BVI News

Teachers weren’t really striking, Premier says

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

The sit-in exercise carried out by teachers of the Elmore Stoutt High School last Friday should not be categorised as a strike, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has said.

In fact, the Premier said teachers themselves made it clear they were not striking and didn’t want their action to be seen as such.

“I saw it as an opportunity to have a discussion on issues and honestly, I didn’t take it as a protest. I just saw it as that. there were some challenges that they needed to have addressed and they wanted to have a conversation with the powers that be in how these challenges would be resolved,” Dr Wheatley said following the sit-in held at the school last Friday.

Premier Wheatley said he supports the teachers in their quest for relief and explained that he would not want them to simply exist in their situations in silence. He further shared that the issues shared by the teachers are matters that clearly need attention.

Although he expressed empathy for the teachers’ plight, Premier Wheatley said simply feeling bad for them or the situation they are in does not offer any comfort or resolution.

He denied having any miscommunication with Education Minister Sharie de Castro on the plight of teachers but suggested there was a need for a sit-down with stakeholders on the way forward.

“The Education Minister and I have a good rapport and a good dialogue and I support her and she, of course, yes, is moving full steam ahead,” Premier Wheatley said. “But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have problems that need to be solved.”

He added: “You’ll never find an education system anywhere in the world where there are no problems which need to be solved. We have a number of issues and I have full confidence in the Minister of Education and her team that we’ll be able to solve those challenges and she has my full support in solving those challenges.”

Teachers were on the verge of a massive strike just two years ago over increment payments, and mould in some schools, among other issues, when Wheatley was the then-Education Minister. However, intervention by former Premier Andrew Fahie and other members of the government helped to avert protest action at the time.

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  1. Sooooo says:

    If they were not striking what were they sitting out under a tent for? Their good looks?

    Like 35
  2. Come on man says:

    You are standing there with your hand on hip, lips folded looking all pi**ed off and mad.

    Like 13
  3. Blah blah blah says:

    Anything solved? Tell us .

    Like 18
  4. Resident says:

    if it quacks like a duck it is not a sheep

    Like 17
  5. Oh! says:

    The Teachers didn’t realize the classrooms were hot since May/June? They wait until school has reopened to start this bulls**t? The BVI has become a full on clown show and you just sit back awaiting the next batch of f**kry to unfold.

    Like 9
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  6. WE ALREADY KNEW says:

    it was an honest mistake again , the teachers was just catching a breath of fresh AIR ,( it’s not easy working in a modern day concentration , camp with all the heat that we are experiencing these days

    Like 20
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  7. Labour Protests says:

    includes sit-ins so please don’t confuse the public with other words like ‘strike’. The teachers were at school, on the payroll just not doing their job due their unresolved issues with the Education Department.

  8. @Styles says:

    1000% on point. He allows her to do as she damn well pleases because him and her are friends. He allowed her to to dip into the COVID grant and filled her family and her man pockets. THAT IS CORRUPTION AND STEALING. I HIGHLY AGREE, SHE IS A * IN THE GRASS.

    Like 16
  9. The nonsense says:

    They were just taking industrial action, right Premier?

  10. Law Abiding Citizen says:

    Mr. Premier,

    You s**pid sah!!

  11. .Empathy for us, please. says:

    Sir, retired teachers are no longer in a position to strike to demonstrate their displeasure with not receiving their owed increments dating back years.

    Meanwhile, they are hungry, financially challenged and angry.

    Please ensure that we get our monies already worked for years ago, as soon as possible..

    Do develop some sort of empathy and cae for us seniors who have contributed greatly to education and growth of our society, please.

    Are we now being thought of as underserving of our payments?

    Shall we continue to suffer in every aspect of life because our goveernment cares not about, our health, physical, mental and psychological well being?

  12. Get him says:

    Please lets take him out of office thea man don’t know what he is doing he can’t run the country we are going down hill this is only for he to full his pocket

  13. Duh says:

    If you say so. – You really think the people are that stupid ? It’s YOU

  14. AGAIN says:


    Like 11
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  15. Truth says:

    The teachers returned to school a week before the students. Why let the term begin if they had these pressing issues? They shouldn’t have returned for school reopening at all. This is not fair to the students or parents. Also what happened to the PTAs?Fundraising? Simply asking parents to contribute? The buck stops with Government yes, but education and youth development should be ALL OF OUR PRIORITY!!

  16. @oh! says:

    When was the best time for this? When school close? Strupzzzz

  17. @truth says:

    Listening and looking at the Premier expressions if the teachers had said they were striking he would have said you biting the hand that feed you. You can only bite hands if you own the thing. our tax money belongs to us the tax payers. No body owes you nothing. You are our employee.

  18. Don says:

    There’s a literal clownshow running this country.

    Like 2
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  19. Reshuffle says:

    Put Dr. Karl Dawson in Education. Find something else for Missy to do.

    Like 5
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  20. Hypocrite - Twisted truth says:

    Once Minister of Education now premier and cannot grasp the meaning and context of this action
    Simple interpretation..,do not know the meaning of
    Protest versus strike
    Sick our versus strike
    Shame on your deliberate hypocrisy!!
    No wonder we are afraid as a nation to stand up for what is honest . Our leaders are a disgrace ; they set the trend so that is why :
    Crime and murders never get solved we choose to look the other way when the FACTS stare us in the face

    I never see more bearface twist
    Any form of protest is part of leading to
    strike action
    Can we get better in such blatant disregard for truth ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️Shame om you

  21. @ AGAIN says:

    You can blame who you want , but if you were awake you would have seen the real hypocrites in the opposition who failed to UNITE and do what was right for their country , and (WE) would not of been in this predicament, so blaming the lady , shows that you are either sleeping or some place else / OR JUST PLAIN HYPOCRITE

  22. Deh Watcha says:

    @ AGAIN…

    For someone who was elected by persons of the voting public thru the at large vote she is awfully quiet on issues that affect the territory.

    Who or what is she representing?

  23. Do better says:

    You mean to tell me one public high school in Tortola, this one high school should be top class and the best in the Caribbean what if there were more than one. Lot of those down island schools, high school and primary schools are top class and immaculate from class room to the school grounds, many have garden and flowers and lawn well kept and have a gardener who work daily to manicure the lawn and garden and the exterior of the school and cleaners for the interior. We need to start have some pride not only In the way we take care of our schools but also the country a whole!!

  24. soil boy says:

    Yall gave them 6 seats. Hush yuh mouth and eat shhhh… BVI reaping what it sow, he is a reflection of your mindset and ignorance (Not mine, i voted with sense).

  25. @ soooo says:

    The teachers were cooling out under the big a/c tent.

  26. @Empathy for us, Please says:

    Today, (21 September), the Premier demands higher pay for politicians….looks like you’ll get NO empathy from him for teachers; working or pensioned.

    Anyone who reads this so late should think about who deserves more respect and higher wages; those who seek a lifetime of power, prestige and first class flights or those who work hard, often spending their own small wages to educate our children.


    Is saying )> so nyhey have the AUDACITY to strike on me ,well am gonna have to show them who I A

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