BVI News

Randale Hanley charged for gun, 3 counts of assaulting cops

The scooter rider who pulled a firearm at police after crashing his bike has been identified and charged.

Charged with carrying an unlicensed firearm and three counts of assault on police is 30-year-old Kittitian living in Parham Town, Randale Hanley.

He is also charged with driving without a driver’s licence, driving an uninsured vehicle and driving an unlicensed vehicle.

“Hanley was taken into custody following an armed confrontation with Police along the dual carriageway,” the police said in its latest media release.

Hanley, who was injured during the crash, was charged after being released from the hospital where he was receiving treatment since last Thursday.

What the police said happened

A police media release issued last week said things unfolded around midday when officers of the East End Police Station visited the scene of a lone scooter accident near Delta Gas Station.

The rider had sustained visible injuries.

“While police waited for the arrival of the ambulance, the rider took out a handgun, pointed it at the three officers and then attempted to escape on foot into the Johnson’s Ghut area,” the RVIPF reported.

The police said its Armed Response Team subsequently captured the gun-wielding biker.

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  1. Next step says:

    Extradition by the governor, we do not need this kind of s**t on our streets..

    • @next step says:

      Shut you sk**t is y’all own ppl get the gun from and besides do your research and see who really dealing with guns, drugs etc in ayo streets

      Like 1
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  2. buttt says:

    did they recover the gun though

  3. @ BUTTT says:

    or whatever else he had on him that would give him a reason to make such a stupid decision like that which could of been deadly

  4. Stupido says:

    Since he was not shot by the police, please banish him indefinitely from the shores of the BVI. No waste of time with a trial. Make sure you get the GUN first.

  5. Family curse says:

    He will now come and meet his …. The apple don’t fall far from the tree.

  6. sk says:

    Marked man back home. Plus a t**f from long time.

  7. S says:

    Hahahaha he’s defo was a thief from
    Long time hahahaha! Rice is his name in sk!

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