BVI News

Residents disappointed with no mention of a more relaxed curfew

Some residents were seemingly disappointed when Premier Andrew Fahie made no mention of the ongoing curfew during his live broadcast last evening, May 28.

Premier Fahie’s statements only addressed the second phase of his governement’s COVID-19 Economic Stimulus-Response Plan, which is to the tune of $62.9 million.

When residents realized that the 35-minute-long broadcast was coming to an end and the issue of the curfew was not mentioned, they began sending inquiring messages under the live chat section of the broadcast.

One viewer with the Facebook name, L’ wrote: “So wait, you ain’t mention curfew.”

Another named Meldrick asked: “Curfew extend?”

“I gonna dead,” added a user with the name Mrs G, as a burst comments regarding the curfew streamed in.

“Waittt, wa happen to curfew?” others wrote.


Their queries stemmed from Deputy Premier Carvin Malone’s recent announcement on national radio that the territory might soon see a more relaxed curfew now that there are no active cases of the coronavirus in the BVI.

Notably, during a recent press conference, Governor Augustus Jaspert said the current ‘7 pm to 6 am’ curfew, which was slated to end on May 23, would be extended for another 14 days.

That 14-day timeframe will end on Saturday, June 6.

Residents have been under curfew for the last few months because of the threat of COVID-19.

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  1. Sigh says:

    The premier already said the existing curfew is in effect for the next two weeks, from when the last one ended. So what is the disappointment again??

    Like 38
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    • The disappointment says:

      The disappointment is that our leaders are not leading. They are fearing.

      They only talk about fear and provide no hope. None.

      Like 8
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  2. faithless says:

    Wellif you have money and privalige you can get a Hotel to open for you and you families to enjoy a staycation while everyone is locked down. This is happening now while we are all locked up from 7pm they get to roam about the beach, hotel grounds, a bar and swimming pool you know all the things that are not allowed yet???

    Also the no boats at sea curfew came to an end on the 27th and has not been updated so what’s happening???

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  3. Contagious says:

    Malone touts how good we’ve been. Zero cases of the virus then Andrew keeps us on curfew like little children. Why ?

    They don’t want a case show up because it will show how ineffective the government is in securing our porous boarders as we’ve seen in the last few weeks.

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  4. Truth says:

    No active cases and not even the slightest reason to suspect community spreading. Keep the social distance and mask wearing in place but lift the curfew.

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    • Excuse Me says:

      Who the hell wants to be among mask wearers at night and you can’t identify The robber man from regular man!??.
      Extend the curfew and ditch the masks. You can’t have both especially with these poorly lit streets and parking lots.

      Choose your poison!

      Like 31
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    • @Truth says:

      Lift the curfew for what? For you all to have more time to mingle and mix with the possible COVID 19 persons coming into the Territory?

      The curfew is just find. Lets see what happens two weeks after June 2. In fact, lets monitor the whole month of June.

      As Premier said: We can’t play with Covid 19 cause Covid 19 isnt playing with us.

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  5. Keep a Cool Head says:

    Keep a cool head. The curfew has been extended for an additional week until 7 June, which would be reviewed in an ongoing basis.

    With persons coming into the territory from 2 June we have to proceed with caution.

    Like 36
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    • Hmm says:

      I think that’s all the more reason to lift the curfew now. When the borders open and we eventually get a new cases we’ll be going right back into lockdown. Why not let us have at least this week.

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      • Father Time says:

        You all sound like a bunch of bratty children. It’s just until the 7th. Jesus.

        Even if someone comes and there is a second wave, chill out and enjoy the freedom we have now. Y’all are annoying as h**l.

        Like 24
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        • really says:

          You sound ignorant. They’re not going to say curfew is for 2 month. They tell you every week or two the curfew is renew. Are you really that blind

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    • truth says:

      So we have to stay locked up so people can enter the country where we will have ZERO contact with them, explain that one again?

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      • you know who come in right? says:

        The people coming in will do whatever they please. And the government will allow it because they are probably friends.

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  6. strpss says:

    Everything is a process, we are still in the midst of the last issued curfew, therefore its not jus up to him to say, “oh yeah ayo could do wa ayo want now”…yal know this! but then again these ppl doe gripe and behave worst than toddlers so im not even surprised!

    Like 14
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  7. Keep A Cool Head says:

    People stop with that stupid death slang calling death on yourselves (it’s not funny).

    CURFEW ACT, 2017 (No. 20 of 2017)
    Imposition of a Curfew (No. 19) Order, 2020
    [Gazetted 29th May, 2020]

    The Governor, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3, read together with section 4 of the Curfew Act, 2017 (No. 20 of 2017) makes the following Order:

    2. (1) spread of COVID-19 and for the protection of all persons within the Territory, a curfew is hereby imposed from the date this Order comes into force until Sunday 7th June, 2020, between the hours of 7:00 p.m to 6:00 a.m daily, subject to such conditions as stipulated in this Order.

    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), no person shall be on the streets, and every person shall remain confined to their place of residence (inclusive of their yard space) between the hours specified in that subsection.

    3. Subject to such conditions as may be stipulated, this Order shall

    Like 23
  8. Nick says:

    Did not even talk about the tourism industry. I work for a charter company and can not see a light at the end of this tunnel.

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    • Watch says:

      The one business that brings money and jobs to the territory

    • Umm says:

      Who you going to charter? You see anyone around the world traveling right now? Continue trying to behave like everything back to normal and the stress will kill you when you realize that is not going to happen anytime soon

      • Chris says:

        I will! The USVI is open and we will be there in July. Would love to come over to Foxy’s, Soggy Dollar and a lot of other places…..maybe even this guy’s charter! Look around. The world is opening back up. You guys are being duped down there.

  9. wellness says:

    am a resident, am not disappointed . what are you talkin about

    Like 9
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    • Everyone says:

      has a brain use, an ability and right to express her/hisself and a right not to be insulted by others who think that only the freedom of expression is right and should posted. And, if another point of view is not insinc with theirs, it must not be mentioned, but disqualified. Only their limied view matters and should be allowed in public.

      Everyone has the must to put things in through one hole and let out through a next. Everyone has the propensity to stink unless otherwise averted.

      Everyone has an opinion and each should show respect for the other. So even if one washes often does not mean that another does not think that you smell.

      Like 3
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  10. bee says:

    The government has done a lot to keep us safe and I thank them for that but I really think that they are over doing it when they won’t open BVI waters for boaters in the BVI, It’s been more than 2 months since we were able to use our boats. Can someone tell us the reason why we can’t use our boats, if you have to you can put a curfew on it but please let us start using our boats this weekend “ What harm can be done by going out in your boat and taking a swim?

    Like 9
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    • See says:

      Because you have ignorant jerk offs who will be smuggling back and forth from the USVI . People and drugs … or havent you heard this is the norm for 20 years ?

      Like 10
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    • Boats says:

      Don’t be so selfish. The Marine Police and Customs need to ensure boats are not illegally bringing people in from St Thomas or wherever. If local boats are running around on the water then it would be easier for illegals to sneak in.

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  11. Really??!! says:

    Aryo got all day to do what aryo got to do. Stay home at night with alyo wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend and pickney them nuh!! Aryo go dead if aryo no see aryo side thing them eh??!! That ah how Coronavirus ah go spread! When you want to jam up pan Tom, Dick and Harry then want to go back home to yo family them. PRACTICE FU STAP AH YO YARD!! LOL, ah joke me ah mek so aryo no come kill me!!

    Like 10
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  12. Shh says:

    There will be a wave of new cases when them local arrive, brace for a second lockdown soon

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  13. true says:

    what i find strange is that Deputy Premier minister of Health noted that there can be relaxing of curfew on Tuesday.

    Nothing was posted till today late about the sea our borders, have they all fallen out as the Govenor needed to sign it

    Jost, Anegada all need to be allowed free electric without all jumping through hoops to get it. Most of VG as well

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  14. GTFOH says:

    Too many idiots in the BVI. The broadcast was specifically about the economic relief plan as advertised in 2 different updates so why would people come on during the broadcast for the economic relief plan reasonably expecting curfew related news.

    Like 21
  15. Give me a break says:

    3 people talk about curfew and you all gone out of your way to write a big story. Y’all wicked for spite.

    Like 6
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  16. :) says:

    The people that were disappointed that no update on the curfew was provided are the same ones that go to the movies to watch Avengers then get upset when batman didn’t showup.

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  17. Eagle eye says:

    People all we have to do is stay outside.they can’t lock everybody up plus we want social distancing.SIMPLE

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  18. @ See says:

    It involves others countries such as DR, and St, Marteen, and other Eastern and Southern Carribean islands as well, not just the USVI.

  19. Alain says:

    What about work permit holders when will they be able to return?

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  20. Curious. says:

    Does anyone really believe that when all the children arrive back at home their mothers and fathers are not going to give them a big hug . Also do we believe that their brothers and sisters are going to stay out of their bedrooms for 2 weeks.

  21. Remain humble says:

    Please remember that folks will start coming in. So instead of crying about the curfew being adjusted to allow people to be out longer or to gather more…pray that those who will be coming in will be healthy

  22. O says:

    Right is above time curfew free of course whit measures we need to get full 8 work hours

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