BVI News

Rymer plans large-scale clean-up for 5th District

Kye Rymer.

Residents of the Fifth District are being asked to come out and participate in a large-scale community clean-up initiative set for Saturday, January 25.

This appeal came from the District Representative Kye Rymer, who told BVI News there is a growing issue of improper waste management within the community.

“We want to go around to each area within the district and clean up light trash and debris. The purpose is to have a clean district, build community togetherness and also heighten our sense of pride as we all want to live and play in an environment that is clean and tidy,” Minister Rymer stated.

He also explained that the initiative is nothing new since his committee usually conducts various clean-up sessions which at times include de-bushing in specified areas within the district.

“We launched this community service during my campaign and have continued it. However, it has mainly been my committee and a few supporters. Now I call on all of the Fifth District to do their part to make a more effective impact on the beautification and safely of our district,” Minister Rymer stated.

“Many hands make light work and we need to join together and not just talk the talk but walk the walk. The district is nothing without all of us and it is our duty to set an example for our community especially our youth,” he added.

Location of meeting points

There will be four meet up points for the initiative. These include the Long Trench Community Centre, The Watch House, Fahie Hill and Huntums Ghut basketball court.

According to Rymer, there will be point persons at each of the four locations to get the cleanup started at 5 am.

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  1. I love this says:

    See you there

    Like 6
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  2. Lovely says:

    I will be there

  3. Devon says:

    Great idea ! Hopefully the other district reps will follow up with the same.

    Like 4
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  4. ok says:

    And schedule large road fixing please….

  5. well sah says:

    This man only concentrating on his district ?

    Like 1
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    • Smh says:

      What other district do you want him to focus on? After all it is the people of the 5th voted him in. If the people in the 5th didn’t vote him in, do you think he would be sitting where he is. Hon Rymer don’t mind the talk you have to take care of home before you can take care of others.

    • @ well sah says:

      Rather than wait for someone to take the step why don’t you get a committee in your district and get to work

  6. vip heckler says:

    Them all does do this for their first term, nothing new here

  7. Disinterested says:

    Cleaning up and keeping districts and the territory clean and aesthetically pleasing is a constant challenge for politicians. Do we want more from politicians than their organizing clean up? It seems as though the more we clean the worst things get. People need to take pride in keeping our “Home”, the territory, clean. Tourism is 1/2 of the economic twin pillars. As such, we need to keep the territory clean if not for ourselves for our guests. No visitor wants to visit a trashy place and will go back tell their family, friends, co-workers….etc about our nastiness. That is unfortunate.

    Government has role to play but it not our custodial worker that is constantly organizing clean up. It is shameful. Government should strategically position refuse bins (closed) throughout the territory and set times for pick up. Additionally, government should have special pick ups at least quarterly for pick up of appliances, furniture and heavy brush. These items should be set out 1-2 days before schedule pick ups. If residents cannot wait for the special pick ups, they can take the items to Pock Wood Pond. Government also needs to establish a sound recycle programme. Government needs to levy heavy fines for “Thrashers.” A behavioral change is needed.

    • @Disinterested says:

      @Disinterested, well said. But all thrash strewn all over the place is sickening. The thrash is not being fling everywhere by itself. It is some of our nasty a..s fellow residents that are doing the thrashing. They seem to think that the rest of us should clean up behind their nasty a..s. Furthermore, it is government responsibility to clean up behind their you know what. Let’s demonstrate some damn personal and national pride. Do we maintain our homes this way? Well, if so, the VI has fallen far, for once upon a time VI people had pride in where they live. What happened?

      • RealPol says:

        @@Disinterested, the nastiness is line with the total dependency on government. In the VI political patronage is in full bloom. People depend on government for every thing. Who create this high level of dependency? People. If my party is in power even if they are underperforming I expect it to let me feed at trough. And when my neighbor’s party is in power, he/she expects to feed at the trough. This dependency behavior is not in the national interest. It is a cancer that erodes the effectiveness of government and inhibits growth and development. The VI is a resource-poor territory and despite our belief the VI is not a wealthy country. Its quality of life and standard of living may have improved but it is not wealthy. Its economy hedges on two fragile economic sectors——-tourism and financial services. It cannot squander its scarce and limited resources.

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