BVI News

Smith points to staff shortage, worker fatigue at Health Services

Government legislator Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith

Territorial At-Large representative, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith has called for the Minister of Health to increase staffing within the BVI Health Services Authority, to ease the workload of medical personnel.

Speaking during the December 31 sitting of the House of Assembly, Smith indicated that many medical personnel within the public health system have taken on administrative tasks, adding that this could lead to neglect of patients who need care.

“We have to see if we can dump some more people in there to help with those resources because we cannot be using the medical resources people to do administration work per se. Because there are some people in there (the Health Services) who are doing, let’s say, booking people to come to the BVI — and that is done through the Health Services. We don’t need a doctor to do that, we don’t need a nurse to do that. So we have to be careful how we are doing that right now. I think we have to look and see how we could ‘beef up’ the Health Services and get them back to doing a lot more of what they are supposed to do,” Smith explained.

His comments come just weeks after BVI News published an article with the headline, COVID results delayed because BVI Health Services is short-staffed

This news report attracted dissent from Minister of Health Carvin Malone who labelled the headline as “fake news” and “misleading”. 

However, Smith, today pointed out that medical personnel within the public health system are “getting tired because now they’re working beyond their normal duties”.

“We have to be careful that they do not leave the people that need healthcare now because they’re focusing on something else. So I think we should start looking at how we could give more support to the staff during this pandemic because they’ve been working 24-7. We have to find a way to help get them a little relief so I’m saying this to the Minister of Health,” said Smith, who also commended local health services professionals for their ‘hard work’ this past year.

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  1. Annoyed Visitor says:

    How about properly setting expectations for visitors on the timing of the “day 0” test results? Getting results back on Day 3 is ridiculous and then tested again at Day 4 is even more ridiculous. Tests on arrival should have results within 8 hours. What is the point of producing a negative PCR upon arrival (dated within the past 4 days) and then testing on arrival with a 2-3 day wait time for results???

    Like 14
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  2. Oh wow says:

    Not a very nice photo.

    Like 7
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  3. Wow says:

    Wow these people are now working a 40 hour week and they be getting tired. This is what happens when they get paid for a full week but only working half week for the past nine months.

    Like 16
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  4. Local says:

    Going on just 2 short years and sheep start to turn WHITE.? “Darn”

    Like 7
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  5. Doesn’t matter says:

    The BVI is once again running scared and closing the gates. Closed to the UK and soon the US. The poor, poor over worked healthcare workers can go back to doing nothing for 15-20 hours a week and getting paid for 40. Only in the corrupt BVI inhabited and govern by the lazy Belonger. Please close up and die and let the beautiful islands heal from the nasty scare that you have caused.

    Like 6
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  6. NNa says:

    He start looking old since election but he doing a good job. The Obama of The VI

    Like 5
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  7. But says:

    Why dont you train all those laid off workers to do some of the jobs? There might be jobs within this shortage that does not required a person to get a medical degree.

    Like 17
  8. Hmm says:

    You do not have to get medical skills to write names on a bottle/test tube or to direct clients where to sit or where to go or test their temperature?? Use persons who are laid off to these and let the real nurses do the medical stuff.

    Like 14
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  9. Cuba My Cuba says:

    What happened to the Cuban Doctors ? are they still in the BVI?

    Like 10
    • Yup says:

      They are.

      Saw them on the beach with their minders. Not allowed to talk to anyone, go to the bar, or stay in the water for more than 15 mins.

      I love communism. It keeps people in line

      Like 4
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  10. Anonymous says:

    well the House of Assembly Members are overworked with sitting every dam day.

    Even the Speaker looking tire and Sheep turning gray lol

  11. vip heckler says:

    mayson do like the grasshopper and dye your hair

  12. Noo says:

    He forgot to dye his hair today, or maybe he stop trying to look young.

  13. That's why you need Ex-Pats says:

    When only 1/3 of the population is a National/belonger you have a pretty shallow talent pool for these jobs. There is no college in the country that offers a medical degree. SO JUST LET SOME PEOPLE IN THAT CAN DO THE JOB!
    This place needs to be rebuilt. The government is barely running (have you been in the Ports office and seen the files piled in the beer boxes?). Don’t know how your government leaders in you slick new suits and ties don’t notice this!
    The BVI’s needs an injection of talent and experience – ExPats can provide that QUICKLY. Pull your head out of the sand and try to think what’s best for the population (not just yourself)

    Like 6
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    • Hmmm says:

      They do not need to bring in new persons as I said before laid off workers can do the non medical stuff.
      1 it have nurses writing down ppl temperature anyone can do this?‍♀️
      2. It have nurses directing you where to sit ( upon arrival at the airport and sea cows bay clinic and im sure at the hospital) anyone can do this.
      3. It have nurses writing people names on a bottle for them to put the swab in. Anyone can do this.
      4. It have nurses i think emailing covid results. Anyone can do this.
      5. It have nurses sanitizing the chairs agter someone get up anyone can do this.

      It have lots of unnecessary stuff that someone other than the nurses can do. Just let the nurses handle the real medical stuff like vaccination etc.

    • ? says:

      Yet those who run the Ports still there while others who really working getting kicked to curves but carry on

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