BVI News

Silence your bikes or gov’t will!

Not any lawbreaking rider mentioned or suggested in the article.

In an effort to, once and for all, end the disturbance caused in residential areas, Premier Andrew Fahie has called for riders to put silencers on their motorcycles, lest there be repercussions from his government.

Premier Fahie said the bikers should take measures on their own or the government will be forced to put measures in place to monitor them.

“Those of you with these loud motorbikes that are going into these areas late-night and afternoon, it is a nuisance! And I’m asking you to put on a silencer on your bike and avoid these areas. We, as a government, don’t want to have to put measures in place for this. So I’m asking with a clarion call to all bikers to put on a silencer on your bikes and stop this loud noise all around the place …” said Premier Fahie in the House of Assembly recently.

Premier Fahie said persons have been complaining to the authorities about the noise pollution caused by bikers, adding that seniors are among the vulnerable who are being affected.

He recalled an incident where a motorcyclist disrespected a senior resident who asked him to reduce the noise from his bike.

“They (bikers) tell the old lady where she could find her mother. Disrespectful! So I’m asking the bikers, please, be considerate,” Premier Fahie explained.

Expensive care for injured bikers

Premier Fahie also said the government is concerned about the high costs the public has to incur to care for injured bikers.

“When I am calculating the amount of money that we have to spend on medical bills for bikers who are injuring themselves, it makes me wonder now if some other measure has to be put in place,” Premier Fahie said.

He also reminded careless riders that they’ll be at a disadvantage if they are seriously injured as hospitals all around the world are focusing primarily on COVID-19 cases.

Dr Smith says altering mufflers on motorbikes can cause ‘serious hearing loss’

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  1. Weak premier says:

    why are you asking instead of telling them? Sounds like they own you and your wallet..

    Like 49
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    • Wow says:

      Just smoke and mirrors. Nothing will become of this.

      Like 35
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    • Hodgie says:

      Who is in charge of the BVI? The scooter riders or the Fahie administration?

      Like 38
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    • Yawn says:

      That’s how it should be. We are not a communist territory. It’s not illegal right now so you ask kindly first but if they do not listen then a law would can be made to fix the problem.

      Like 16
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      Weak, weak, weak.

      This is a serious problem Mr Fahie. You do not go round asking criminals nicely not to be criminals. Your job is to keep the peace and enforce the law.

      Do it or move aside.

      Like 9
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    • Silly people says:

      He is giving them the opportunity to remedy the problem themselves and I think that that is good leadership. At the end of the day if they do not take advantage of the opportunity they can only blame themselves for not co-operating.

      Like 6
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  2. Yes Please says:

    Thank you, because I am about to go CHARLES BRONSON ON THEIR BEHINDS. I am sick and tired of being disturbed out of my sleep.

    Like 39
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  3. Now says:

    Enough threats. Just put the necessary measures in place. They don’t care. So no use asking. They break the laws blatantly in front of police.

    Like 40
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    • @Now says:

      People say bad things about the bikers but, no one is going to go out there and physically assault the riders. Sometimes people tend to think that way when they are frustrated and angry. Many times I have thought about grabbing my baseball bat and going outside and start swinging out of anger when the loud bikes race up and down my street all times of the night but I would not do that.

  4. LG says:

    what about the trucks with no mufflers, and the hellish engine brakes that they use everywhere unnecessarily

    Like 25
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  5. I hope dogs next says:

    Those chained dogs and their owners who don’t care about waking you up and disturbing the peace with their crying, barking to be fed dogs. We need a law enacted. This is Tortola..not a 3rd. world country. Please enforce and make a law. It is much worse than straight pipes on a scooter.

    Like 18
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  6. SMI says:

    Fahie you and the police need to get on to these lawbreakers, not begging them to do something that’s against the law. The police need to start dealing with them if they don’t have a license and or insurance they need to be charged and taken off the road. With all the Sh@it they do every day in front of the cops it seems like they are above the law.

    Like 20
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  7. NoNonsense says:

    Sad that this is commented on so widely, whilst the effect of Brexit and the repercussions on the Territory goes without substantive comment from the powers that be.

    Says it all.

    Like 4
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  8. economic pillar says:

    Can we get a team to work agriculture so we can get an abundance of food to sell and export. I suggest agriculture in every district. before you say people already doing it just note that there is a boat that comes to market. not saying that is a bad thing but where is our boat going to other countries????? we have the land and the man power we do not have a excuse.

  9. Mr. Premier says:


    Like 19
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  10. WEW says:

    Just restrict them to 75cc, less engine less noise and crazy driving

    Like 7
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  11. I can't hear you says:

    Put silencers on the mufflers?

    Just make it law that they can’t tamper with the mufflers. These are removed or modified exhausts, simple as that.

    I don’t mind the scooters, I only mind the noise.

  12. concerned citizen says:

    Thanks Premier, while you at it please deal with the loud music coming from the vehicles as well, sometimes they have music with bad words and all nastiness coming from loud music around.

    Like 7
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  13. NB says:

    Oh please spare us all the BS. This is a problem for years now and you did nothing, see no one believes anything that comes out of ya’ll mouth. All talk. People are frustrated and they will retaliate. Do you think it’s easy for parents to deal with small children waking up from these bikes? It’s almost every night. How about the older folks with chronic sickness who needs rest? The gov has to act, you gotta walk up to these ignorant little boys and pull them off, take the bikes. Simple! or yall scared?

    Like 11
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  14. Sense says:

    Use zero tolerance and make them obey rules of the road and undergo inspections of scooters to make sure they safe and not noisy. If they ignore the rules fine them or confiscate the scooters. Not rocket science. A few cops setting up barriers could help … bikers not difficult to find, you hear them long way off …. make an example of a few. Should help this unnecessary problem and make roads safer

  15. Going Green says:

    The Solution is easy. Only allow electric bikes. Problem solved.

    Like 7
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  16. Uphold d law says:

    All these people have to do is uphold the existing laws..but that seems to b something that d bvi doesnt know about..smh

  17. OMG says:

    Ok silence the scooters but can you fix the roads to make them vehicle worthy. The roads have som many potholes, Man hole covers 3 veneerer of tar Mac below the surface. Its not acceptable anymore. We can not wait until the election to have these fixed. SHat up and be accountable for the state of the roads Mr Fahie.

  18. The real issue says:

    What kind of people are the parents of these scooter riders? We’re you unable to teach them respect? Do they treat YOU with the same disregard as they so easily treat the public? Are you proud of what you children have become? This is a reflection on YOU.

    Like 5
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  19. Foam in Cans? says:

    Just hand out some of that foam in spray cans you use to insulate windows to everyone that has to listen to these knuckleheads riding up and down the street at 2:00 am. I think they are around $5 each.
    I would love to spray some of that up some tail pipes!!
    It will be the cheapest way to deal with this!

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