BVI News

Teachers Union meets with minister to discuss issues

Dr Natalio Wheatley

The BVI Teachers’ Union (BVITU) has met with the Minister of Education Thursday night to discuss issues facing educators. However, the union cannot confirm if this will stop the ongoing silent protest among teachers.

The Public Relations (PR) team of the teachers’ union said they will have follow-up meetings with Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley and hopes to reach an amicable conclusion.

“We met with the minister but it was just to discuss the issues again that teachers face and also do follow-up meetings where the union will propose additional requests in writing. They were discussed but we are going to propose them in writing with possible deadlines by which we wish to have them met,” the PR team said.

The PR team of the BVITU further said they cannot provide a definite answer on when the teachers will stop the protest as the Education Ministry has a far way to go in addressing the teacher’s concerns.

“I wouldn’t say the protest would necessarily be dropped and I can’t confirm if it will go into next week because, as I said, we are going to propose additional written requests. We are going to give them proposed dates and when that time comes, the teachers will decide how we move going forward,” they added.

Several teachers from many schools protesting

So far, two confirmed schools have had a teacher sickout which started on Wednesday at the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) junior campus. The ESHS senior campus had a virtual sickout on Thursday and earlier this morning BVI News reported the Althea Scatliffe Primary School (ASPS) had also joined the silent protest.

The PR team said schools across the territory have joined and they are standing in solidarity with their colleagues.

“I’ve heard there are lots of schools across the territory that have joined. I do not know the exact schools or how many. However, I know on Facebook that some principals have put out closure notices informing parents but I don’t know the exact number,” the team said.

The BVITU had previously put forward several demands to the Ministry and failure to meet them lead to the sickout that is ongoing.

The BVITU said the demands included paying no fewer than two past due increments in the next budget cycle, the termly cleaning of mould on the ESHS junior and senior campuses as well as the relocation of the senior campus back to Road Town where the junior campus is located.

The teachers’ union also noted the $300 stipend promised during Teachers’ Week by Wheatley has not been paid as yet.

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  1. watchman says:

    What’s the point of meeting with a Union that doesn’t know what it wants or what it will do? That made demands now has to edit the demands it made just weeks ago? Sounds disorganized as a movement or union or whatever it is that they’re trying to be. The real leader has to emerge with clear demands that are well thought out ahead of time, publish them, then hold the government accountable. Instead of this CSC contract type of protest with no deliverables and no targets for achievement. Be mature about it or else it’s your own fault. You need proper leadership to make progress teachers or else you will be ignored for not knowing what you want and how to get it. Can’t just say we want more $$$. B/c you were promised more $$$. So you have to say we need X funds moved from there to be reallocated here for xyz purpose by dd/mm/yy. There you go free consultation, hope it helps.

    Like 8
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    • Lmao says:

      A meeting with Dr Do-nothin? Where he get Dr. I thought the 5 and 10 stores all closed down. You want poorly educated coloreds to worry about edumacating the next generation of coloreds? Try some real educated teachers from beyond the BVI and pay them real money. It might get this place outta da turd world.

      Like 4
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    • Crystal says:

      Are they going to fix the roof at altea Scatliffe school that is in danger of collapsing, they have not even informed the staff all they have been told is that the ceiling has a problem.

    • Smoke screen says:

      Are you listening to yourself? Do you think this is about one issue? The government of the day was selected because they promised to tackle these issues on day #one. As a matter of fact PVIM also advocate to make this their number one priority. We rejected their request because we thought this was in the VIP best interest. But we can clearly see what they are interested in. We are not going to play game with the NDP and VIP any more. If you apply for a Job Do It or move out of the way.

  2. Look at him... says:

    The great grandson of Willard Wheatley…shameful

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  3. Too Timid says:

    This guy too TIMID and too SOFT we need real leaders who are BOLD and have vision and know which direction he would like to see the EDUCATION SYSTEM go the EDUCATION SYSTEM needs to UPDATED to match with MODERN times and should be geared towards futuristic golds and objectives.Also Students and Teachers should have a HEALTHY working environment that is conducive to teaching and learning so we can get the best out of our students and teachers.

    Like 7
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  4. Philosophiae says:

    Dressed for Halloween as usual

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  5. Resign says:

    The best thing for this minister to do is resign. He has been a complete failure. This is not for you Natalio.

    Like 14
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  6. Resident says:

    The BVITU is not a trade union and does not have a collective agreement with the govt. With that being said there is a chain of command in schools. What has the principals been doing to make sure teachers are comfortable. Each school has a liaison officer who is supposed to visit their school on a regular basis. We’re they notified by the principals of these issues. Then the liaison officers are answerable to the CEO. Was she notified of these issues. There is a Perm Sec. was she notified of these issues. The minister should only become involved at the last stage. What are all these other people below him doing to solve problems. Why do they wait for the milk to boil over before addressing some of these issues. Why does the minister have to visit a school if there is a mold issue. That should not be his responsibility. If schools do not have enough resources why is the minister responsible. Doesn’t education have its own finances.? I am not a voter but it seems someone or more persons are out to undermine Mr Wheatley.

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    • Oh man @resident says:

      “Why does a minister have to visit a school if there is mold?????” But why does the minister have to fly to Japan to be in ting? Come on sowande, get off the blogs and go do your darn job man!!

      Like 12
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      • Resident says:

        I taught in another country and NEVER saw the minister of education or Prime Minister one day at the school. Their job is to make policies not solve every little priblem. Of course my country is bigger but the issues are similar.

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  7. Not good enough says:

    Teachers please make sure the Premier is present also, He is the one that dishing out money. The minister is powerless dont have much say,.. Then have minutes of the meeting be copied to governor…

  8. heckler says:

    Today is friday so i wonder if he is going to carry them barhopping by the different pubs for another drink?

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  9. WATCH BOY says:


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  10. hmmmm says:

    why meet with him all he going to say is pure bull crap and make up story’s what a waste of my vote not again

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  11. Resident says:

    Give the man a break. It’s a lot of issues that will take time to fix.
    At least he is not arrogant. He is willing to listen.
    Let’s work with the man.
    A former minister wouldn’t even meet with us. It would have been his way or the highway.

    Like 4
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