BVI News

Register for inoculation! Vaccines to arrive next Thursday

Health Minister Carvin Malone

With 8,000 COVID-19 vaccines scheduled to arrive in the territory in just under a week, members of the general public interested in taking the vaccine will be able to do so when the Ministry of Health establishes a platform to register for inoculation.

This is according to the Health Minister Carvin Malone who made the announcement during a media conference on Thursday.

“The first tranches of vaccine donated by the UK government are expected to arrive in the territory on February 4th when 8,000 doses of the AstraZeneca AZD1222 will arrive in the territory,” Malone said.

“The Ministry of Health is in the process of reviewing the necessary information systems to allow persons in the general public to register their interest to be vaccinated. Persons are asked to remain patient and it is the intent of the government to ensure that everyone who wishes to have the vaccine is able to have access to it,” he added.

Five-phase approach to distributing vaccine

Malone also said his ministry, through the recently appointed steering committee, will be using a five-phase approach to distribute the vaccine to the population.

The first phase will include healthcare and frontline workers. The second phase will be persons older than 60 as well as people with underlying health conditions that put them at risk of severe COVID-19 symtoms or death. The third phase consists of essential workers such as teachers, school staff, workers and persons in care homes, shelters, prisoners and prison staff, and hospitality workers — all of who are considered to be at high-risk of being exposed to the virus.

The fourth and fifth phases will include young adults and all remaining residents, respectively.

Vaccines free at public health entities

The health minister further said that all vaccines will be free for persons utilising the public health services, while persons who opt to use private medical facilities will incur a small fee.

He said: “The government is committed to providing this vaccine without cost to the public through the public health system and also making it available through private providers and will seek to ensure that access through the private sector will be at a reasonable cost.”

He added: “Members of the public are asked to remain patient and calm as the committees do their work to ensure a safe and efficient roll-out of vaccines across the territory.”

According to Malone, the disbursement of these first 8,000 vaccines will be used as a guide to determine the government’s approach in acquiring more vaccines for the territory in the future.

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  1. Resident says:

    Nah I good

    Like 17
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    • Conspiracy says:

      Please keep the conspiracy theories going – the more people refuse the jab, the nearer I get to the top of the list. Remember the theories – it alters your dna, it allows the FBI to track you, it is made from chicken liver, it erodes your brain, it allows Bill Gates to control you, it makes men sterile and many many more.

      Like 33
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      • Blaze says:

        Go right on ahead no ones stopping u smart a**

        • Land says:

          Dont sign any documents after you have had the vacinne. Gates can control your mind and make your transfer all your land to his friend Branson.

      • @Conspiracy says:

        Please note that a lot of conspiracy theories have proven to be facts. Go ahead and take the vaccine. I will have none of it.

        • Education says:

          If something is a conspiracy theory it cannot, by definition, be a fact. It’s really simple. Your weird conspiracies will always be just that. Lord knows why this kind of thing has to be pointed out to people. I guess in any population there will always be those who just like to be different for the sake of it. Perhaps it’s a lack of attention in childhood.

          Like 1
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        • Agreed says:

          There is. I doubt that all the conspiracy theories are correct. It can also cause you damage if you touch somebody that had had the vaccine!

      • how says:

        how much will it help you when/if only you alone taking it?

        just a question

    • @Resident says:

      Yes please don’t take the vaccine. The UK was kind enough to send enough to inoculate 1/3 of the BVI population yet the UK itself is not at 10%. It would be better that you don’t take it. The BVI population needs to be thinned out. Hope it works.

      Like 8
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    • Gager says:

      No problem with you not taking the vaccine. It is only supposed to be for adults anyway.

      Like 6
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    • Listen up says:

      “Vaccination is everything,” Branson said. “Once vulnerable people, in particular, have been vaccinated, I think all kinds of businesses can start opening up again: restaurants, travel companies, cruise companies.”

  2. Sound the Alarm says:

    My people. BEAWARE of these diabolic vaccines pertaining to covid19. They are deadly and will shorten ur life. These are not ordinary vaccines. They will PERMANENTLY ALTER your God-given DNA. NO RETURN. If you destroy or alter the temple of the Holy Spirit God himself will destroy you. Leaders wiseup. Do not be deceived by satan’s evil world agents. You will have blood on your hands for using these vaccines on your people. Lying and implementing it by force down the road. You shall give account to the Most High on Judgememt day. MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE! ALL MAIN STREAM MEDIAS ARE SATANIC. BE WISE MY PEOPLE. GOOD DOCTORS ARE WARNING US. THE SATANIC ONES ARE DECEIVING US THRU THE MAIN STREAM MEDIAS. BLESS UP.

    Like 15
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    • Scientist says:

      @ Sound the Alarm: Can you refer us to any peer reviewed literature that supports your assertions, or are you just rendering an uninformed opinion?

      Like 28
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    • @Sound says:

      All I can say to that uneducated rant is ROFLMFAO. Hope you understand.

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    • @Sound the Alarm says:

      Having spelt “beware” wrong, I’m less likely to believe your expert opinion!

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    • @ Sound the alarm says:

      Your cup of noodles, hotdogs and fruit loops that sellout of the supermarkets weekly and consumed by blind sheep are far more poisonous than any vaccine so keep up the bulls**t.

      Like 17
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    • Popo says:

      In any society there are always a tiny minority who refuse to see common sense. That’s what we have here with the “Vaccines cause your brain to turn into cornflakes “ crowd. Just ignore them. They are entertaining but obviously unhinged.

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    • @Sound the Alarm says:


      Like 7
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    • SATAN Works Through the Ignorant says:

      @Sound the Alarm, surely you don’t believe the sh** pouring out your mouth. STFU and swallow. You’re likely one of the ignorant sheep, corrupted by your fake-a**, self-declared “minster” who declares such idiocy as G5 cell towers causing or spreading a biological agent or virus. People like you should certainly be chipped and monitored to ensure you don’t try and reproduce. Though, your ignorance and lack of understanding on how things work would most likely promise no progeny. We can all thank God for that!

    • Any thing Goes says:

      You can put anything on Facebook. Anything you think you can put it on facebook. It does not have to be logical, truthful or scientific. Thank God we got penicillin, and the other Vaccines that are protecting us now before the internet age. You would not believe what would have been written about them. Not that nothing was written because those days the critique was largely through the Royal society mmetings.

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    • @Truth says:

      Oh, is that your answer to Scientist’s request for real medical scientific proof? LOL
      Not proof.

  3. L Ipton says:

    It’s your choice whether you choose to accept or not, but ensure you are on the side of caution. Be diligent, read up and expand your knowledge on the virus and the vaccine. Think twice before accepting.

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  4. Ausar says:

    Deny the vaccinations and continue to remain shuttered as a country, that’s all!

    COVID will NOT go away unless ALL is vaccinated!

    Ya have a choice, folks!

    Well, ya don’t!

    Like 14
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    • !?? says:

      Don’t seem like an island person to me. Do you work for Big Pharma.

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      • Venus says:

        You do know that the vaccine we are getting is not only paid for by England but was made by AstraZeneca at no profit to them, don’t you? Not everyone in this world is a threat.

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  5. Common sense says:

    Can people expect to have the vaccine administered by the private sector and paid for through the NHI system like other treatments by the sector

  6. Local girl says:

    Can someone please answer thus question, the vaccines that the UK are sending to the British Oversees Territories, are they free to us individuals or do we have to pay?

  7. Well Duh... says:

    Look, if you aren’t willing to get vaccinated, you might as well open the country and get rid of the quarantine period. At least tourism $$$ will start to pour in again.

  8. Understood says:

    Mr Malone, we are afraid to take that vaccine right now. I will wait for a while.

    Like 6
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    • Why says:

      How would waiting a while do anything other than increase the chance of you and everyone else getting Covid?
      Think about it.

      Like 3
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    • why? says:

      what do you think will change if you wait a while? Is there a certain death count that acts as a kind of switch for you to use common sense? Is it 10 deaths, 50? 100?. Perhaps it has to be a friend or a relative?

  9. Fallen Angels says:

    Fallen Angels are among us with these hellish diabolic covid19 vaccines made in hell. Just as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be today before the coming of the Son of God. Our Saviour Jesus Christ warned us. Read the Book of Enoch for details. These angels slept with women and mingled their DNA. Thus the human race became very perverted and cold hearted. Consequence God had to destroy his creation with the Great Flood. Now this time He will destroy it by fire in the Great Tribulation. This will clean up the world of evil once and for all. Hallelujah!

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  10. Anonymous says:

    Tanzanian President John Magufuli has warned his health ministry against hasty procurement of COVID-19 vaccines.

    “If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, then vaccinations for AIDS would have been brought, tuberculosis would be a thing of the past, vaccines for malaria and cancer would have been found,” Magufuli said in a speech on Wednesday.

    The president went on to say Tanzanians are not guinea pigs and that the country will only accept a vaccine that has been certified by their own scientists.

    Do such statements from an African President inspire confidence considering that COVID-19 infections are on the rise?

    Be also reminded that from 1932 to 1972, Black African Americans were deliberately and wilfully, under the disguise of health care, were injected with Syphilis.

    It is not known if people are still so evil, hateful and diabolical still today, but it is assumed some still are.

    Theterfore, the people are asking our government to independently test those vaccines before putting them into their citizens.

    Each must make her/his own decision, and live or die with consequences, but it is. also government’s responsibility to protect it citizens from from unscrupulous minds..

    Like 10
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    • pauli says:

      President Magafuli also claimed Tanzania was free from Covid in June last year, then backtracked. He recommended steam inhalation, and herbal remedies from Madagascar. Nyerere must be turning in his grave. This guy actually makes Fahie look responsible. For the record, the teams that developed the BioNtech and Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccines are multi-ethnic. To criticise “the white man” for not creating a vaccine for cancer is puerile. Vaccines have been incredibly successful to date – cf smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, measles. Also for the record, the Oxford/Astra
      Zeneca vaccine is offered AT COST IN PERPETUITY, and has been tested in accordance with WHO standards. It’s just a pity there isn’t a vaccine for racist paranoia.

      Like 5
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      • @ says:

        These same multi-ethnic group making vaccines on behalf of Big Pharma and rich wicked Elites sitting on their blessed assurance in high places playing god. Tell these brut beast touch not the image of Elohim. Elohim who made man created him with all natural defense mechanism. Abraham Issac and Jacob and many civilisation in earlier humanity never used these toxic poison and lived out their years naturally.

        Like 3
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    • Africa Arise says:

      God bless AFRICA. CARIBBEAN PEOPLE LEARN FROM OUR ROOTS. The Queen of Sheba got wisdom.

      Like 2
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  11. Meh Son says:

    Can non-belongers get a vaccine or nah?

  12. Kiko says:

    There’s no mention of Bvislanders here. Perhaps you are a bit over sensitive. Just talking about the BVi population and Belongers. I think it’s a bit rude and unnecessary but nobody hates anyone.

  13. Blaze says:

    My people perish for a lack of knowledge keep them vaccines where they are

  14. Nurse says:

    Please, if you have questions about the vaccine, come or call us at the clinics. We want our VI people to be safe from COVID.

  15. Two cents says:

    Public or Private, there should be no cost for the vaccine as Territory is getting them free of cost.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has warned health officials against acquiring Covid-19 vaccines saying without giving evidence that they could harm the population.

    “The ministry of health should be careful, they should not hurry to try these vaccines without doing research, not every vaccine is important to us, we should be careful. We should not be used as ‘guinea pigs’,” Mr Magufuli said.

    “Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids, cancer and TB by now.”

    He is right.

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