BVI News

PVIM proposing to build 10 homes yearly for poor

A section of the main island of Tortola.

Nearly a dozen houses will be constructed for the less fortunate residents of the British Virgin Islands if the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) becomes the next government.

PVIM leader and former Social Development Minister Ronnie Skelton made that pitch on Wednesday while noting that he was “very concerned about the poor”.

“We are proposing to build 10 homes for the less fortunate in our society every year,” said Skelton, who noted that the proposal is quite doable.

“It’s not a whole bunch of money to do that because when I was here before, we built up to seven homes for single families who own their lands. So, I believe that we must bring the less fortunate among us along while we develop this country,” he said.

The PVIM leader was speaking at a media conference inside the party’s headquarters in Fish Bay.

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  1. pvim heckler says:

    More slums? are we a welfare state?

    Like 18
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    • Truth Sayer says:

      @pvim heckler: Obviously you do not pay attention to what goes on in this country otherwise you would not have made the statement you made. Under Ronnie’s tenure he has built low income homes for several persons throughout this Territory. These are very good homes built on the recipients land.

      Like 4
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    • TJ says:

      Yep it’s a welfare state. It’s socialist too because working people are paying for everyone’s healthcare.

    • Already says:

      The whole Island already look like a slum.

  2. son of the soil says:

    Plenty outsiders here living in shacks and need sending back to their homelands if they cant afford to live here and pay rent for proper housing

    Like 9
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    • @Son of the soil says:

      HOT DANG, you were ghost from the blogs for a while now you pop right back up with the foolishness. I would love for you to explain the reason for having so much hatred in your heart toward ououtsiders.

      Like 5
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  3. pure lie says:

    stop lie

  4. N says:

    Outside is not stupid move you a**

  5. oh boy says:

    Son of the soil I bet you that you don’t have one of your own and those outsiders have one in their home land.
    After Hurricane Irma it was all like you so that was crying out for us to live together. Migration is something that has been around from time of the bible days so is not like you so that can stop it. If you want to stop it, you all must leave St.Thomas, Florida, Atlanta and other places where BV Islanders are living.
    You all say that you all are a Christian society I hope it is known that God not going to ask where are you from but what have you done in my name.

    Like 10
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  6. hmm says:

    And I bet I know who will be getting those contract.

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  7. Not2Sure says:

    I am confused – they are poor, yet they already own the land that Government is building them a free house upon?

    Like 12
  8. yolo says:

    Lies them ah tell

    Like 4
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  9. PVIM Dream State says:

    And everyone will get a unicorn to ride on whilst smoking Ganja. Everyone will have a wife and at least one side-ting and every evening free lobster-rolls and rum before bed-time..Mahn tis Skelton is someting else!

    Like 23
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  10. L0l says:

    Like 4 miles of paved road per year that the ndp promised.

  11. SMH says:

    Meh son stop meking promises you wouldn’t be capable of keeping. Why didn’t you try and implement these projects within the last 8yrs. Those who had property and you were able to assist them, it was your Job!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I want to hear from all the candidates and parties on bread, butter, salaries and high cost of and rising living issues. This is still an undecided vote.

  13. true says:

    Wonder if any of the 10 houses could be built upon skelton Hill, behind TAG

  14. No lies here says:

    Hon. Skelton is a man who cares about helping those who are less fortunate or the needy. As he stated and as another blogger reference this type of project is ongoing under the Ministry of Health whereby persons were able to build low income homes on their property or whereby government build individuals a free home. Trust Mr. Skelton at his words if he said he will do it he will do it. He is in this to help the people of the Virgin Islands and his love for this country.

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  15. What more says:

    I thought them say government do not have money but yet all these opponents promising the world for votes.

    Ronnie was health minister and never saw it fit for the eight years to at least build one house for people. Now that he has his own party he now find it fit now to build. We all know who will get the jobs for concrete and who the contractor will be. The money will be going around in their circle.

    People do not be fooled the conctete man and contractor man are showing their full support for their party they create. What more do they want.

    Like 3
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  16. Hurting Heart says:

    Twenty years ago I sat down with this man discussing the effects on a particular health issue and to my avail this man said to me and I quote ” I just come from Puerto Rico for my physical and paid for it, so I don see why the people can’t pay for it”. Well its twenty years later our health care is in shambles our top locals have left their posts. Please tell me some one how can I trust this man to lead our country and you couldn’t represent your ministry well.

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