can you be 2nd in command, now you are the leader but you know NOTHING ABOUT NOTHING. Almost every question, “I’m not sure, let me get back to you!” So on what basis are they making decisions if they don’t know anything?

    Like 17
  6. Common sense says:

    This gentleman should spend less time flying around the world on pointless matters and concentrate on running his country. In reality nothing has changed, and, the sooner the UK intervenes the quicker things will start to improve.

    Like 15
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  7. What??? says:

    Minister of Finance do not have a clue about the COI expense? Not even a ball park figure? So who is to say whether the trips being made can be afforded? Plans and contracts being issued, who is to say whether those can be afforded? What we start with? What we have left? How much went to COI? Don’t know or wont say? Don’t know looking kinda bad.

  8. Clueless says:

    No need to elaborate stick to the headline “Premier still clueless”

  9. Lol says:

    Is this the new Dr Doolittle?

  10. Only the truth says:

    Dr slowman

  11. Sam Studdard says:

    We in trouble buddy. What Sl**ande doing as minister of finance let alone Premier. I know his grand father was chief minister but we do not live In his grand fathers time. Watching these elected officials makes me believe in district passports and none of them should get one, especially this one

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