BVI News

Press walkout! Premier accused of refusing entry to media personnel

Members of the media get Cindy Rosan’s account series of events.

Members of the media today staged a walk-out at a press conference called by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley who reportedly refused to admit one media representative into the conference.

The media personnel who the Premier sought to bar was Cindy Rosan of Guavaberry Media.

As members of the various media entities (including Rosan) sat and waited for the Premier to commence the conference, which was scheduled to start at 2pm, Chief Information Officer at the Government Information Service (GIS) Desiree Smith approached Rosan to have a private conversation.

As Rosan got up, Smith instructed Rosan to bring her belongings but Rosan refused. After her conversation with Smith, Rosan shared her account of what happened during the conversation.

“She (Smith) was trying to say to me that the Premier doesn’t want me here. So I said to Desiree, ‘can you present me with GIS policy?’. She said it hadn’t been updated in a while. I said I need to see it as of right now because if you’re asking me to leave, I need to see the terms on which you’re asking me to leave,” Rosan recalled.

And according to the outspoken media personality, Premier Wheatley’s lawyer had previously served her with a “letter in urgency” — the spirit of which, Rosan said, was to prevent her from being on any forum he is part of. BVI News has not yet been able to independently verify the contents of any such letter.

In the meantime, Rosan expressed that she would not be bullied or intimidated by the leader of government business.

“If you want to issue legal proceedings against me or Guavaberry Media, you go and you file something in the court. It goes through a process, a case is put forward to the judge, it’s heard and the judge makes a decision. So unless you can give a court-issued judgement [and] GIS can issue their policy unedited … then I am going to sit here. And if they want to remove me, then they are just going to have to bring the police and have me arrested so the territory can see how much of a threat Natalio Wheatley is to democracy and free press in the Virgin Islands,” Rosan declared today while still waiting for the press conference to begin.

After waiting for nearly an hour for the conference to start, members of the media walked out as they did not receive any update from GIS or the Premier — both of whom were already at the location.

Premier Wheatley later made his statement via a live Facebook broadcast without the benefit of members of the media who would traditionally be present for a question-and-answer session.

BVI News sought to get a comment from Premier Wheatley on the matter. However, he requested some time to respond. Our news centre will bring the Premier’s response at a later time.

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  1. Oh please says:

    This is not news. The girl has proven to be too rude and disrespectful and not to mention unethical.

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  2. Don q says:

    It’s never good when the media is the news instead of writing the news

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  3. Cindy Needs Help says:

    Cindy has been trying to attach the Premier since morning when she tried calling in Tola Radio and the host refused to answer her call! They all know that she has an agenda against the Premier… it is nothing about the people and getting information!

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  4. Desiree says:

    And GIS are a waste, for one they are supposed to set an example for proper media coverage in the territory. Advocate for other local entities and stop dictating who can ask questions or who can’t be there. It’s a shame this continues to play out every conference evolving freedom of speech. Look how that one guy asks dumb questions in the White House briefing every day and no one tells him he can’t be there or ask what the public wants to hear.

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  5. Reading Is Fundamental says:

    Clearly you dont understand the seriousness of this matter and the importance of a free democracy. The media did the right thing and we should commend them. A free media “is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing.” When you take away the right of the press democracy begins to fall. Today was Cindy, the period to come will be the entire press. Remember our Territory is not a dictator state!!!

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  6. Whats Next says:

    People are failing to see what is going on. Whether you like or dislike Cindy is not the issue. There is a better way to deal with the situation. The Premier however choose to use his power, to take action in the midst of a press gathering. We need to be mindful of what we accept because we hate the person it is happening to. Remember that famous poem by Martin Niemöller:

    “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    The action that the Premier took today was the wrong one. It was a disrespect to press freedom.

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  7. Rex FeRaL says:

    She has a h**d on for Natalio das all.

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  8. Desiree's fault says:

    Is Desiree the cause of this whole mess?

    Her actions are clearly unprofessional and instead of advising and guiding the Premier on these matters she is fanning the flames. Does she realize that she is ruining GIS’ brand and image? …

    Like 18
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  9. Take your knee off freedom of Speech says:

    It is immature and petty of the Premier . He needs to grow up . Stop pressing your knee to squeeze out democracy . The same things you are accusing the UK for “mental , physical slavery you are now choking out the air from the democratic process . When you become a public figure, your life is an open to all scrunity including you behavior in the public .. who you go with if you are faithful husband etc . Get out of public life if you cannot take the heat . Very immature behavior . I thought you had a tougher hide .

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  10. Like her or hate her says:

    In my view if she is a member of the press with appropriate credentials then I see no valid reason she should be omitted or refused entry to any press conference held by the Premier.

    The Premier does not have to call on her for questioning, nor does he have to grant her an interview but to refuse her entry to the press conference strikes me as improper.

    She may be in the opinion of some “agenda” driven or be antagonizing to some, but that in an of itself should not be reason enough to prohibit her as a member of the media/press from attending these press conferences.

    Look being in the public’s eye or being a public figure is not an easy task. Unfortunately or fortunately depend on your point of view facing the press is part of that job.

    IMO, she should be allowed to attend these press conferences and the Premier should be capable of looking her in her eyes and given her a direct response to her queries if he so desires.

    The bottom line for me is that the government proper should be uphold as a leading example the principle of the freedom of the press, and not try to selectively as it appears entertain questioning from more favorable press/members.

    I empathize with the Premier in that the press can be a pain in the neck, but part of good leadership is being able to navigate around such persons or situation by simply stating the facts as you know them and let the chips fall where they may.

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  11. Uh huh says:

    I don’t know who is advising the Premier but I think he/she need firing. If the Premier don’t like the questions Cindy asking then he simply need to refrain from answering. But to discriminate against a member of the media is not cool undemocratic and demonstrates dictator leadership.

    The Premier is clearly showing that only some people can own a media company and only some people can be journalists and ask questions. He and others may not like the questions she asks or how she asks them which is fine. Just don’t the particular question you don’t like Mr. Premier.

    I’m proud of the media for showing solidarity with their fellow journalists of Guavaberry Media. Enquiring minds would also like to see “the letter” and “the policy” stating that Cindy cannot attend government press conferences…please and thanks!

    Like 36
  12. Ingah says:

    So wah exactly does Natalie have to hide that certain media houses are being censored? What is he afraid of? Boss if you can’t stand the heat geh out of our kitchen! Cannot wait to see the backside of you guys exiting stage left….don’t let the door hit yah where the good lord split yah!

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  13. Smh says:

    For the mere fact that they could not remove her nor point out what area of their policy she has violated means that they didn’t have a justifiable explanation for why she could not be there. That makes me think that the reason is simply “ because I don’t like you” and if that’s the case this is sad because this is the same spiteful pettiness we trying to get away from.

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  14. Voter says:

    Mr Premier beware of the hole you are digging. Cindy is Cindy and we all know her but you CANNOT allow a personal vendetta when you have a country to run. Journalists can ask whatever questions they wish. It is the response that is important to the people.

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  15. Well done says:

    Since caricom want to address bvi issues let them address that. Cindy you did well. Great job press. What the press should do is stop reporting on anything concerning this illigimate premier. I call for a boycott of S**wman.

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  16. BVIslander says:

    Cindy is not “press” – her “newsroom” is her cell phone (when the police have not seized it). She needs help.

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  17. Hmmm says:

    Whatever your views are about Cindy is actually irrelevant. This is a very dangerous precedent the premier is trying to set here. This needs full investigation. This would be enough to bring the government down or for the leader to resign in other countries. I am not a Cindy fan but extremely concerned by the actions of the premier. We do not live under a dictatorship and GIS rules should be followed.

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  18. This is not the USA says:

    since when Cindy become media? Because you have a Facebook page with the name media? All media should be vetted and approved to attend official press events.

    It is not automatic that every single media in the USA gets to attend President press activities. Other media have to simply draw from official statements or recordings in order to get their news.

    Cindy has no degree, or qualifications in any aspect of journalism! I doubt she has an up to date Trade Licence, tax certificate, NHI good standing etc. She has no rights!

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  19. 1st district original says:

    I just want the voting public to know that it’s “crazy Cindy ” that ask all the right questions. It was our elected officials that allowed Fat Albert to prolong his absence so that he can be paid. Its that same present government that set up Unity government trying to save themselves a term to collect the greedy bill. The Primer should have been sworn in and relief the previous Fahie of his duties but no them think we moomoo. We want the house dissolve forthwith. Them must go NOW!

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  20. Fake press says:

    He should have put her backside out long time she is just confusion

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  21. Not A Real Place says:

    Corruption unethical favoritism and every form of negative and evil behavior and standards is the norm in BVI. It’s all good once you visit your favorite church on Sundays. The S**t Show is over.

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  22. Maybe says:

    But that is besides the point. Freedom of the press is a must. You allow any minister to unilaterally act this way and you create precedent. The is government business not your personal business.

    Like 10
  23. Kim Jon-Un says:

    So this is where we are heading? Who would ever think that one of the territory most militant activists before he got a seat in the HoA would look to sensor the media. Boss you’re thin skin and turning our government into a comedy club.

    I am making a call for this foolish so-call embarassing person holding the title of premier of the BVI to step down forthwith. He is inco**etant.

    Like 15
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  24. Street Reporter. says:

    You see why the governor has more credibility and compassion that our weak oppressive leaders…I am so happy the media unite and took a stand against this wrong..

    Like 11
  25. Black Uncle Tom says:

    Trying to pluck out freedom in the eyes of the country . This is equivalent to a black slave tared and feathered

  26. Jim says:

    Omfg. UK can’t take over this banana republic fast enough.

    Our self appointed ruler is threatening the press. This is no longer a democracy.

    Look out people…

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  27. jungle says:

    many political based attempts to make this seem like a totalitarian move but we’ve all seen how Cindy acts when around the premier, it was either this or a re-straining order. But of course cindy will hide behind a media badge and try to portray this as unfair media victimization when it is response to cindy’s unfair unwarranted unfounded slanderous attacks. I guess she never expected a consequence or repercussion

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  28. @Voter says:

    Well said! The Premier handed her power/ platform that she didn’t have coming into the brief this morning. For what?? Her petty BS?!! Much bigger fish to fry, Premier. Come on…

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  29. musa says:

    great news about time

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  30. To Rankin says:

    Let us look at the bigger picture. Do I like sindi? No I do not. I am however taking a mich wider image of this which is bigger than her. Did Fox News ever air anything positive above Obama? Did Trump like anything CNN report about him? Hey this is not a personality contest but unfortunately BVI is accustom to kissing up. Please me and stay, piss me off or out the door. We cannot take offence and easily offended. A scripture in the Bible talk about people who are easily offended.

    The BVI don’t belong to Nat Wheatley and jis convoy brother. The press has a right to ask any question. Dude you don’t have to like the best bone in the reporter. Either answer or say no comment. Today it was Rosan, next week it will be Zan and then Kathy and then all the reporters one by one get knock off and no one will be there to report to the people. Then what? NAT comes out with his recorded address like Fidel, North Korea fool and Vladimir. Bang, we have communist tendency right there.

    Let is shut this mess down now before it get out of order.

    Rankin, you have a button to press, please put us out our misery and press that nuke bottom and save is from all these fools who cannot run the country.

  31. Time will Tell says:

    Was it wrong when Ralph locked Zan Lewis out of his press conferences when he was sick of him asking the same question over and over?

    [Editor’s note: Zan was never locked out of any press conference]

  32. Journalist? says:

    Cindy is not a real journalist nor a credible media house. She is completely inappropriate and needs to do better if she wants to be taken seriously. Her intention is to ambush the premier every chance she gets. Come on.. it’s personal and sad.

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  33. Let's move on says:

    This was a hiccup… it happens to the best of us. Premier, we are with you! Let’s not be distracted by Cindy’s games and push on forward with the real matters. Cindy is out of control and we all know it.

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  34. @ oh please says:


  35. He said.../ He said... says:

    Who was it that ask the Governor, a question, and the Governor answered.? Who was it that said the Governor/ U.K is not being truthful.?

  36. Small Mishap says:

    Small mishap but this does not overshadow all the good the Premier has done. Regroup…dust off.. forget about Cindy and her agenda.. and let’s focus on the real matters.

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  37. Less Badd says:

    Imagine all they had to do since the last time when she blindsided him asking him about his side woman dem is update the policy to make sure that the press can only ask questions in the press confrence pertaining to the topic of the press conference… BAM! Problem solved! Nobody had to send nobody no lawyer letter and this childish fiasco didn’t need to happen. I don’t know who this man have advising him.

  38. When says:

    Can you provide us with the date this actually happened?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Pouve nou donne la date

  40. Guest says:

    The ear that refuses to listen will accompany the head when it is chopped off.

  41. hmmm.. says:

    no, speak for yourself. Surely, we MUST have better prepared person than the FAKE Noel Lloyd wanna be. who party shopped his way into office.

  42. LOL says:

    If Cindy is not a QUALIFIED Journalist who understands journalistic integrity etc., why is she allowed in the room?

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  43. Ilol says:

    You can catch Cindy every morning by Mad dem.Free show

  44. Island Man says:

    Even a member of the press should know how they should conduct themselves. It’s a press card not a passcard for rudeness. How we conduct ourselves as adults matters. Our children are watching

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