BVI News

Rymer bewails crime after murder in district


In light of the territory’s first murder for 2019 which happened in the Fifth District community of Huntums Ghut a week ago, Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate for that constituency Kye Rymer has now made crime reduction and prevention a subject of his campaign.

Speaking at a VIP rally on Friday, Rymer bewailed that violent crime was becoming a norm in the usually-peaceful Virgin Islands.

He then told residents that a VIP government has every intention of offering sufficient support to local police to address the seeming increase in violent crime over the last several months.

“The police would not depend on the governor to instil his constitutional rights to invoke money into the police. This VIP team will ensure that the police have the resources and the funding to carry out their duties,” he said.

Gun crimes are known to be common in the Fifth District.

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  1. vip heckler says:

    who sen yo to fix up dah court?

    Like 6
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    • Show and tell says:

      Cause it’s election time and he want to make it seem like he’s doing something. Funny did he get a g a n g to help with fixing up the same court?

      Like 7
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  2. Well sah says:

    But are you lawless yourself because simple things like u riding around on a scooter with out helmet like u does forget now you get an ephinany?

    Like 4
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  3. Concern says:

    Fixing a court doesn’t give anyone to take another’s life. This is the lowest of all lows.

  4. Great! says:

    This man right here is the change District 5 needs

    Like 6
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    • Deceit says:

      I have no interest in what Mr. R—– has to say if he could l– about the basket ball courts redevelopment on the airwaves. Where is his int——?

      As a you comer character matters and what he did just to pull a politcal stunt to take self praise it speak volume.

      If he could deceive us the people of such a small project like this and never to this day apologise for his l—- actions. That he spare head the project and ordedered backboards from the states when in fact the past rep give such contract to a local businessman and another business local man build the backboards. What do you inspect.

      There was no reason for him to lie. How people will trust when you start to deceive people

  5. New says:

    This is a great article! Positivity is what we need is our country.

    Like 4
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  6. Really says:

    The talk from one of your so call supporters saying how your mother in law done have a say in your show

    Like 7
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  7. Prayer says:

    I degree and declare in the name of Jesus with the almighty blood that any person that use any form of witchcraft to gain political victory. To each polling station or pathways for the people to get there I declare in the astmosphere in the blood of Jesus and his mighty power that you will crimble all those with such evil hands. We are nation build on the foundation of God.

    The evilness that are planted I declare in the name if Jesus send a mighty powerful wind to root it up all over these islands and flood it out purify the earth with your blood.



    Like 2
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  8. Think to talk says:

    There is a thing when things dont start right it will not end right.

    Now it is no fault of mr. Rymer for what such countless act that happen.

    But the lies that was relayed to that project he need to apologise to the constituents of that district.

    The VIP party highly think that we the people dump and stupid.

    And the behaviour if their supportes believe every lie because they know that half of you all stupid

    Like 7
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  9. Pato says:

    I will not have a say he will be calling the shots with my guidance. Positive actions

  10. Smh says:

    Kye don’t mind the noise we got you in district 5!!! All these empty vessels talking pure nonsense.

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