BVI News

Senior doctors want too much to work on sister islands

Vincent Wheatley

Health Minister Vincent Wheatley said he has been eyeing senior doctors who are close to retirement to provide medical care on the sister islands. But he admitted that the government are not able to meet the demands of these professionals.

“We’re trying to look at persons who are close to retirement and my experience is that these persons have a lot of demands and it’s almost prohibitive. Some retired doctors are willing to go to Anegada and Jost Van Dyke but when you look at what they’re asking for, you have to say ‘Lord have mercy, why can’t we bring our own people home to do these things’,” Wheatley explained on the Morning Braff radio show earlier this week.

Regular medical services on sister islands have always been a challenge, but Wheatley said under his leadership, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke are seeing increased doctor visits.

He said the government is looking into a programme where senior doctors can provide services on these islands seven days per week.

“I have a plan to roll out — probably in 2025 — to incentivize our local doctors who are close to retirement. Come home, maybe not for the whole year but if they can give me three or four months and if I can get 40 doctors in that programme, we will be covered,” Wheatley explained.

He also said persons should know that the low volume of serious medical cases is another reason it’s difficult to get doctors — especially younger professionals — to cover the sister islands regularly.

“We have Virgin Islanders abroad that we’re trying to recruit but bear in mind that up-and-coming doctors want to be where the action is. If you’re trying to build a career, you’re not going to Anegada so easily. They want to go where they are seeing casualties and numbers — 10, 20 and 30 per day. So Trying to get doctors to go these remote places is a real challenge,” Wheatley explained.

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  1. Excuses says:

    Clueless many doctors on the face of the earth are coming to the tail end of their careers and would like to work in paradise on these remote islands and make US dollars at the same time.

    You want to tell me that there are millions of doctors in this world and you cant find one to work in Anegada or Virgin Gorda. Its not like these places are in -lacing where their lives is at risk. You all lack the ability to get anything done.

    Like 29
  2. BECAUSE says:


    Like 11
  3. FIDEL says:


    Like 20
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  4. Life says:

    Take some of the money that you all have for traveling and pay the doctors to look after the people.

    Like 36
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  5. LMAO says:

    This is his plan? WHAT THE F**K????????????? Bring some doctors from Cuba or somewhere else that would accept a decent/reasonable pay and get on with it. This local local bulls**t is what is killing the Territory in all areas. So we cannot afford to pay local doctors so the outer islands should remain without health facilities as a result and that makes f**king sense?

    Like 16
  6. 1st District says:

    Hon. Wheatley, you sound bad talking this mess. So the people lives on the sister islands doesnt matter. But you all can budget in advance millions and millions for travel. Make it make sense.

    Like 17
  7. too funny says:

    here you! qualified professionals are seemingly asking for too much to do a job they are qualified to do, while our empty head politicians don’t mind getting overpaid plus greedy bill certified to do zip. The health of your community is the wealth of your community. it might be your very life one of the same physicians might need to save, and that sir, will be priceless.

    Like 21
  8. GREEDY @$$ BILL says:


    Like 13

    who he was when he and saint andrew flex off
    themselves on our brothers and sisters from the other Caribbean countries using money gram as a
    tool to take advantage of them and left their employers who is not contributing their fair share of taxes UNTOUCHED
    ( he is just like TRUMP

  10. Anonymous says:

    Silliness can done in this place. Sir/ honorable your department keep a job fair where the doctors showed up and the job fair people told them we are not hiring doctors now. You and the others sit there warming your seats for next election. Instead of having the young professionals doing a one year internship here in the BVI. Every other Caribbean countries bring home their young doctors to work at their local hospitals. Why can’t the BVI do the same. Visionless leaders,allow the people to punish.

    Docotors who ask for the sky, try to give them heaven, because the lives the save are priceless. You have a bit of understanding of how much studying those doctors put in to their careers and the monies they invested is not limited. The education department would look to send them to Caribbean medical schools because it cheap and where the professor themselves need teaching. But when the spend money to other medical institutions,they must be paid their dues. Building a solid nation requires,money, commitment,knowledge,courage and dedication. No doctors should settle for pittents. You cannot want to pay a doctor 1800.00 a month and 3000 if they are on call .that me boy is silliness.

  11. Annoyed says:

    What kind of nonsense is this? At the very least, reveal what some of their ‘deal breaking’ demands are so the public can understand why we’re still without medical coverage on the sister islands. After all they are doctors, and should be paid what they’re worth.

    At the same time, as an incentive to get locals back, have them apprentice with these doctors that’re about to retire so they can get the experience and knowledge as well. I say that because you government officials always bring in professionals for all sorts of jobs but never create an opportunity for someone to learn from them.

    All in all, Mr. Wheatley, get it together. This bs is unacceptable.

  12. What you expect says:

    What you expect?

    Aya really put this man back in after he said,

    “I can’t raise minimum wage because the businesses would be upset with me.”


    we will be our own downfall.

  13. VG DUDE WID SENSE says:

    We got money to travel check!

    we got money for party check!

    we got money for grants check!

    we got money to give big contracts to friends and family check!

    we got money for greedy bill for sure!!! check!!!

    Money to assist the quality of life for residence and locals?? oh no sorry we’re on a tight budget. can’t afford no no. health care? no we ministers have our own private health care? bad roads?? no we can just buy a new car at the dealership every few years..

    You can’t make this stuff up mehson. bold face too

  14. Gwen says:

    Are you willing to pay a medical doctor $250,000.00 a year?

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