Skelton Cline appeals to gov’t to increase church gatherings by 30

Local pastor Claude Skelton Cline is appealing to government to increase the limit on church gatherings to more than double what it is now.
Under the latest restrictions, faith-based organisation are only allowed limited gatherings of up to 20 people.
But the outspoken clergyman said the territory has ‘clearly demonstrated a capacity and willingness’ to follow government-prescribed precautions as well as those that residents impose on themselves.
He, therefore suggested that this is should be seen as an incentive for the government to relax the restrictions on churchgoers.
“There are churches who have masks, there are churches who have the thermometers to check your temperature, they have set up the safe distancing and all that good stuff. So I am appealing to this government to increase those numbers — if that can happen as early as this weekend — to 50 parishioners,” Skelton Cline said during his Honestly Speaking radio programme on Thursday.
“That’s my appeal to the Premier and his team; that they give serious consideration to looking at the numbers in the houses of worship on the weekends in particular,” he added while reiterating that residents have remained compliant, despite being “quarantine and curfew-fatigued”.
The limited numbers were implemented to curb the local spread of the coronavirus, which has infected eight persons in the BVI up to May 14.
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Health is priority number one.
Unless you spend the time to educate the people on how to boost their immune systems and stay healthy and fit just sit down and listen to what you are told.
The mans coffers are running low. He needs his flock of sheep to replenish his bank accounts. Give the man a break. He runnin low on the quan.
Nope. It is the developed obssession with money. That is the outward manifestation of the lacking medication.
If he sits down he’ll disappear.
so by that stick measure my restaurant can reopen and have 50 people seated as there is plenty of room to social distance , at least we now know why he was such a vocal supporter of all the measures always in it for himself.
Can I suggest you re-name your restaurant the Church of God of the Good Eating and call yourself Bishop. Bingo.
Why 30 at a church and no groups at a beach. Does not make any sense. They should not have ANY church meetings.
Looking money. Offerings……
Tidings and collection plate must be empty!
Miss ter need to come Detroit and give the money back to the parish here.
he will never go back there because he will get l****d up for the rest of his natural .
If this Russian roullette idea is initiated, why not initiate a return to the classroom for all practical subjects on the secondary level then. Most to all of them are under 30 students.
Money before safety. Established protocols can be followed there also. What a thang!
I offer my services as a magician to make this ‘jack in the box’ character of a man, in fancy dress, disappear from all news outlets in the BVI
Well hear who’s talking.
The 7% must not be enough, must be looking 10 + the 7
50 people x $100 = $5000 in the plate
Perhaps, Mr. Skelton-Cline, staggerred hours of worship, can make ALL of the differrence!
In between worship hours, can be met with teams of sanitational crews, and it’s a go from there!
The man of the loin cloth..
If you go to service and happen to drop the hand sanitizer, do not bend over to get it unless you that’s what you want.
If BVI people can’t see that Claude and the Premier playing cat and mouse with us then we are really doom. Claude says the things that the Premier do not want to say so that the Premier could distance himself from them if it goes bad. Maybe that is in the 250k contract that he got for 18 months of no work. Claude and the Premier would have discussed this before because of how close they are. Stop letting these magicians fool you all off!
if they do this then let’s just open up the country before everyone goes bust. We should be able to sit at restaurants and go out as their is no Covid being spread.
How would you determine which 30 people come to church? Will it be based on their income/salary .. record of giving status?
Not at all. I hope you don’t end up like the pastor in Louisiana. I worship God from my heart in my home to avoid the fake and undercover demons in the church. I pay my tides by extending a helping hand to those in need everyday.
It is very stupid that this VIP government can allow churches (gathering of faith base fools) to open and also salons, but not allow restaurants, entertainment spots, gyms etc to open whilst following safety protocols.
Somebody needs to tell this i***t he is not important.
I am just waiting to see the government is going to do. I am asking for it to remain at 20 like all other places. Let me see who they will listen too. The man about to spoil it this Government if they continue to go down this man’s road.
What’s up with these 2 Clines? Why don’t they focus on guiding their flocks on staying healthy instead of looking to engage in unsafe practices during these trying times.
That man of the “cloth” does behave like Bill Gates. Was not elected and no Primer, king or Governor or may be he is VIP go between. Better yet the messenger. He need to show more respect for the Queen’s representative and realize the the governor is the queen messenger and rep. We must remember that the queen can demand back from our ungrateful self British passport, support and US $. He will make her relinquish all ties from the commonwealth and take away the financial services as tourism already diminish. When we hard working BVILANDERS was here walking on the rocky road getting bust toes and blisters, he was in the US walking on paved roads. Go sit down and shut up. Stop letting other people make you a skape goat. Let them stop insight hate and devision between us and down Islanders on the other news sight and hiding behind the blogs. They too are of down Island heritage. Their surname is NOT a bvi name like Smith, Cameron, Stoutt, Callwood, Frett etc
if fahie allow this, im starting my own protest about the beaches, and bars
Claude has been able to fool the BVI people into thinking he cares about them when he only cares about himself. he got from NDP. When he stop getting he run to VIP. Now he get big contract he got to hold on to it so he would say and do anything. How many of you all ever get all the things Claude get without making any contribution to the country beside flapping his gums?
He just needs to be saved the right way in Jesus name.
Claude this real talk:Come foreward with a report telling we the people ot the BVI what ir findings are to move this country forward.Two big contracts U/the govt. up to this day can’t deliver on that
Ir only tunning off ur tited mouth costing this country negative reactions base on ur contracts
Tell going forward cause to me ur nothing more than a waste of tax payers money.NDP/VIP both make u a wanna be but u can’t fool all
I piss me off when u guys refer to this l****ic MANOFTHECLOTH people pls.wake up
People take this covid 19 for a joke in the bvi .please my people of the bvi you had one death .you dont see what i see people just droping down in front of u an die not one talk i see the premiere with tears in his eye so u take it for a joke i see doctors ond nurses cry for theie lives an cant go home to their family. Please people its not a joke please.If 10 people drop an die for one day in the bvi .church we wont think of. pray at home
I outrank all Bishops, Pastors, Holy Rollers and JuJu men in these islands and I say no.
There’s the end to it.
This fella in the news more than the Premier
How many of you pastor help your needy church members that the only thing I want to know.
Every church doesn’t have the capacity to hold 50 persons and maintain social distance. Imposing this suggestion would mean allowing varying numbers per church, which I’m sure you can appreciate would be a bit much for the relevant authorities to keep up with. Just hold tight for the additional phases to be rolled out. Where 20 are gathered God is in the midst. lol