BVI News

Shondrea Turnbull: Career mom, author crowned Mrs BVI

The newly-crowned Mrs BVI, Shondrea Turnbull. Beaming with pride at right is her husband Dr Michael Turnbull.

Shondrea Turnbull is the new Mrs British Virgin Islands.

The 36-year-old wife of Dr Michael Turnbull was crowned at the Moorings Mariner Inn last night.

“I was surprised, I was just told to show up and look nice, and that’s what I did,” she told BVI News moments after being crowned.

The United States native said when she was approached by the pageant committee she turned down the oportunity.

“Initially I said no because I was under the guise that I had to be born in the BVI, [to enter]” she said.

However, she later accepted when she was sure that she could, in fact, represent the territory.

Who is Shondrea Turnbull?

The mother of three is originally from Chicago, USA and is currently the Human Resources Manager for ATU General Trust BVI Ltd.

The new Mrs BVI said she has been back and forth of the territory over the past 14 years and relocated a few years ago.

Turnbull resides with her family at Myers Estate and enjoys a reading, writing, working out.


Her struggles through the 2017 disasters and its aftermath was captured in a book entitled ‘The Power of Thirty, Transforming the Mind, Body and Soul’.

She said she wrote the book to assist readers in finding their power when they are faced with powerless situations.

She explained that while she has no background in pageantry, she always wanted to become an ambassador.

“But, it didn’t work,” Mrs Turnbull said. “Dreams kind of dwindle at times just because of different trials and tribulations I went through.”

She said when she moved to the BVI, she pledged to find her own voice and, in that vein, intends to focus on Holistic Wellness as her platform as Mrs BVI.

“My belief is a whole woman, a well woman can impact the world and is not only a benefit to herself but to our families, to our community,” she pointed out.

In the meantime, her predecessor Zoe Walcott-McMillian thanked the territory for the opportunity to represent them.

Before taking her final walk as the 2017/2018 Mrs BVI, Walcott-McMillian encouraged the newly-crowned queen, Turnbull, to make the territory proud.

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  1. Pam says:

    This here make no sense. Wha stupid criteria show this is man. Who she springing off thurnvull name. She live here? Where all the real people is Now an American pass through for 2 years go tell how to got good marriage. Carry on with it then. Soon we go have Filipino Ms BVI.

    Like 29
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    • Congrats says:

      Another great pick. Congratulations Mrs. Turnbull. The committee always make wonderful selections over the years. So proud of the way they represent the BVI. It is an added bonus when they are currently married. Her husband is just beaming with pride. Lovely picture.

      Like 16
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    • Sickening says:

      Some of you people are sickening!! People can still do positive things in the world without your negative opinion. Set of small minded haters. Beautiful choice for Mrs BVI. Married, Smart and Beautiful. Let’s face it, the pickings are not that great nor the courage to represent, so let’s not be hateful but grateful that we still have some brains to go with beauty on this island.

      Like 9
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  2. Rest Haven for H**S says:

    There was a competition?

    Like 21
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  3. Congrats says:

    Another great pick. Congratulations Mrs. Turnbull. The committee always make wonderful selections over the years. So proud of the way they represent the BVI. It is an added bonus when they are currently married. Her husband is just beaming with pride. Lovely picture.

    Like 5
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  4. Eagle eye says:

    Pastors wife turning Mrs BVI now.somebody wake me up lol.where are the swim suit pics.

    Like 16
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  5. Fish Bay says:

    Congrats Mrs Turnbull. I know you’ll represent us well and radiate positivity and beauty in the same spirit of unity. Keep your head up and do your very best!

    Like 4
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  6. small minds says:

    There always going to be a set of “Indigenous small Minded” people that have a whole lot of nothing to say. Those people you put to the far left and keep it moving. Congratulations Mrs. Turnbull, you would make a wonderful ambassador for the BVI.

    Like 4
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  7. critic says:

    What will she say, i was born in the USA and now representing the BVI?

    Like 17
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  8. Really? says:

    She is a fantastic woman and will be a great ambassador for the BVI. Small minded people keep on speaking loud out of ignorance or jealousy, this woman might help place this country on a map. Watch her represent us at the next pageant and hopefully this will shut your big mouth up!

    Like 6
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  9. look says:

    find me an indigenous bvislander please? never been one. indians gone, then spanish, dutch, and english white ppl, then africans. open dis place to different people and it bloom, like USA.

    Like 7
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  10. Smh says:

    The worldliness and vanity are obvious. Watch who you let minister to you

  11. :) says:

    Mrs BVI from the USA sounds like an oxymoron. Can we at least try next year to get someone that is actually from the BVI? Like how hard is that when it is known that ladies outnumber men. We waste our time having national song and dress talking about building national pride and our ladies are overlooked for Americans. “Oh how radiant are your daughters” So radiant that none was chosen to be Mrs. BVI.

    Like 19
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  12. Trust Compant guess who says:

    Trust me this is the only place you will like her. To meet her is to ruin your own spirit thats how I know its real love between the two. American g*****y attitude.

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    • @Trust Company Guess who says:

      Don’t get personal. It’s obvious that you don’t like her for personal reasons; however, the comments aren’t geared towards her. It’s about the system that chose her. There needs to be standards. Can an outsider go to the USA and any other country, for that matter and represent them., No, the first criteria is that they will have to be born there. So please, leave the negativity, it isn’t necessary. Just fix the system.

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  13. Show says:

    Have nothing against this lady, this Show is officially a JOKE .

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