BVI News

RVIPF, prison officers receive ‘crowd control’ training for protests, large gatherings

RVIPF officers undergoing crowd-control training. (Photo provided)

Officers in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force are receiving training on how to control crowds during times of protest or during “any large gathering whether peaceful or violent”.

UK-based company, Red Snapper Learning, was contracted to offer training to 44 police officers over three weeks.

Similar training is being offered to 20 officers at Her Majesty’s Prison to ‘maintain safety’ at the penitentiary.

Commissioner of Police Michael Matthews said a lot of focus was placed on firearms training for his officers last year. This, he said, caused public order training to “take a backseat” because of the limited training budget that was made available to police.

But after receiving funding from the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the top cop seized the opportunity to provide refresher training in crowd control to his officers.

“Through the FCO, we were not only provided the funding for public order training but accompanying safety kits, therefore we made this a priority this year. After the three weeks, we will not only have newly trained officers in the keeping public order but local officers equipped to deliver that training to keep skills current and fresh,” Commissioner Matthews said.

Armory and Firearms trainer in the RVIPF, Inspector Ernest Gumbs, said he was pleased officers were being equipped with skills in crowd control, which he said are needed in times of peace time and in times of violence.

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  1. Changing world says:

    My fellow VI people please begin to prepare for something big to occur in the following months. Perhaps a UK take over once the brixit deal is completed.

    It’s going to be a race for the next global superpower and a new world order, with a yet to be revealed hegemony and leader nation.

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  2. VIP For Sure says:

    VIP followers for sure you got to watch out for. PVIM with a nice clap back and VIP ready to fight people who like the clap back. I swear they a part of a cult.

  3. Kidos says:

    Wonderful! Our officers have to be prepared for anything.

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  4. Madness says:

    Why.. how have the VI changed so much that is an issue!

    Like 2
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    • @Madness says:

      That bubble that you all were living in thinking you were immune from things like this, have reached your shores. I heard plently people saying only in America these things happen. Well,the beast has landed. You guys Ain’t see anything yet.

  5. Say What !!!!!! says:

    They act like they are getting ready for the clash of the D..m Titans. Seems like Someone is trying to start or incite people to go out and start problems on election day. The whole S..t don’t make any sense. My Father said he is feeling like. ….. ….. is behind it.

  6. Reality check says:

    What a load of nonsense in the comments and typical of the uneducated paranoid idiots that get a voice on BVI

    . Civil unrest like after Irma ……….. hello……………….. now rvipf equipped to deal with that type of event and starting to become a professional public service …. if only the people of BVI supported its police and became good citizens and stop harbering criminals and guns, gave information to the police and stop this accepted cannabis culture on the lie “oh its good for you” nonsense . I accept a bit of a smoke is now more socially acceptable but the extent it is used on BVI is wrong and hand in hand with that culture is the gangster culture that is damaging the young of BVI . Somebody needs to take a long hard look at the culture of BVI before it’s too late

    Like 10
  7. Webster says:

    I wish they could get some training in investigating murders as well. It’s about time we get those murders solved. The number keeps climbing and I don’t think I heard this topic being addressed during the many campaigns.

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