BVI News

Senior educator predicts resignations on the horizon

Blended learning. Teacher. Camera. Classroom.

At least one senior educator has indicated that some teachers across the BVI will eventually choose to leave the profession as they are unable to adapt to the digital changes that are being incorporated because of COVID-19.

Deputy Principal of the Elmore Stoutt High School, Cecil Hodge said he believes technology is poised to play an integral role in the global education system. As a result, he said school administrators will now be considering recruiting teachers who are tech-savvy to ensure greater efficiency in the future.

“There is a group [of teachers] that we know for a fact would have said, ‘listen to me, this is not my era’. We knew that they would have certainly struggled with it (technology). Then you have other teachers who are helping them but we know for a fact that they would not be motivated to work to the efficient level that we would want to have,” Hodge explained.

90 percent of teachers onboard

Hodge estimated that about 90 percent of teachers he has encountered have grasped the technological changes of the hybrid learning model. 

He said this group includes teachers who were not tech-savvy before COVID-19 but have been successfully trained.

As for the remaining 10 percent of educators who are lagging behind, Hodge said he believes they will walk away from teaching.

He stated: “Ninety percent of your teachers would be in the super-category or those who we would have trained and they would get it. Those others, we know for a fact that in the future we would probably be looking for teachers who could [manage] because they (the non-adapters) would decide that this is moving at a different level for them,” Hodge explained.

The hybrid learning approach refers to the blend of online learning and in-person classes that was adopted in 2020 because of the impact of COVID-19.

Educators aren’t the only ones struggling with the changes. Challenges have been identified among students and parents who have to balance work and supervising more than one child.


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  1. Styler says:

    Its a good idea for both student and teachers

    • Good says:

      If teachers can’t manage technology then they really do need to retire!

      Like 10
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      • Taxi drivers also need to stop says:

        Some of the older taxi drivers also need to retire – they don’t have complete control of their vehicles, won’t help with bags, and won’t offer the discounts that the younger drivers offer.

        Like 3
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    • Lmao says:

      It’s presently the dumb teaching the dumb. Don’t import qualified teachers. Just hire the local uneducated to teach the young. That way you have a vicious circle of uneducated. The Foy was a teacher wasn’t he? I rest my case.

      Like 8
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      • Excuse me says:

        Are you implying that our Premier is uneducated? You’re rebuked with your nonsense. Support who you want but stop falling down people like that. I wish I coulda slap you several times through your blog on that path. Out of all order.

        Like 5
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        • @lamos says:

          You all so quick to call down anything or anybody that is local. Well let me tell you about the imported so call educated teachers: They are on a plane before school close and while they boarding the plane they will call in thst they have an emergency. Some will return long after school re-open some donot return at all and donot send in their resignation hoping to get paid as long as possible while they are not even in the BVI. Some come with overated qualification and the list goes on. The faithful hard working local teachers are the ones who go the extra mile for the students and stay to take on the preasure.

          Like 4
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      • sound so stupid.. says:

        The strongest teachers in the education system are local teachers . especially in history, social studies, Civics … Not saying the imported are not good but with such subject areas you do need a local teacher that understands certain things that are specific to BVI. I prefer a local teacher for my child anyday anytime!!

  2. blah says:

    teachers will leave regardless because of the ministry’s poor planning, decision making and management… teachers are paid poorly and treated unfairly

    Like 24
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  3. debaclle says:

    A debacle was made with the additional year that is creating problems.

    • @debaclle says:

      Well why don’t they take it out? They had two years and it’s still there. You people pay too much politics. It’s sickenj g.

      • @@debacle says:

        It will be phased out. It is not good to change things drastically just to prove a polifical point. Politics is the detriment of everything.

  4. lilis says:

    Wellsaaaa, lets go to normal classes if the country is closed so i will suggest lets just open for normal classes doesnt make any sense a day class for each group if they are not learning , besides the internet some times socks!! , children cant even accomplished all home work at home so, lets open school normal.

    Like 4
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    • And says:

      And you are exactly why teachers need to be brought into the Territory. We’re you educated in the BVI? The babble you wrote leads me to believe you received your edumacation locally. Lmfao

      • You too says:

        It’s ‘were’ NOT ‘ we’re

      • @And says:

        Just what I mean you are calling others uneducated and you do not know the difference between were and we’re. That is what some people do constantly call down others while they are worse than who they calling down.

  5. Teacher says:

    I totally disagree with Mr Hodge. Our teachers are more than capable of managing the technology. It is not rocket science. What is upsetting to teachers and making them frustrated is the non cooperation of some students and parents. Students not turning in assignments, not logging on and STAYING on. That frustration eill make teachers want to leave. Not the technology.

    Like 10
    • Teacher says:

      I totally agree with teacher. It’s not the technology that will drive away teachers but the indiscipline, ungratefulness and poor leadership in some of the schools.

      • Exactly says:

        You hit the nail on the head. Alot of Principals are the reason. They are the pitts! The way they treat Teachers is just unethical and the kiss-me-ass CEO is the leader of the flock!

        Not to mention-salary! Teachers give SO much and get little in return. We local Teachers are not afraid of technology just reward us properly in salary.

  6. Truth Be Told says:

    Teachers are not going leave because of technology. They going leave because of the poor pay. Teachers spend too much on class supplies. We need a pay raise. All the Government saying to us we can never pay you guys for the kind of work you do. But finds the money to pay consultants to consult on education when teachers who are part of the system can advice them on what’s lacking. Poor pay plus LAck of involvement for teachers in decision making as it pertains to what happens in the classroom. The ministry should stop being bullies and dictators.

  7. Parent says:

    Well, the reason the kids are logging out is due to the poor Internet service’ it’s always lagging then cutting off. My son complains a lot.

  8. Frustrated says:

    Technology may be one deterrent. But no one is addressing the major problems, which lie in the curriculum, poor planning, excessive workloads, lack of incentives, and underpaid salaries.

  9. Oh no says:

    Please do not import any more teachers most of them only taking advantage of the system. Before the term ends they on a plane and return long after school reopen the following term. Some donot return and donot send in their resignation so that they can collect salary for as long as they can.

  10. @@debacle says:

    It will be phased out. It is not good to change things drastically just to prove a polifical point. Politics is the detriment of everything.

  11. Anonymous says:

    BVI News i made a critical contribution, from which admin would have been able to see another angle and existing problem. It is saddening you chose not to post it. Very much a poor cenrsorship decision. Shame on you.

  12. Exactly says:

    You hit the nail on the head. Alot of Principals are the reason. They are the pitts! The way they treat Teachers is just unethical and the kiss-me-a** CEO is the leader of the flock!

    Not to mention-salary! Teachers give SO much and get little in return. We local Teachers are not afraid of technology just reward us properly in salary.

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