BVI News

Safety issues lead to Premier getting new $115K Cadillac Escalade

A 2019 Cadillac Escalade. (Not the exact one mentioned in the story)

Citing ‘safety’ as a primary reason, Cabinet has decided to forego the usual tendering process to acquire a new 2019 Cadillac Escalade for the Office of the Premier.

The vehicle purchased from Virgin Islands Motors is valued at $115,600.

The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting chaired by Deputy to Governor David Archer, Jr on April 24.

Mechanical issues

In also explaining the circumstances behind the purchase, Premier Andrew Fahie said the vehicles assigned to his office was plagued with mechanical problems.

“I didn’t want one but, do the research. If you go to VI Motors, the one that I was driving there, it embarrassed me so many times … People didn’t know how much time it stops and clocks out. And, I say ‘driver, keep on going’, because the minute I go and ask for a car, it’s a problem. ‘Get this thing working even if you got to push’,” the Premier said during the recently-concluded budget debate in the House of Assembly.

He said when the vehicle in question was brought to VI Motors for repairs, the mechanic told him that it was ‘surprising that certain things didn’t happen’ while driving,” Fahie said.

The Premier said that the old vehicle is still undergoing repairs. And despite being issued another ‘makeshift’ car, it too is not up to par.

“We had to get the Premier’s car … So, I want you to know what’s in the budget because I have nothing to hide from the people of the Virgin Islands. You cannot be private in public,” the Premier Fahie said.

The Fahie-led administration has been in office for roughly two months now.

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  1. He now waving! says:

    The tender process was yet again waived to buy a brand new vehicle when this same Premier was campaigning that the country was broke. There was nothing wrong with the Former vehicle. It was only about two and half years old from my memory. Waiving the tendering process is now the new normal for the same person who made the public feel as though the former government was doing wrong things by waiving the tendering process even when they were trying to fix much needed buildings after the hurricane. Now this same person is waiving the tendering process for everything under the sun. I guess now he has thrown away his copy of the protocols.
    All I can say is “wow”. Fahie is now waving as us because you can’t get close with the body guards.

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    • @He now waiving says:

      If ever I read an ignorant post plastered with hatred and mis-information it is this one. You can tell that you are one of the sore losers of the former administration. If the current Premier’s vehicle isn’t working then what the hell else you want the Premier to do but get a new one. Afterall the leader of the country deserved to be driven in a vehicle that works. I always heard that he said we have a management and priority issue not a money problem. Lastly I agree with the Premier in the budget in that since the NDP left so much money in the treasury then why they left the country in such a delapidated state and fixed nothing. We the majority of the people are not Stupid. We are supporting our new Premier.

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      • wow says:

        I am neither VIP, NDP or anything other P. The VIP won the recent elections and the NDP is out of power. That still doesn’t justify what is happening.

        1. Fahie no-bids a new car for the premier office. How long would it take to put together a bid for a car? No excuse. 2. Fahie says during the campaign the govt was broke because the former govt spent the money in the wrong places but found all of this money in the budget so now the former govt did not spend the money in the right places. 3. During the campaign, the VIP stated that the pier park was overrun by $30m. But Fahie then hires the same man who managed the pier project, to be his PS (with a title of consultant). 4. Fahie says he has nothing to hide so he is bringing this all to the public. However, whether you break the rules in public (as he is now doing) or break them in private (as he stated the NDP was doing), or the NDP breaks them or the VIP breaks them, it is still breaking the rules and it is wrong.

        Mr Premier, please do not use your honeymoon period to pull the wool over the people’s eyes.

        Like 70
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      • Bias says:

        It is unfortunate how you can detect hatred of others when you seem to have the same amount of hatred.

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      • Hmmm says:

        What was the trade in value of the previous vehicle? Three years old and bought for over 90K that means this new vehicle roughly cost 40K with the trade in value of the previous one.
        The previous one was traded in right?

    • Concern says:

      And yet our schools need fixing. I guess this is much needed priority

      Like 42
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      • To concern says:

        Talk the facts that the new Premier is now fixing the schools in 8 months after they were left destroyed for 2 years by the past Administration after Irma.

        • Stop lying! says:

          First of all, it has NOT been two years since Irma! Secondly, there were already plans from the previous government to fix the schools so that they are more resilient. Anyone who has ever built anything or even seen something built KNOWS that there is a process that takes time. Fortunately for the VIP all they have to do is sign on the dotted line.

    • Truth Sayer says:

      Why did we not get the specs for the vehicle? That would make the cost high. School children say the vehicle is to be bullet proof.

      Like 14
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    • But.... says:

      Escalade giving problems is the reason for buying a new vehicle and you buy a later year escalade?!!

      Like 34
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    • TJ says:

      Are there any honest people in the bvi

      Like 19
      • Yes but says:

        The honest ones are way outnumbered and often shunned and criticized and crucified by the masses
        Sad state I see

  2. On Looker says:

    I see the staff of his office driving the same vehicle every day, seems this guy has an issue with the truth!

    Like 66
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  3. BVIslander First says:

    Look! If the NDP had gotten back in and Ronnie or Myron was appointed Premier, they would have bought a new official vehicle. People need to stop being so small minded. The NDP backers need to accept defeat. If their government had done the right things and done right by the country and the people, their Government would have still been in office. Give the Government and the new Premier a chance. Come 2024 if you are not pleased with his Government then exercise your right to vote and vote them out of office. As far as I am concerned the NDP or what used to be the NDP was buried after election night. likely never to be resurrected again. Get of it, you lost, move on..

    Like 28
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    • @BVIslander First says:

      You miss the point. Its not about money but morals and ethics. These are the things you campaigned against. You said the NDP left the country broke etc., that they abused the tender process etc. But now you are in you are doing the same things you complained about. Politics is just a circus in this country. And who can tell the most believable and intelligent lies during election will win. Shame on us.

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      • BVIslander First says:

        To answer my question. Do you think Ronnie or Myron would have bought. New vehicle if they were appointed Premier? Take into consideration the fact that the former Premier vehicle was almost written off some years back. Answer my question? We so fickle and small minded that if you do you are criticized, if you don’t you are criticized . you can never win with BVIslanders small minded 2 x 4 island mentality.

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        • Jill says:

          Who knows for certain what ronnie and myron would have done. Asuming is not wise but history would dictate that ronnie drives his own vehicles regardless of rank in society.

          Like 12
    • Is that so says:

      I must say that i am yet to see Ronnie in a government vehicle

      Like 14
    • RT says:

      This place is toast

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  4. Me again says:

    Wasnt this vehicle involved in a highway accident where the front wheel was Severely damaged ?
    Short term memory or is it conveience ?

    Like 27
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  5. and here says:

    WE GO AGAIN! Same BS different Government. NO WONDER THE UK THINKS THIS PLACE IS A BANANA REPUBLIC! Well done Fahie – you managed to be corrupt in public without consequences..

    Like 49
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    • To and here says:

      I don’t want to hear your slave mentality about what the UK thinks because they can’t get their affairs handle and want to come sticking their nose all over. Not even to BREXIT they can get handle so get a better refrrence. The BVI will be just fine.

      Like 18
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  6. Hmmm says:

    I agree with any Premier doing what is done here even with the waiving of the tender process to do it because a leader’s safety should be discussed and organized in small confidencential capacities especially coming out of a volatile elections.

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  7. To me says:

    Why is this news? Premier don’t mind some of these small minded people who were quite when all the corruption was going on but now found their voice out of hatred. You are doing great and we support you.

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  8. FACT says:

    One good thing we can say about the VIP is that unlike the NDP they are not hiding anything they do with our tax dollars. Whether we agree or not with their programmes is something else but at least I like their approach.

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    • You think says:

      That is what you think. Barry say ‘ you will hear’. Only who know the full truth. You will hear.

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  9. Hmmm says:

    Nonsense so why not purchase FORD or GMC Jeep which are less money…? To me that is a waste of Tax payers money. If we want to do better than that last administration, then set and example and do better.

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  10. vip heckler says:

    This man have all of us to be fools and it looks like he is correct

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  11. Time of our lives says:

    He needs bodyguards because he has assasination threats for which he has not shown one shred of evidence. The police nor anyone else has substantiated any of this. Now he needs a new vehicle because the current one has mechanical problems even though it was being used by the former premier up to his last day in office. He said the country was broke and then when his spending spree started he changed and said we have money but it was being mismanaged. He said he is for transparency and accountability but gave Claude, his friend and political ally a no bid contract to do work that he has no expertise to do and then publicly say he will fire him if he doesn’t perform. This is all laughable.
    I believe we are in for the ride of our lives with Andrew. What sweet in goat mouth does sour in his behind. Look it up!

    Like 73
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  12. #@@ says:

    Why everything now is a problem?
    For years everyone sat back eating popcorn and watch soo much wrong being done by the NDP with our money. Now without giving the new government a chance, u all found a strong voice.

    How would it look for the world to hear that we have our Premier driving in a car that doesn’t work and most times have to walk.

    He didn’t make this decision by himself. Got over it.

    Like 6
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    • Hmmmm says:

      Because we voted for change and he is taking us down a path that we grew tired of. That is way it is a problem. Very disappointed thus far.

      Like 41
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  13. yolo says:

    i think this is what government should do. keep the vehicle until the warranty is up, or turn over vechiel every 5 years and put them up for auction with open bids, to offset the cost when buying a new one. The public will be happy and the car deal will be happy government will have less service expense which save money. Goverment happy>

    Like 20
  14. well sah says:

    Ayo ain’t see this man telling lies thru his teeth? First it was the country broke, then he gave 2 skeltons no bid contracts, he hired bodyguards from his crony’s firm, no bid contracts on the high school, now a bullet proof vehicle and he racked up more frequent flyer miles than kedric in just 60 short days, WOW! The man done start flying all over the globe, jack i tell yo but barry say yo will hear.

    Like 38
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    • Mockery says:

      I just hope he stops using God’s name in political contexts. No more church services sir, that should be your private matter.

      Looks like once he settles in, we will know what true small island dictatorship is.

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  15. Longshanks says:

    I think a man of his stature should have a private plane too for safety reasons. BVI Force 1.

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  16. Security says:

    At that cost we would be able to buy a cheaper brand vehicle and still bulletproof it for “security” reasons…you don’t have a contract with Cadillac so please cut your own path next time.

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  17. What a ting ! says:

    This is the reverse of ANiMAL FARM

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    • Just my 2 cents says:

      I think its exactly what the book has described. Leaders are condemned by others just so that they can get into ‘power’ and when they are in the position of power and authority, the partake in the very same things or even worst.

      Its a very educational/enlightening book which I believe should be read by everyone. Perhaps our Minister of Education should consider having same introduced into our educational system through the English or Literature curriculum at the high-school level.

  18. WOW says:

    Come on man. You going really do this. THIS IS TOLA. IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS FAM. Safety issue my foot. You just wanted a vehicle and you got what you wanted at the people’s expense. Good job.

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  19. wow says:

    A new governor came and he is still driving the former governor’s car……Not a problem but the premier cant drive in the former premier’s car?…..All governors live in the same house but our premiers cant live in the chief minister house…..So it go!

    Like 22
    • Smile says:

      Obviously the governors dont have trust issues. They probably believe in the higher power.

    • To wow says:

      I don’t want to hear anything about the governor and their colonial plots in modern day form. Our Premier will be just fine.

  20. can you image says:

    If this was done by ronnie skelton or myron walwyn or julian fraser what the blogs, talk shows and media houses would’ve been like?????

    Like 22
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  21. sickening says:


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  22. wicked people says:

    When the last administration bought that vehicle I didn’t hear any complaints.

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  23. Anonymous says:

    Whatever….the premier deserve to his. You guys are so unfair. Let him ride in comfort and style.

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  24. LOL says:

    The former administration supporters intend to make everything this government does look bad because they are still bitter over the loss of the government who crippled us.

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    • lilly says:

      LOL, Likewise you complained about everything the last administration did and now applaud the same things because you support this administration. Wrong is wrong regardless of how we feel about those doing the wrong.

      (I am not saying that the purchasing of the vehicle is wrong, because I could care less since I cannot change it. I am speaking in general as , but I am speaking in general.

  25. Reply says:

    Personally, I do not see the need for such a vehicle in the BVI at all. I said so when the previous Premier was being driven in one, and I’m saying the same now.

    This vehicle is nothing more than a status symbol to be driving around in on a very tiny island with terrible roads that would not allow that vehicle to be capable of being driven on the majority of them.

    But the status symbol is all in keeping with the narrative of alleged threats to the Premier necessitating the hiring of body guards.

    I think people are trying to imitate what other countries are doing. Not impressed. Waste of money as far as I am concerned, but I am not surprised by it at all.

    One last thing, I thought the Premier while in the Opposition claimed the government was broke, and the then government of the day was wasting money left right and center. I guess his Premiership has cause him to have a change of heart.

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  26. Anonymous says:

    Can’t he ride in a Chev or Ford. Whose money is he spending. I have no problem with the need for immediate transportation but he thinks he’s a king. Looks like a kink dome again.

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  27. Ausar says:

    And if any kind of malfeasance had befallen our Premier and his family, what would you people say?

    Our Premier and his family’s safety is of utmost paramounce and we must pay any amount, Cadillac Escapade, nothwithstanding, to ensure just that!

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  28. VG Resident says:

    115k on a car you can buy in Florida for 85K Why??

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  29. Makes sense... says:

    The Escalade that the previous Premier got is only 3 or 4 years old and giving mechanical and other problems, said the current Premier. “Time for a new vehicle then!”..says current Premier. “Why not another Escalade and why not spend $20K more on this one?”…………………….They were better off investing that kind of money in a nice full size benz jeep or something.

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  30. Nah says:

    The Benz jeep is too small.

  31. A says:

    Pity he don’t loose some w****t or an electric prius would have been ideal!

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  32. Watch says:

    The private jet is comming soon. The other SUV broke down because it could not hold his w****t.

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  33. Weir D. Playne says:

    There is nothing wrong or unusual for the Premier to have a new Escalade. It wasn’t too long ago that the previous ride was badly damaged in an accident.

    The Premier has a position that should grant him certain luxuries. The most important job in the BVI is the position of Premier. Any bad decision that the Premier makes will affect all residents of the BVI voters and non voters alike. With such a heavy burden that the position comes with it is not even in the top 20 highest paid in the BVI. The starting salary for the governor a few years ago was about $111,000 a year. A government minister is under $120,000 per year. Most managing directors in the legal and trust field make way more than our Premier. If we can afford to pay the RDA head $350,000 a year and not complain nobody should have a problem with the cost of the Escalade.

    There is nothing wrong with the Premier having a nice ride as long as the territory is doing well financially and that the wealth is being distributed to other areas and not lopsided. Most of the other leaders all are driven in high end vehicles even in 3rd World countries and most citizens accept this as the norm.

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  34. Jokes says:

    wonder if its bullet proof since he feels someone has time to to come after him

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  35. BS! says:

    Need to check that trade-in real good. The previous owner might have stashed $7.2 million in there somewhere.

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  36. On Looker says:

    I wonder how the publice will feel when the speaker gets his?

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  37. Blessings says:

    I would of feel good if he had just go down by TAG and get a Darn Nice Audi Simple.

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