BVI News

‘Premier’s accusation holds no merit’, says Smith


Territorial At-Large Representative Lorna Smith has hit back at Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley over an accusation he made while outlining his rationale for removing her as Deputy Premier and Minister of Financial Services, Labour, and Trade.

During an impromptu press conference this morning, Smith expressed her surprise at the news, noting that she received notice of her removal just an hour before the Premier made the announcement.

“The Premier cited a lack of support in relation to Commission of Inquiry (COI) obligations as the reason for my removal,” Smith said. “However, if you have followed my work since being sworn in as Minister, it is evident that this accusation holds no merit. Under my leadership, my ministry and its hardworking team have diligently met COI deadlines, fulfilling every obligation within the required timeframe. The record speaks for itself.”

At approximately 9 am on Wednesday, October 23, Premier Wheatley announced that Opposition member Julian Fraser would be appointed as the new Deputy Premier and Minister for Environment, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. Additionally, Fraser will also serve as Minister of Labour and Immigration.

During his statement, Dr Wheatley acknowledged Smith’s capabilities but expressed uncertainty about her commitment to the government.

“She did not give me the confidence that she would remain with my administration for the duration of this term, and this left room for uncertainty and political instability, which we cannot afford at this time,” the Premier stated.

“We must ensure that the Order in Council is lifted, we repair our infrastructure, deliver public services at a much higher level, grow our economy, and continue to build a sustainable nation,” he continued.

He also indicated that he would be taking over Smith’s ministry of Financial Services and that she will hold no other ministerial position.

Smith emphasized that her allegiance has always been to the people of the Virgin Islands since her swearing-in as minister.

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  1. SMH says:

    Boi you have yet to show or gain any confidence from the citizens of this Territory. It’s rather so disgusting and mind blowing how members of this Administration would not call you out on your inability to get priorities of the Territory addressed and taken care of. It was the constituents that voted these individuals in. If they are in there to hold a ministerial position, then the will of the people is in shambles.

    • COWARD PUNK MOVE says:

      it’s a DISGRACE knowing he is Premier of this territory more concerned with feting than the people’s cries.


      P**kish lil boy move how he issues her that termination letter.

      The rest of the Ministers AND the PEOPLE OF THE VI need to stand up to this EGOMANIAC.

    • @SMH says:

      AF the now disgraced was a known all around crime facilitator and others continue but the citizens kept the open secret and the murders that are “unsolved” are open secrets enabling and the remnants of a once honorable haven. The citizens are their own
      enemies. And now reigning as the new ruler is a goon with a minus IQ and forked tongue.

  2. Citizen says:

    This is because of Lorna calling him out on all the vacations he has been taking and the poor financial decisions he continues to make.
    Speak out for the people and you get fired.
    What type of government is this.
    Look around at the condition of our infrastructure and see the neglect.
    Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley is trying to force independence so he will not have to answer for his poor government actions.
    Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley does not want the transparency of interest for the ministers to be mandated.
    Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley is not working for the people.

    Like 25
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  3. wOw says:

    if Fraser is the answer, we have to be asking the wrong question. After Irma, COI there was hope but all of the opportunities after adversity are squandered as the next generation repeats the errors of the past.

    Like 16
  4. Honour amongst thieves Ha says:

    It’s now obvious any one of the HOA would be happy to zig zag back and forth across the house floor for first class travel a bigger job title and pension, gone are the days of a simple thirty pieces of silver.

  5. Taxpayer says:

    To fire the Deputy Premier for political differences is not legal.
    This is not in the publics interest.

    Like 12
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  6. bugs bunny says:

    like porky used to say, that’s all folks, she will be a one termer

    Like 1
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  7. Leadership says:

    Grasshoppers leaders
    Mark Vanterpool jumped
    Lorna jump
    Fraser jump
    How can we trust anyone of you

    Premiet he eould undermine you too
    Two dictators will clash soon
    Premier knows nothing about finances
    Kyle Rhymer you got a duty deal twice in a row

  8. Frazer says:

    Sorry to say but the Premier got played. There is no way Lorna was about to give up her Deputy Premier post and her dream job of Minister of Finance. NO WAY! I too was surprised because all she ever did was support him unless his behavior was so out of this world that no one with a brain could support it.

    Like 3
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  9. Resident says:

    Is a unilateral Declaration of Independence on the cards? Scooter boys with AK47s at the port and water trucks parked on the airport runway? Will we get reinforcements from Haiti?

    We will see.

  10. 2024 says:

    It is inevitable that the cursed imported which now claims the major spiritual energy of these once upon time Blessed Islands,would cause to crumble to the level of the Northern island chain of floating nothing and unworthiness synonomous, with the infamous curse.Each and every aspect of these,medical,infrastructre,water,family structure…there’s a wide open pit of devil interference manned by a cursed imported population.

  11. Mrs Tubman says:

    MrsSmith,you are Blessed and Honoredto have been removed by the failed Premier no matter that his voiced reasons are pathetically nonsensical and desparately contrived.
    Your removal speaks to your good character/ intent and to his lack
    of basic decency. Pity him.
    Thank You for your unrelenting diligence towards the betterment of these VI and its people.

  12. Mrs Tubman says:

    MrsSmith,you are Blessed and Honoredto have been removed by the failed Premier no matter that his voiced reasons are pathetically nonsensical and desparately contrived.
    Your removal speaks to your good character/ intent and to his lack
    of basic decency. Pity him.
    Thank You for your unrelenting and sincere diligence towards the betterment of these VI and its

  13. Messy says:

    Yellow site does not post certain comments, they just like Cindy drama.

    Lorna did no research into her statements about the trust company, must me in somones pocket. That trust company can’t automate left from right.

    Like 2
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  14. PVIM says:

    PVIM, your boy who you endorsed made it to deputy Premier. You must congratulate him and take front row at the upcoming welcome party. Do you think Aaron would have EVER made that move? Do you? Haaa…is who to blame?? Speak louder for the folks in the back.

    Like 2
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  15. Wear what you BUY says:

    Enough for the flawed Westminster System of RULER SHIP. Serving at the behest of the Premier.

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