BVI News

Road resurfacing timed after rainy season, not for elections — Vanterpool

Waterfront Drive in Road Town is one of several thoroughfares in the territory that is being resurfaced.

Works Minister and National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate Mark Vanterpool has said the road-paving works that are ongoing across the territory is not an election gimmick but rather part of a medium-term plan to improve road infrastructure while designs are developed for stronger, more permanent roads.

Speaking on the latest airing of NDP Radio, Vanterpool said government only recently issued a contract to an ‘international company’ to create the designs for those major roadworks.

“I don’t expect those major roadworks to happen until sometime next year after we have done the designs and so on … But, as minister responsible for the roads, there is no way I would leave the roads as they were. We had to do something about the resurfacing of many of the roads,” Vanterpool said.

“We are ensuring that the motorists can have more comfortable roads to drive on. I am going to defend that to the last because the roads were not comfortable enough. It’s one thing to say we are rushing to do this for election but it’s another thing to listen to the criticisms and the complaints that people have had [in relation to] the need to resurface the roads. I am very pleased that we have begun that process,” he added.

No sense paving roads during rainy season

He explained that the ongoing road resurfacing project was timed to come after the June-to-November rainy season when the territory’s roads are most vulnerable to become eroded.

“We normally have heavy rains and so on in November but [the Department of] Public Works would always be ready to put forward a proposal right after that to at least resurface the roads to the extent that motorists can be comfortable.”

“They did put that proposal to us [and] it took some time. In fact, we were very unhappy it took so long. In the ministry, we had to deal with issues of finance and so on. However, in early January the Cabinet approved funding for us to begin to resurface the roads throughout the territory.”

Vanterpool said road resurfacing are expected to take a few months considering that authorities are working to cover as many areas as possible.

Below is a schedule for asphalt-paving roadworks February 6 to 10

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  1. Me says:

    VG take note not on the list

    Like 13
  2. What!!! says:

    B.S. !!!!

    Like 22
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    • Well done! says:

      Oh my, this man does not only take us for fools, but stupid A$$E$!! Mr. Minister whether you will like to believe it or not, the masses did not eat their school lessons. We learned about the rainy season from Primary School.

      Well done, Mr. Politician man for mashing up this country with your business plan. But please don’t take us all for fools, because the majority of us went to school.

  3. ndp heckler says:

    Soon the road will be higher than the side walks and how come no bonding agent is being used? Also where are the chinese equipment that were purchased to do this same job?

    Like 31
  4. strupes says:

    Ah lie he ah tell..NDP tek we foh fools

    Like 28
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    • VICKIE says:


      Like 12
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  5. Hello says:

    It is clearly an election gimmick so stop trying to fool the people in this place. We are not stupid,…well at least not all of us. This will be the last time you waste our tax money in such an irresponsible way talking bout June-November rainy season. Dude it’s February and weeks before election, where were you a year ago?? I’ll say this much, NDP is “NOT” getting my vote.

    Like 35
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  6. Yeah right... says:

    What a coincidence…

    Like 23
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    • IT Didn't work in st.kitts/Nevis says:

      In the lead up to the elections in St. Kitts & Nevis in 2015, the Labor party government was thought to be heavily corrupt and among other things they: refused to hear a “Motion of No Confidence” for more than 2 years. On the eve of election, they tried Changing the Boundaries to benefit themselves; with the case going first to the CCJ; and finally to the Privy Council in London; with the ruling favoring the boundaries remaining unchanged; thus in favor of Team Unity. Still determined to fight, Labor government several Jumbo plane carriers to fly voters from Canada and the USA home to SK/N; supposedly for their benefit. Upon landing at Bradshaw International, thousands were seen removing their Red Labor T-Shirts and Replacing them with Team Unity Green T-shirts. Finally on election day, at around 2.00 am, supervisor of elections calculated Team Unity to be in the winning and stopped the count. Labor is now in the Opposition and Team Unity formed the government and is busily moving the country forward.

      The moral of the story? Never Underestimate the power of a people determined to exercise their power for change….and knowingly having the Power.
      People of our still blessed little country pregnant with so much possibilities and potential, together, let us Reject Corruption, Nepotism, Cronyism and Government in the Darkness. Those are not sustainable characteristics. “Whatever goes up must come down”

      Like 8
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  7. vg man says:

    virgin gorda the forgotten place once again

    Like 20
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  8. 2018 says:

    I guess last year – 2018 didn’t have the same dry and rainy season like this year…hmmm….ok Mark…ok

    Like 21

    What I been wanting to know is if any of the candidates hold more than one citizenship…because St. Kitts dealing with the issue and Guyana…and I remember E***** P****** had to give up her USA citizenship and this is something that should be in the forefront for the people of this country…is your allegiance to the BVI and the BVI ONLY?!

    Like 4
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  10. dfdfdf says:

    Cardcaptors of the Clow,
    Expect the unexpected now!

    Like 4
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  11. This man says:

    So tell us how you used the previous $16 million while you at it. Account for that first.

    Y’all sickening.

    Like 17
  12. Really says:

    You all think we stupid? Hon. Minister, we have spoken about the terrible roads for a long time now come election here they are. What about the sewerage system? We have been speaking about that for a long time too. Why don’t you eat it, we’ll all vote for you then.

    Come on – start.

    Like 14
  13. Seeka Bay says:

    It rained in the BVI for 8 years?

    Like 28
  14. FACTS says:

    So if the roads were paved during the rainy season and matched up you all will still be complaining. Can you throw ashphelt when the roads are wet during the rainy season? Sometime we need to be realistic.

    Like 2
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  15. Think to talk says:

    Virgin Gorda roads are being fixed i was there stop tell lie

    Like 2
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  16. Voter says:

    I guess they want the Government to sit back and do nothing until elections? The Government is elected to work, we all complained about the roads and they’re now being fixed. The Minister confirmed that a properly qualified international entity is being engaged to design and build better roads going forward and we should all be happy about it. Elections or elections not let’s stop being petty. Of course any Government will try to spruce things up on the eve of elections but to act as if the road works weren’t needed, let’s be grateful for the fix up and comfort.

    Like 5
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    • Hmmm... says:

      This international entity is responsible for only 3 small sections. That was announced in the community meetings last week.

  17. Easy says:

    Well I am happy for the roads and it doesn’t matter to me that it’s election time. If you think the Government is only paving roads now as a ploy to secure your votes come election day then I think that says a lot more about the voters than the government itself. Most people should already know who they will be voting for in a few weeks and if a little contract or smooth road can sway your vote then that is squarely on you, not the government.

    Like 8
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    • yeah but says:

      Sure nice – but temporary – they pay less money for a job that they know will last less than 4 years – that is because they are doing it for politics, not because we the people need decent roads – if they actually wanted to do the right thing for us, they would spend the money for a permanent or at least long lasting surface. Then you wouldn’t have to feel grateful every 4 years when it gets done again – and it would probably work out cheaper in the long term.

  18. dont believe you... says:

    It stands to reason that if the roads were in such a bad condition and you had plans to wait until “the dry season” to repair then you would have stated that to the public many months ago when there were complaints. – but now 2 weeks before the election and you expect us to believe that this was always planned. I dont think so!

    Like 19
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  19. Jah know says:

    Is like they dont hear, we the people aren’t stupid, stop making lies and trying to fool us like we are 5 year olds like we can’t see and don’t have any common sense. You keep on insulting our intelligence and taking us for fools that we should just say okay and believe your lies and excuses. Smhhhh it really shows how you guys think of the ppl of the BVI that we are vulnerable to settle for and believe anything you say.

    Like 16
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  20. A Real Ghut says:

    I don’t see the forgotten Johnson’s Ghut on the schedule. Can the D6 representative get us some help please?

  21. Well sah says:

    So why did you not pave after rainy season for the previous years??? Mark your days are numbered.

    Like 14
  22. Why says:

    so tell me why only Districts with current NDP reps getting pave, what happen to the road from where District 3 that starts by the corner where the dolphins use to be to West End that have so much bumps?

    Like 17
  23. lol. says:

    who is fooling who? that how mark think of us. he sees us as idiot. they would never change.

    Like 10
  24. Wait... says:

    What happened to Anegada? I thought they didn’t have money in the roads??? It’s that what the PS just said???

  25. Interested says:

    As usual .

  26. Brad Boynes says:

    M of CW minister need not be in government.

  27. TGV says:

    Bunch of BS! Too little too late! This last ditch effort will only fool some people. I only have to look at the two cars in my yard and the damage that was reeked upon them on account of having to drive on these atrocious roads to know that you all ain’t getting my votes. Not a chance.

  28. Charnele says:

    I think they said A Nevada roads had to stop because Public Works ran out of money, so were did he get the money from now? You politicians are jokers and liers.

  29. The Irony says:

    The wealthy misogynist, yellow skinned, foreign women loving, Thief, Mr Trump…..Opsie I Mean Mr ——– lies Easier than he steals lol

  30. Resident says:

    You damn if you do and damn if you don’t. People been talking about the roads for a long time. Now that we finally getting a little relief allyo still b******g. And no im not an ndp supporter. Just call it like I see it. Election gimmick or not thanks for the road.

    Like 1
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  31. tf? says:

    We stupid sah 8 years lol scam God Mark

  32. Road Dog says:

    The NDP government was returned to power in June 2015 and had approximately 1460 days to plan road work. The question is now in February 2019 the pace for maintenance road work has increased just before the election on 25 Feb. It this an election gimmick? Is it a mirage? Is it playing naïveté with the public?

    The MCW is saying the work is being done now because it is outside of the rainy season, which runs from June through November. Ok. So what happen in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018? Here is a news flash. Maintenace road work (sealcoat, overlay, skin patching) can be performed during rainy season. The work is planned based on the weather projection. Asphalt or flexible pavement sets up quickly. It can be driven on the same day that it was laid down. Full depth construction/reconstruction is a bit tricker but it too can be done with effective planning based on weather projections. Stop on residents and telling them it is raining.

    Like 5
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  33. Yikes says:

    designs are developed for stronger, more permanent roads. This from first paragraph in the article. am I reading correctly? What a waste of money oh no just a purchasing of votes, no just a fulling up of some holes, na maybe a fulling up of some pockets before you lose. Can’t the governor stop this waste, wastage?

    Like 2
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  34. Weir D. Playne says:

    If you find a donkey ride them.

  35. But of course says:


  36. Wanted to know says:

    What about last year there was no rain? Election gimmick yet again

  37. Ausar says:

    I’m confused..

    Everytime I’m on Tortola, it rains. And Im there all year round. So I’m not sure what constitutes a rainy season.

    I do agree that some resurfacing must take place because the earth sinks and asphalt must continually be replaced.

    Let’s hope that the country finally gets the infrastructure that it deserves!

  38. Old says:

    Please people do not vote for ndp . They are crook

  39. Rayn says:

    Who is fooling who?

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