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Promise kept | More than half-dozen receive land titles on Anegada

Ninth District Representative, Vincent Wheatley.

At least seven residents have received titles to their properties on Anegada, Minister for Natural Resources and Ninth District Representative Vincent Wheatley has said.

Wheatley said it is in keeping with one of his election promises.

“One of the things I campaigned on heavily, particularly in my district, was lands. As a matter of fact, I even went a bit further, and I told the people of Anegada that they would be getting them land titles in April of this year,” he said during the budget debate last Thursday.

“And because I am a man to my word I am happy to say, I am delivering the first of land titles this week.”

The minister said more people will receive their title every month going forward.

“If you want to oppress a people the easiest way to do it is to remove them, alienate them from their lands. The people of Anegada have been oppressed for too long. I promise we are going to liberate them and empower the people, and one of the ways to do it is to give them their lands,” Wheatley added.

In the meantime, the minister said urged residents to be patient as all the campaign promises will not be met overnight.

“We campaigned on several issues, and our supporters are going to ask us when are you going to deliver? We can’t deliver on all those promises at this time because this is a transitional budget,” he said.

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  1. Just watch says:

    The land will be up for sale before the ink dries. Just watch.

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  2. vip heckler says:

    Man yo had say everybody

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  3. Please says:

    Give me a break – this was in the works from the previous administration and I am sure even in Omar Hodge’s days as Minister. It’s easy to take credit for other people’s work when you think people’s memories are short. Congrats to the new title holders.

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  4. @Please says:

    Well then Omar Hodge and NDP could have done it..

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yes now start signing the work exemptions! Smh

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