BVI News

PWP incinerator projected to be back online by 2nd quarter of 2024

Health Minister Vincent Wheatley (left) and the Director of the Department of Waste Management, Marcus Solomon.

Director of the Department of Waste Management, Marcus Solomon, said the damaged Pockwood Pond incinerator is expected to be back online early next year.

The incinerator sustained a catastrophic fire in February 2021 but had been malfunctioning for years before that. This meant that residents of the West End area of Tortola have been forced to endure the open disposal of waste at the Pockwood Pond dumpsite for years, as well as random occurrences of spontaneous combustion, which has resulted in huge fires at the site. 

Solomon disclosed that the incinerator’s transfer arms are expected to be delivered early next year and said one of the four outstanding parts has already been received.

The Director explained that the department is expecting the arrival of the control panel and two more pieces of equipment. He said works will begin to remove the roof of the structure housing the incinerator when the full complement of equipment is on island, followed by the changing of the parts and the testing of the incinerator’s electrical system to ensure the facility is operable.

“It’s projected, if all goes well, with the roof works, electrical works, and internal works that we have to do with the incinerator part, and assuming there are no further changes of parts that have to take place, you should have the incinerator operating between the second and quarter of the year,” Solomon said recently.

“Based on those updates, we anticipate that at least two or three parts should be completed before Christmas and hopefully should be in the country before December or the first or second week in January,” Solomon stated. 

Meanwhile, Health Minister Vincent Wheatley said the government has plans for a fail-safe measure.

“The Ministry is currently working on a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a brand new plant and waste strategy. So irrespective of if this works or not, we are moving forward with a brand new strategy for waste in the Virgin Islands,” the Minister said.

Wheatley added, “What is currently happening here is not sustainable and we have to move away from this as quickly as possible. That proposal should be out to the public before the end of the month.”


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  1. SMH says:

    I am totally convinced that we have ZERO F**KING SHAME!!!!! The incinerator is WAY TOO SMALL for the amount of waste we produce yet instead of expanding, we have spent over 4 years f**king around with a piece of garbage that cannot handle 50% of the waste being produced by the Territory. The idiots we have running these departments and the country couldn’t run a candy basket stall for a week.

    Like 37
    • @SMH says:

      Stop shaking your head. Rather, why don’t you turn that energy you just displayed into an opportunity to do some good for the community and make some money at the same time. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

      Specifically, may I suggest try seeking a consultancy with the government if you have the skills and know how about these matters. Point out the inadequacy of what is being done and how it can be done better with facts.

      The open burning of garbage is a problem as well that needs serious redress. Consider opining on that as well.

      You sound like a person with some knowledge here. Give it a try. They might just listen, and you may make some good money for your knowledge in the process.

      Like 5
      Dislike 7
      • Truth says:

        Thank you .It is easier to critize than give valid, executable solutions to issues.

        Like 3
        Dislike 4
      • SMH says:

        Consult on what? People are being paid big salaries and it doesnt need a consultancy to put out an RFP for a bigger incinerator or multiple units to manage the waste we produce. Stating the obvious is not bashiny. Its people like you guys that enable the mediocrity that is killing this place.

      • @ truth and @SMH says:

        You are clearly people for whom the phrase ‘born yesterday’ was coyned.
        We Virgin Islanders, especially our government officials do not want uninvited expertise.

        There has been no scrubber on the incinerator for at least 12 years. The people of West End have lived downwind of a burn pit for over a decade. A simple smokestack will do nothing, great news for a certain powerful economic sector.
        With accrued budget of $3,000,000,000+ during those more than 12 years, an fractional investment in preventative health would have been nice.

    • To SMH says:

      Recycling can significantly reduce the amount of garbage being sent to Pockwood Pond. Most of our garbage is comprised of plastic, glass bottles and cans; All recyclable material.

    • bobo says:

      “, you should have the incinerator operating between the second and quarter of the year,” Solomon said recently”
      When is the second and quarter??? FFS.

  2. lol says:

    it was only down for 3 whole years no big deal… Our government less badd smh.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Bunch ah political hoodlums. After half ah decade they still here using a major problem for political snaps shops.

  4. Cancer says:

    Is the scrubber one of the 4 items???

  5. West End Resident says:

    Didn’t they say a few months ago it would be working by December this year? SMFH.

  6. Sat Dec 9- Morning says:

    We accidentally leave our kids bedroom window open and in the morning their room is full of smoke- actual haze of noxious f*cking smoke in their room. This has to STOP NOW

  7. THATS THE NORM says:

    the M all lone dude walked in besting his chest hollering out ( I will fix the damn problems with the incinerator , with ease ) and WE all see what an excellent job he DID • and they brought in the chicken hawk to clean up the DEAD / and look how he posing off for the camera / they say the coach had walked with his calculator , I wonder if he walked with his DON ~Q

  8. Sue them tail says:

    I can’t wait for St. John’s people to sue their a$$e$. We can’t because of blatant victimization.

  9. Nincompoop says:

    Vincent Wheatley, your posing for the camera does not impress us. It’s what you do well but there are not many meaningful accomplishments otherwise. I’m so sick of these guys and their pictures while everything they are responsible for falls apart. Kye is another one..

  10. @ NINCOMPOOP says:

    Well thats what (ACTORS) do , they make it look real / the ( m-all- ah- lone ) guy before he , was playing doctor too just like the one from the east who couldn’t even produce a single vegetable / but was hollering out ( the benifits of the VACCINES outweighs the side effects ,where do they find these set of wannabes ❓️

  11. @@ NINCOMPOOP says:

    Your question thosands wished you had asked was, “where do they find these set of white collar hoodlums and wannabes?

    Bouy, let’s hope these same foolish voters, especially those in the business and power brokers community, finally come to their senses. If they don’t we remain frig.

  12. Jim says:

    I’ll take the bet that it won’t be done as promised.

    Until then, we’ll just let the landfill burn.

    Nothing to see here…. Nature’s dirty little secret

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