BVI News

Roughly 50% of BVI’s population now vaccinated

Roughly 50 percent of the British Virgin Islands’ population is now vaccinated against COVID-19.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald Georges gave that indication in a COVID-19 update at the weekend.

“While this may blunt the impact of hospitalisation and death from future outbreaks, it still has much room for improvement,” Dr Georges stated.

According to the Health Ministry’s last known COVID epidemiological summary released on September 24, a total of 15,164 persons have been fully vaccinated while another 2,330 are partially vaccinated against the virus.

The summary further indicated that there are at least 61 active cases of COVID-19 in the territory; bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 2,714.

“The potential for further outbreaks is a very real possibility for the Virgin Islands given the relaxation of measures to allow economic activity, general fatigue with adherence to public health measures, low vaccination rates,” the CMO stated.

He, therefore, advised residents to continue to adhere to all public health measures, comply with any quarantine orders and instructions of public health officers, report any suspected instances of quarantine breaches to Public Health at 468 2274 or the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force at 311, and vail themselves of opportunities for vaccination.

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  1. Health Services says:

    Please amend protocols for vaccinated persons. No need to remain in 2 week quarantine. Update your policies and stop punishing vaccinated persons.

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    • @health services says:

      They are not punishing vaccinated ppl. They can be carriers as well, especially with the delta and mu variants.

      Read up. Comments like this rile up the public. I encourage you to continue following protocol, and stop asking for action that would only hurt us.

      Like 9
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  2. Equal Rights & Justice says:

    Please stop the discrimination.Everyone should be treated equally.

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    • not really says:

      Unvaccinated people should be treated as what they are – a greater risk for infection, transmission and hospitalization. They are using the vaccinated as shields to protect themselves, and occupying hospital resources that should otherwise be available to responsible members of society.

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  3. hmmmm says:

    I’m still waiting on the health minster to come out and say how much of the 46 person in vg that has the virus are fully vaccinated

    • Tongue Fu says:

      Stay Woke. You onto something. I am willing to bet most if not all were fully vax as I doubt the firm that they work for would accept anything less. More concerning is how many persons they were in contact with?

      Check the recent stats. One hospitalized but no vaccination status why? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

      Stay woke.

    • The beast says:

      if I was a betting person i’ll say all of them.

  4. Tired of this says:

    If a Vaccinated and unvaccinated can both carry and spread the virus why is there discrimination… Okay one has a higher chance at surviving than the other but the other can still pull through… Why is there discrimination?… Its like choosing to wear a condom tbh cause it can still burst and cause a disease … but its a personal choice!… Why are we acting as if the vaccinated are immune???… Yall can’t see that its basically saying let me try to save your life?….I wish the conversation about these men secretly affected by this vaccine on island would come out to the public.. Let people choose.. but the elites have their plans and countries buckle under pressure to survive… for just a let me try to save your life for you situation.. Not saying its bad that they are trying to look out for people but I dont see whyyyyyyyy there is discrimination just mind boggling.

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  5. Tourist says:

    7 months and only half the BVI islanders are vaccinated! What’s the problem down there? No BVI holiday this season.

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  6. Sheep wake up says:

    @not really you don’t use the 20 percent of your brains that the survey say. You better do your homework and stop having people direct you to pit of fire. The virus is in the vaccine so if you have the vaccine you have the virus. Over one million vaccinated people died so far. Vaccinated people are the Delta and the mu. you need to have free will because the lack of knowledge will make you fall in this great reset.

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  7. Jimmy Jowe says:

    And if believe what the government is telling you, we have an elevation of erections and increase energy from the ppl taking the jab

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