BVI News

Teen among two charged with burglary-related offences

A teen has been named among two males charged with a series of offences ranging from burglary to criminal trespassing.

Nineteen-year-old Jekhalibbah Williams and 21-year-old Kie-Andre Williams of Free Bottom were charged for separate incidents that occurred in April and May this year.

According to a media release from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) on Tuesday, the two were nabbed following “several weeks of intensive investigation into reports of burglary, theft, and other offences committed at both commercial and residential properties.”

The police said a search was conducted at the young men’s residence, and law enforcement recovered property stolen from businesses and residences in the territory.

The RVIPF further said the accused duo might face additional charges.

Both men have been denied bail and are remanded pending their next court appearance.

In earlier reports, the RVIPF alerted residents to an increase in burglaries across the territory.

The police are appealing to anyone with information regarding burglary to contact their Crime Stoppers line at 800-8477 (TIPS) if overseas or 1-284-800-8477 locally. The public can also reach the RVIPF Intelligence Unit at 368-9339.


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  1. Mad Max says:

    Who named these children so? SMH

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  2. @mad max says:

    The same ones who unapologetically raised them to be cannibalistic self destructive low lifes.

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  3. Not So says:

    The image inthe photo no way represents the image of the criminals in this report
    The hands of the actual fiends are as very well known abd expeted a dark hue of the one demograhic that is responsible for the crimes degradation loss of lives and property etc in these BVI.

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  4. Taxpayer says:

    Please show us photos of Nineteen-year-old Jekhalibbah Williams and 21-year-old Kie-Andre Williams of Free Bottom so we know who to avoid.

    Like 14
  5. shizzle says:

    Those young boys getting out of hand man

    These young boys already seem to glorify gang life, drugs and violence from school and coming out of school.

    and the bvi continue to bring in dancehall artist that promotes and encourage their behavior… we are lost!

    parents watch at what your young boys when they
    post up pictures throwing up gang signs, middle finger etc

    the type of songs they listen to, how they dressed and the company the keep around them.

    you might lose your child at and young age if you don’t set them on the right path!

    there’s a group of them that put their gang initials into their social media pages like facebook etc.

    The next generation of youth heavily endorse gang violence and drugs. Just look at the fights that happened at the highschool. That was a gang related turf war amongst the different districts!

    these young boys need role models, hobbies and afterschool activities to keep them occupied but instead the bvi goverment is focused on music fest and festivals with the same artist that sing about gang violence

    google byron massicot messiah and listen or read the lyrics! see for yourself!

  6. maria louisa varlack says:

    look at the prosperity in st kitts and nevis compare to what is going in the british virgin islands which has become a waste land

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    • @maria louisa varlack says:

      About twenty to thirty years ago, this island and economy were miles ahead.

      Then, leaders changed, minds went south to greet. greed and become rich.

      Nomore was it about coutry and its development, but about how much money i can acccrue.

      And so it still today, firmly entrenched.

      When a group of young can outwardly statethat they going in to steal, pilfer and raid the people’s coffers, you know we have reached rock bottomwith regards to our politics and politicians..

      I now see the possibility of our country regressing to levels such as those we often see else where, without naming names.

      Lord helpt these Virgin Islands.

  7. Stop blaming says:

    Parents help to raise them sometimes-
    – Some Single mothers struggling with mimiun wage doing two jobs
    – Men with money having two and sometimes three women
    – Children grown by devices with no check and balances
    – Fathers and mothets abusing each other in the presence of children
    – Teachers and some principalsbdiscriminating against children because of their nationality
    – Government have little programs in place to help young parents
    – Unemployment on the rise , food going up

    Some of these young people are angry because of their home life
    We are losing our generation. Do something not keep critrizing . It takes a village to raise a child . Too many slipping through the cracks

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  8. Jek what? says:

    Like his parents pick random letters from the alphabet, might as well had name him “LOL”

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  9. Once a peaceful place says:

    The BVI was indeed a peaceful island
    Immigration people in authority have helped to mess up this country
    Then come the parents of younger and younger children who need to be taught how to discipline their children . They have no clue
    Then come the church the leaders compromiseing with sin

    Break down in the entire system
    Manners , respect and discipline have gone through the door
    Replace with

    Disrespect, hate, control , discrimination and greed

    Like 1
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  10. LETS SEE says:

    these ni**ahz faces , they need to have one hand or foot amputed and that will be for them to decide – (which one ) that will get the message across / we playing around with these wannabe gansters who thinks that they are entitled / remember the lady with the gas station , who got robbed and killed on
    Doorstep , which was set up by A youth that she showed love to by giving
    Him his start in life

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