BVI News

Public service increments now out of my hands — Premier

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

The issue of long outstanding public service increment payments is no longer within the remit of Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Dr Wheatley announced weeks ago that monies had been budgeted for, and that instructions were given by Cabinet for increments to be paid. 

However, while speaking during an interview with JTV News on Wednesday, April 26, the territory’s leader explained that the responsibility for those payments have now gone beyond his office.

“So the money has been made available for that, and the Cabinet decision has been made for that and all that needs to be done now is for the Human Resources Department — which falls under the Deputy Governor’s Office — to process,” Dr Wheatley told JTV News. “You know, that’s out of my hands as a Minister of Finance and an elected representative.”

The government previously stated that some of these payments will cover a five-year period extending as far back as 2018. It further noted that several payments should be substantially completed by the end of June 2023.

In adding further clarity to the situation, Dr Wheatley suggested that some residents may not have a clear understanding of how government works and argued that ministers of government are often blamed for things they are not responsible for. 

“What you have to realise in a government, different actors have different responsibilities. So the governor under our Constitution is responsible for the public service, responsible for the terms and conditions of employment for public officers. That doesn’t fall under the responsibilities of the Minister of Finance,” the Premier explained.

He added: “[The] Minister of Finance must make sure money is available, and we made the monies available. Now, of course, the governor has to stay within his areas of responsibility and the Premier and the ministers have to stay within their areas of responsibility. But it is a partnership. It is a partnership and what persons need to do is study the system.”

While assuring that he has a good working relationship with both the Governor and Deputy Governor, Dr Wheatley said his government will continue to work together with them to ensure public officers get what they are entitled to under the law. 

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  1. He;s correct says:

    All the Minister of Finance can do is allocate the money and that has been done. The Governor who is responsible for the public service must now do his job,

    Like 13
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  2. Handy says:

    How convenient for him…

    Like 14
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  3. WOW says:


    Like 18
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  4. TruDat! says:

    “…Dr Wheatley suggested that some residents may not have a clear understanding of how government works and argued that ministers of government are often blamed for things they are not responsible for.”

    Nice job for one of those civil servants to create some info-graphics to explain these processes to us then.

    Also, asking for a friend, who is responsible for it taking 5 years to get to the DG’s office?????

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  5. Voter says:

    Aryo tek that!! Aryo put them back in!!!

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  6. civil servant says:

    no excuses just get it done

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  7. Real says:

    Yall put this f clown back in now take wha tall get

    Like 13
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  8. jungle says:

    It’s now for Archer David to pay them since the $$$ has already been provided.

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  9. Accidental says:

    Inside scoop is saying is that the delay in naming which ministry going to who is still in discussion. Inside scoop is hearing that not only Hon lady demanded to be DP she is also demanding the ministry of finance. Will the slow man crumble or will he grow so testic… for once.

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  10. Just saying... says:

    None of the comments above seem to approve of the Premier’s performance as Minister of Finance. Perhaps the Deputy Premier would be better at it. Just sayin…

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  11. Struggling is real says:

    What I do not understand is Why after 5 years are you checking on appraisals??????
    By default if you keep an employee for five years that means the employee is doing his/her job well.
    I believe the reason is that there is not any interest in giving the money owed to public employees. Also I do not think all the departments in government have a delayed in these matters, so you can begin to pay the ones that have all their paper work in order.
    What a waste of time !!

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  12. WEW says:

    Running away from responsibly all ready. He’s the premier someone needs to tell him he’s responsible for everything. quit making excuses

    Like 8
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  13. NO Ears at all!!! says:

    Ayo does make me sick, ayo want him to lick the envelope too. Damn it man!!!

    NDP ain’t do shit for the country than waste money doing nonsense.

    How they forget, ayo just full of it!!!

    Like 11
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  14. Dummies says:

    Why didn’t he say these things during his campaigning. You people are so gullible. This dude is playing you folks like a fiddle. Go on, proceed with your motorcade. Vote for your further suffering. Set ah dummies.

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  15. ,,,,0 says:

    He’s very really good in lieing wow say one thing and gone way over yonder to another thing and he anit finish yet he have more and more lies Mr. Wheatley please you need to stop you think people stupid watch and learn him very well more is coming just watch

  16. ,, says:

    Wowwwww he does not surprise me at all that’s just how he really is what’s next

  17. This man says:

    The ministry of finance for which you have responsibility has to release the funds. Do you actually have the funds in place to pay? If you are waiting for revenue to come in to to pay how is the deputy governor going to pay.

  18. @no ears at all says:

    We can see where all ndp went bad but we have yet to see where all the money spent under vIp went. Governor Rankins where are the remaining reports?

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  19. Deal or no deal says:

    Do not be like the NDP government do not try to cheat us out of our money that we worked for pay us ALL 5 INCREMENTS WITH ALL 5 ARREARS that is what is in your hand. Why you only want pay us arrears for 2 and convieniently for your govt to disregard the other three. how does that make you any different from NDP? You want to give us a 6 for a 9. That is what is in your hands.

  20. Resident says:

    I expected this answer. He does not take hold of responsibility for all put him back in. It’s more of the same thing. Good Andrew bad Andrew would have at least said that he’ll find out and see what can be done. He failed teachers as education minister when they wanted a couple dollars. He said that it was out of his hands. Here we go again. hmmmm. Get ready for the long bumpy ride. I guess we’ll really need Lorna in our corna.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This is some real f..k mehson, can’t believe that f..keris still here ?

  22. Concern citizen says:

    This is some real f..k mehson, can’t believe that f..keris still here ?

  23. Action says:

    Is now. Public Sercants should sick out. Because we worked hard but even harder knowing at the end we will get a small thank you in the form of increment. Some action must be taken…where are the Unions for Teachers, Police and other public Sercants what are we going to do. Just sit and take it as usual?

  24. Oh boy says:

    Do we have understanding? He said as Minister of Finance he has given the money. Read before you comment and if you don’t understand what you’ve read ask someone to explain it to you.

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  25. No ears at all says:

    The money went into getting the BVI on track after two category 5 hurricanes!, when the NDP government was no where to be found. It went into all the money spent on feeding ayo wutless, back stabbing behinds with food etc! I wonder if the anyone from the NDP cared enough to supply anything.

    I was seriously wonder if NDP was in government how much more of us would have died during Covid, as they were begging to open up the country, while locals was partying unmasked and want to talk pi**.

    Ayo just need to get over it t

    Like 3
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  26. Shem says:

    They like when all work is done and complete but they eh like to pay .that’s just it . It’s struggle and begging for what is due to you

  27. Peeble says:

    I must say I have been working for BVIHSA FOR 10 YEAR AND NEVER Saw are heard of A INCREMENT SO I AM WONDERING if the governor can see to it that we get something, if he gave it to the higher heads we will never get a red cent please help the struggle is real.

  28. @No ears at all says:

    Well maybe we don’t believe him because we’ve had promises before. What about the $40 million they took from SSB? They couldn’t use some of that? We are just tired of waiting and we are not lucky like you. The majority of us went to the supermarket when they said there was going to be a lock down and bought our own damn food. So we don’t have to defend shit. We can call a spade a spade. All we get are excuses on the serious issues in this country.

  29. @ he;s correct says:

    The governor does not allocate money and he does not calculate them either. The release of the funds is under the ministry of finance which is a port folio of the ministry of finance. The Human Resources department calculates the increments and the paperwork goes to the ministry of finance for approval, which is under the Premier. The deputy governor’s office does not directly approve the increments all he can do is get his office cracking to requests or write for the annual reports from ministries and departments.

  30. Outlaw says:

    What is so hard for people to understand what the man is saying. Cabinet made the decision, the money has been budgeted, it is now left for those responsible which is the HRD, to do their part and pay the people their money, he as the Premier and Minister of finance will sign the instrument, he cannot leave his office and go over to run the HRD and pay out the money, for too long people with responsibilities move very tardy and then people blame governments but increments from 2018 is not an easy thing, it’s a lot of work so people just have to be patient and allow the HRD to work out the details. Once some people hear about money, it turns then totally stupid.

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  31. ER says:

    No, he’s not.

  32. @jungle says:

    Clearance for payment still has to go through the ministry of finance which falls under the premier. We are sure once the finance gets to the department of Human Resources civil servants would be paid. We are quite certain that the deputy governor and director of Human Resources will make sure if that. Tell our premier to stop shunning his responsibility and check up on his financial Secretary to make sure that all our increments are covered

  33. @he;s correct says:

    The governor does not sign pay checks.

  34. Games of Our Lives Episode 2; says:

    Title: Public Service Increments: Political Games, Shifting Responsibilities, and Legality Concerns

    The long overdue public service increment payments have become a political game in the British Virgin Islands, with Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley announcing that these payments are now out of his hands. Despite budgeting for the increments and receiving Cabinet approval, the responsibility for processing payments now falls under the Human Resources Department, which is part of the Deputy Governor’s Office.

    This situation has raised questions about the political games being played concerning public officers’ increments. Premier Wheatley, who also serves as the Minister of Finance, has the power to fast-track increments, similar to what Andrew Fahie did in the past. However, instead of using this power, he has shifted the responsibility to another office.

    Dr. Wheatley suggests that some residents may not have a clear understanding of how government works, and that ministers of government are often blamed for things they are not responsible for. While he assures that he has a good working relationship with both the Governor and Deputy Governor, it’s crucial to question whether the Premier is using this opportunity to shift responsibility and avoid being held accountable for the long-delayed increments.

    The government has previously stated that these payments will cover a five-year period extending as far back as 2018 and should be substantially completed by the end of June 2023. With the political games being played and the shifting of responsibilities, it remains to be seen whether public officers will receive their increments on time or if this issue will continue to be used as a political tool.

    Another critical question that arises from this situation is the legality of giving public officers two increments with back pay and the other three increments without. It is essential to examine whether this approach aligns with the relevant laws governing public service compensation in the British Virgin Islands. If this approach is found to be legally questionable, it could further complicate matters if one was to take legal counsel on the matter.This issue highlights the importance of transparency and adherence to the rule of law when it comes to matters concerning public officers’ compensation.

  35. Hmmm says:

    NDP is the first government to stop paying increments and not only that took away half of the only one they gave so how convenient people now blaming this government for stuff they meet. who was in government in paid the 2016-2017 increments. Change of government could have meant the same behavior form the other since they were the NDP at the time

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  36. wise says:

    Which he has held up. The DG is the hold up. Give civil servants what is due to them.

  37. @Hmmmm says:

    If they had taken the social security money to do sone of the necessaries we wouldn’t have minded. Governor Rankins where is the report on the stimulus paid out in all these districts? It’s our tax money?

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