BVI News

Stop sending our tourists to St Thomas, government told


Former Minister for Communication & Works under the previous NDP administration, Mark Vanterpool has upbraided the government for its apparent lack of will in moving the airport extension project forward.

“Where are the plans for the roads? When are we going to extend the airport?” Vanterpool asked in the House of Assembly recently.

“We need an extension to the airport now and stop sending our people to St Thomas, [USVI],” he added.

The Opposition legislator said the idea of planning and building a new airport cannot be achieved in a single term in office.

Yachts intended for BVI now diverted to USVI

Tourists use the airports in St Thomas and Puerto Rico as hubs to get to the BVI because the BVI’s airport runway cannot accommodate large aeroplanes.

“We’re telling the people, on your way to the BVI – where we have spent our money to attract them to Tortola and Virgin Gorda and Jost Van Dyke and Anegada – that, ‘on your way up to Tortola, stop by St Thomas’,” Vanterpool argued.

He suggested that this practice has now led to the USVI taking yachts and boats intended for the BVI.

“They [will] soon take all of our tourists because that’s the first place the tourists [are] stopping,” he said.

He urged the government to stop listening to naysayers who suggest the territory does not need an extension to its airport; likely because of its prohibitive cost.

“When you leave Miami, let the next stop be Beef Island – Terrance B Lettsome Airport … not the Cyril E. King airport in St Thomas,” he continued.

Use SSB fund to stimulate economy

The former minister said his passion on the issue comes from the constant talks by successive governments about the intention to shift more emphasis to local tourism rather than relying primarily on a financial services economy.

“When is the shift going to happen? When are we going to show the investor – the people who want to come and build hotels and build marinas and build whatever – when are we going to show them that we’re prepared to put in the right infrastructure?” Vanterpool questioned.

Vanterpool argued that the government should use the Social Security Board’s funds to stimulate infrastructural development in the economy.

“I’m not talking about taking the money from it and don’t paying it back. I’m not talking about grants. I’m talking about the government applying properly like they would apply to a bank for borrowing to do specific infrastructural development in the territory,” Vanterpool said.

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  1. Mark Vanterpool says:

    Seems to be on fire! You go cookie monster 2! Grab some money from the SSB, put some money in everyone’s pocket..

  2. Set of jokers says:

    You all only have solutions when you all are in the opposition and when you all get a chance to work for the people you guys only work for yourself. You are one of the same, brand and rebrand and fool off the people but the people see through all of you guys. Next election you guys will have a hard time. The people getting wiser and smarter and especially the younger generation.

    Like 19
  3. Doh says:

    Bold statements but they lack the fortitude the BVI needs to get it done.

    BVI charges too much for fees – landing, port, environment, departure, national park, cruising permit, etc, etc

    The tourist DOES NOT WANT TO PAY THAT. That is why they go the USVI. Americans see those fees and taxes and then look at the USVI and say, well, that’s cheaper for my family. Let’s go there.

    Charter boats pick up their fares on the USVI side. Why? Cheaper to fly in and BVI only allows the boats to pick up a charter just a few times a year. Yes this is intended to protect BVI business, but it drives it AWAY to the USVI. Boats use the marinas, stores, services there. I’ve been saying this for years, but we need to wake up…

    Like 17
  4. Margret Thatcher says:

    We need to make government more accountable and stop wasting tax dollars. All our government institutions are going bankrupt. 1 billion dollars every 4 years and our schools are in shambles and high end cars are driving in roads full of pot holes and sewer water.

    Like 15
  5. KLM says:

    These are Marks’s words: I’m not talking about taking the money from the SSB and doesn’t paying it back. I’m not talking about grants. I’m talking about the government applying properly like they would apply to a bank for borrowing to do specific infrastructural development in the territory.
    Well for your information Mark Vanterpool SSB is not a bank the SSB was set up so that when people become of age they have some income, ” Why can’t any of you look into the low pay from the SSB to seniors $ 600.00 and 700.00 just don’t cut it food alone runs you at least $600.00 per month.

    • @KLM says:

      You totally missed the point. SSB is NOT a bank but they are an investment scheme set up to grow the funds under management to ensure that they can run their operations and have enough money to pay retirees. If they simply sit on the money then it doesn’t grow. Loaning the money with interest is an investment incase you didn’t realize that. We blame the politicians for our problems but it’s shortsighted locals that have the BVI in this mess.

      Like 8
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  6. Suggestion says:

    Build an international airport on anegada an have the island ferry bring tourists to the main island if can’t make an extension of this airport

    Like 4
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    • Doh says:

      Ask Anegada first. They don’t want it.

      And… if you thought it would be expensive to fly into beef island, it would be two or three times as much to fly in there.

      There NO facilities, NO deep dock for fuel transfers, NO support services for airlines or aircraft. Sorry, but no framing way will they fly in there.

    • Nonsense says:

      Same kettle of fish if you go to Anegada. All you need is to realign the present Runway, bulid a tunnel at the western end for the traffic and do some eastern and western extension to accomodate the larger planes for far less than 300 million.

  7. USVI says:

    Thanks BVI for giving us all your tourists, charter yachts, private yachts, villa renters, etc. Hopefully the cruise ships are next. Thanks again

    Like 11
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  8. KLM says:

    @KLM I think you are the one that misses the point they are not a bank, tell me when the government ever paid back SSB. Birds of a feather.

    Like 1
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  9. Mark. Mark. Mark says:

    Mark is fighting for Mark. Mark is all about Mark. All of Mark local investments are failing. Its beacuse of Mark…Mark need to change his attitude his behaviour learn to love and respect people then he will get his blessings and watch his investments grow…God is the Giver of all things. And he sits high and watches…

  10. De silent one says:

    Both Administration seemingly has abused the tax payers money to the benifit of themselves and their cronies. Everything infrastructually are in terrible condition

  11. thoughtful sailor says:

    Let’s not forget that Government doesn’t like following banking rules and responsibilities, or we would have $400 million for the RDA to use. Why do we think they would be any more responsible with SSB money?

  12. What about your ACTION plans? says:

    Where are your plans for Road Town (your district)? When are you going to be proactive in cleaning it up so the tourists and locals can appreciate it? When are you going to clean the streets and ghuts? How much longer do we have to endure the stenches? How much longer will there be garages on the sides of the roads devaluing properties? We are tired of the rhetoric! You forgot that you too have a part in making this place we call home a desirable place to be.

    Like 2
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  13. Spot On! says:

    Spot on Mark! It’s true!
    The general acceptance of St. Thomas as the BVI’s primary airport and our only jetport does not bode well for anyone on the tourism sector. This year more than 50% of embarkations by our fleet members that are BVI-based and licensed are instead from St. Thomas.
    This translates into:
    * Provisioning dollars spent on St. Thomas, not in the BVI.
    * Taxi rides paid for on St. Thomas, not in the BVI.
    * Marina fees paid on St. Thomas, not in the BVI.
    * Corresponding hotel stays spent in the USVI, not in the BVI.
    * Likewise restaurant meals (and bar beverages) purchased on St. Thomas before or after the ferry, not in the BVI.
    * Yachts paying for laundry services on St. Thomas, not in the BVI, same with boat cleaners.
    * Mechanical services, engineering supplies and fuel purchased on St. Thomas, not in the BVI.

    “… Not in the BVI”… Something is wrong with this picture. This means that income, jobs and therefore taxes are being forsaken locally. That says to me that government is failing in its role of enhancing the business environment and quality of life in the BVI.

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