BVI News

St Vincent Prime Minister bloodied after hit on the head during protest

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves after being hit on the head with a stone during a protest.

Prime Minister of St Vincent and The Grenadines Dr Ralph Gonzalves was yesterday, Thursday, August 5, injured during a major protest in the nation’s capital, Kingstown.

Dr Ralph Gonzalves was hit on the head with a stone.

BVI News understands that the protest is against changes to the Public Health Act that would make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory.

Vaccination against other illnesses that trigger a public health emergency would also be mandatory under these latest changes.

According to regional media reports, Prime Minister Gonsalves was on his way back to parliament, where the amendments were scheduled to be debated on Thursday when the incident occurred.

Video circulating on social media shows blood to the right side of his head as he is rushed from the area.

Shouts of “shield, shield” could be heard as Prime Minister Gonsalves was covered by security forces after being hit.

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  1. CHOP says:


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  2. wow says:

    Those moo moos down vincy

    Like 12
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  3. Vincy says:

    And now a mother and maybe grandmother is in jail for attempted assassination!! Stupid is as stupid does!! Friday out walking free!! Some people will just have to pay for their stupidity. People leave politics alone. Work for your money and keep far from them. Who want to fight for prime minister to get their hands on money let them go!!

    Like 7
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    • You all red ants says:

      Friday have more money than Ralph even though Ralph drain the treasury. So u talk crap but want get power to get hands on money u must be sorry u wasn’t there to drink his blood for get me labour blood on your vein

      Like 1
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  4. Reality says:

    Making vaccinations mandatory is an excellent move forward by Ralph Gonsalves. Its just most unfortunate that too much ignorant people resides in St. Vincent.

    The move will tackle the spread of the virus head on. The BVI needs similar policies or at least a vaccination pass that will only allow vaccinated persons entry in establishments. Especially during any covid surges.

    I find Andrew Fahie too slow in the head.

    Like 6
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    • No no says:

      You don’t worry bout Andrew he ain’t need to mandate a thing. Allow ppl the freedom to get vaccinated or not. Ppl got human rights. All that going cause is more confusion. Cause ppl ain’t for no vaccine.

    • Really??!! says:

      Sound like you need a rock in your f&^k!#g head too! You need to mandate STFU!!

  5. Wow says:

    At lest Vincentians have guts to stand up fir what they think is right . Some alyo fraid to talk even though injustice is staring you in the face . Ayo too bad ./::: let go me hand

    They stand up to
    A bill passed making vaccination compulsory. What ayo standing up for ???

    Like 12
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  6. Secret Bear says:

    I support getting vaccinated by choice, but no government has a right to inject its own citizens with ANYTHING against their will. It’s monstrous. Countries choosing this route are on a very dark path. Good on the people of SVG for standing up for themselves.

    Like 6
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  7. VI says:

    You call chopping the Prime Minister in his head with a rock standing up for themselves? May God be with you and may the missile thrower be put in prison for attempted murder or assault causing bodily harm at the least

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  8. Immune says:

    Well if you know so much encourage Andrew to buy more so you can get all you need for the future and don’t worry about vincy people they will be ok worry about you and your family.

  9. PROTEST says:

    should be peaceful , that kind of behavior only makes the country bad / there is no winner or looser and I hope it does not escalate

  10. Individual says:

    Mandatory vaccination is a no no. I wouldn’t wish that on no country or continent. Everyone should be allowed the choice to decide if they want to take a vaccine or not. Think about it the sars covid been around so has the common cold, flu etc. When you see things like the delta variant and other variant of lineage, they are man made tweaked versions to help slow/kill the population. No vaccine will work as they are not natural and most times have a negative side effect on the body. All this done to us just for monetary gain and is by design to continue to control. This coercion has to stop. The people just need to wake up. Fear is big business. We need to all stick together on this and be aware of the corruption this is causing. This is just another way I can see us going back into slavery soon without a choice. Just having to do certain things like having a microchip etc. Most of us still have bills to pay as this is the way our lives are set up but I say we need to keep that human right that nothing is forced upon us as a people. Let’s stand together. Tola ppl need not to follow the outer world.
    All in all we need to be free living in love and harmony.

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