BVI News

Things that could’ve been avoided are on your hands, Opposition told

Premier Andrew Fahie has suggested that members of the Opposition are partly to be blamed for some of the tragedies that happened during the territory’s recent COVID-19 outbreak that saw more than three dozen persons die from the virus.

He made that suggestion in the House of Assembly on Monday while accusing the parliamentary Opposition of lacking the same zeal to encourage public vaccination as they did with opposing his controversial ministerial political advisors.

The Premier said he was referring to half of the four members that make up the Opposition. He did not call any member by name but Opposition Leader Marlon Penn and Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull have both publicly criticised government’s decision to hire the advisors.

“They went out and lobbied to every radio station they had. If a dog was passing, they would have talked to it,” Fahie said. “[But] I had never seen some of that same 50 percent [of Opposition members] went out there and championed the cause against COVID-19 and asked people to be vaccinated with that same zeal, or tell those who were not vaccinated to make sure that you improve your immune system. They didn’t [go] out with that same zeal,” he charged.

The Premier argued that Opposition members stayed on the proverbial ‘safe side’ for the sake of electoral votes since a majority of persons were against the vaccine.

Fahie said the Opposition suddenly became  vaccination ‘ambassadors’ after COVID-19 deaths in the territory began to escalate.

“That’s good. I like that,” the Premier said. “But you still have some things on your hand from your behaviour that could have been avoided.”

More diplomacy when roles were reversed

The Premier further recalled being more diplomatic when he was in the Opposition. He said could have disagreed with the former National Democratic Party (NDP) government on many occasions when he was in the Opposition but sometimes chose to side with them because he felt it was the principled thing to do.

Fahie said he recalled being asked to accompany former Premier Dr D Orlando Smith on a trip to the UK to deal with public registers of beneficial ownership and other issues.

“We went in meetings and there were times in meeting that if I wanted, I could have taken a lead and go in a different angle, but we were there together,” the Premier said.

He insisted that there are times when a principle needs to be established for rules for engagement of war. “You can’t try to get power at all costs,” Premier Fahie warned.

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  1. Fork tongue cobra says:

    Wasn’t it Andrew Fahie who first said that he was not taking the vaccine when it was on its way here first? Wasn’t it Andrew Fahie who made a mockery of the vaccination promotion with members of the HOA when he was commentating and making it almost a joke all the while he did not take it that time? Remember the joking around with the Speaker of the House who was afraid of the needle.? Wasn’t that Andrew Fahie? Something is deeply wrong with this man. People of the BVI wake up! Misrepresentations, falsehoods, untruths characterizes this man.

    Like 55
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  2. Gag order says:

    The premier needs a gag order. Every time he speaks he incriminates himself.

    Like 27
  3. Timer says:

    Vaccinated and unvaccinated persons are dying and spreading this virus. not only in the BVI but all over the world not everybody body is in shape to take this vaccine it was not approved it was intended to be a causes blood clots in some persons. And when it goes through your bloodstream.. you cannot be helped…the government needs to tell us the truth. Lord help us. instead of trying to get persons to take a vaccine…persons need to be educated especially the weak and the sick

    Like 5
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    • @Timer says:

      I can’t remember right now, but I think the chances of getting a blood clot are about one in two million. Compare that statistic to the chances of dying from COVID or getting long COVID….. it makes sense to get vaccinated!

      Like 19
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      • Anonymous says:

        Everybody cannot take that vaccine.
        whether you all agree with me or not the truth will come out…people are dying from taking that vaccine.

        Like 3
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      You should listen to the words of a doctor …

      Like 1
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    • Math says:

      How many here this stupid. U. Many more. Numbers. Math. 1/1000000. Or 2500/1000000
      Blacks 100% more likely to die. 150% more likely hospitalized.
      Us stats. BVI has worse preexhisting condition pop. Kill yourselves, I’ll still miss you, but you missed the math first.

      Like 1
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  4. Nationhood says:

    No…it’s because your health care refused to use ivermectin to treat covid patients!!

    Like 6
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  5. Crazy says:

    How can the Honarable Premier say something like that when its him and his cabinet members ,including Hon carvin malone allowed fully vaccinated persons to just walked in our country without even being tested when they already knew that fully vaccinated persons can contract the disease and infect others. The VIP government dropped the ball and want to blame others now .

    Like 11
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    • MP says:

      FACTS!! Now they gone back to the drawing board to test vaccinated travellers. Look at the cases from when they relax testing to going back to testing. In 1 month 1600+ cases. ONE MONTH!

  6. Anonymous says:

    In addition to an evident marginal IQ, this man’s integrity is totally absent.

    Like 5
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  7. Pinocchio says:

    In addition to an evident marginal IQ, this man’s integrity is totally absent.

  8. FACTS says:

    The Premier is on target.

  9. 1EYE says:

    I saw the opposition members fighting against covid measures when they should’ve recognized it wasn’t a time for politics. But Fahie shouldn’t always throw words like he does. Be a Leader of everyone Mr.Premier. Stop being petty at every opportunity. Him and Hon. Penn need to focus on working for the ppl and the elections will take care of themselves.

  10. BVI Love says:

    BVI Love is a myth.

    There is no love from the head to the foot.

    Leave me alone and go away.

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