BVI News

Public schools resume in-person learning except ESHS

Following their closure due to inclement weather, all public schools have now been declared reopened for face-to-face classes, except for Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS).

The Ministry of Education said all schools would resume in-person learning on Thursday, May 9.

The schools had been forced into closure because of two days of torrential rainfall that caused flooding across the British Virgin Islands. 

Buildings on the ESHS campus in Lower Estate were affected by the flooding, prompting the need for a clean-up effort in the aftermath of the weather event.

This incident underscores the challenges posed by severe weather events in the BVI, with flooding being a recurring issue that often disrupts schools and businesses.

Works Minister Kye Rymer stated that the government has been coordinating efforts with emergency services, local authorities, and other key government agencies to comprehensively assess the full impact of the flooding and implement all necessary measures to address the aftermath.

“Restoring critical infrastructure and services is our top priority,” he stated. 


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  1. Resident says:

    how did they build those buildings without proper drainage

  2. @resident says:


  3. annudda2cents says:

    Whilst it is easier to point fingers casting blame – and rightfully so – I think most of us on the outside looking in can probably chip in and assist with clean-up efforts. After all, the more of us chip in to assist with the clean-up, the quicker it is finished, and thus, the quicker our children can return to normalcy.

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