BVI News

Tambu Frett imprisoned and fined $14K for smuggling incident

Her Majesty’s Prison in Balsam Ghut.

Little Dix Hill resident Tambu Frett was given a two-year custodial sentence and a $12,000 fine for smuggling USVI resident Bryan Bolan into the territory on April 3.

Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards handed down her sentence via Zoom on Friday.

If Frett fails to pay the fine, he will spend six months at the adult penitentiary.

Frett was also slapped with a nine month-custodial sentence and $1,000 fine for the Illegal Entry charge. If he fails to pay the fine, he will serve a default sentence of two months in prison.

For the final offence of Breach of Curfew, he was given a 50-day prison term plus a $1,000 fine. Failure to pay that sum will result in the offender spending another two months in prison.

Magistrate Richards ordered that the prison sentences run concurrently. As for the default sentences associated with any non-payment of fines, the magistrate said those would run consecutively.

The court heard that the 30 Whatsapp messages which implicate Frett in a larger smuggling operation were taken into consideration for the sentencing.

Frett had previously pleaded guilty to Smuggling, Illegal Entry and Breach of Curfew. His co-accused Bolan is already serving his time in prison for the offences of Illegal Entry and Breach of curfew.

Attorney Leroy Jones represented Frett.

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  1. yep says:

    5 weeks of this ring around the rosie for 2 years!!!!!!

    • Yup says:

      The guy from the USVI got a similar sentence and he was just the smugglee. Knew that the Belonger would just get a slap on the wrist. Just remember crime DOES pay in the BVI if your family is related and they all be related.

      Like 15
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  2. L O L says:

    I now see why criminals don’t give a sh_ t. With those kind of sentences that are being handed down….what a joke

    Like 23
  3. Easy money, easy justice says:

    Pay $14K means just another few trips to St Thomas. Thanks to the lenient BVI justice system will he be in business again in 2 weeks from now?

    Like 16
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  4. Haha says:

    Hahahahaha ah glad for all you bloggers. Looks like y’all thought he was getting 15 years to life. This murder trial was quiet LONG EH. Jokes

    Like 6
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  5. Wow says:

    They really taught it was a murder trial. Smh

    Like 3
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  6. Sentence? says:

    This sentence is too easy: 2 year imprisonment and some fines. What a joke. This criminal needs a lifetime STOP order: Surrender his passports and No traveling in boats or aircraft anywhere in or out of the BVI until he dies!

    Like 13
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  7. @Sentence says:

    Stfu!! Buh criminal! Go siddung ur a** somewhere.

    Like 1
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  8. Whah happen? says:

    I guess the breach of curf w law has no teeth. Human Trafficing? No worries, mon – it jus’ da BVI. Plead guilty an cry in front of de magistrate to get a free ride.concurrent sentences and insignificant fines. Life is Good here brothers.

    How about consecutive sentences, forfeiture of ill-gotten gains, property and Liberty for a while? It seems crime-for-profit is a going business in the BVI and the OPEN sign has been posted!

    Like 10
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  9. Sounds GOOD says:

    Five years sound good. This guy threatened the life of the whole nation with his skullduggery.

    Like 7
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