BVI News

Time to review At-Large system — Premier

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has conceded that it may be time to review the Territorial At-Large system in place for candidates seeking elected political office and suggested this may be the best time to do so.

There are four At-Large seats contested at the polls in addition to the nine district constituencies which are ultimately represented in the territory’s legislature, the House of Assembly (HOA).

But the introduction of these At-Large seats, which was reportedly done in a controversial manner in 1995 by the United Kingdom’s (UK) Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was staunchly resisted by the then-Chief Minister H Lavity Stoutt.

Meanwhile, Premier Wheatley expressed that there have been challenges with the At-Large system over the years.

“I do think it’s time to have it reviewed and I think actually this constitutional review commission would be a good opportunity to be able to review that particular system,” the Premier said. 

He added: “I do think there have been challenges in the past, which have been expressed directly from persons in those positions. I remember Vernon Malone for instance famously made a contribution about the system. And I know under the National Democratic Party, they tended to make At-Large persons ministers, which of course that’s a debate in itself.” 

According to Dr Wheatley, based on what has happened over successive governments, he felt it was important to be able to have a review of that system and the specific effectiveness of the system. 

“I think with our reforms, it really brings into focus what really should be the roles of elected members and members in the House of Assembly,” the Premier stated. 

Premier Wheatley said he felt legislators have to focus a lot more on policies and debates in the House of Assembly over legislation as well as on giving a voice to the voiceless. The Premier said he felt giving that voice was something At-Large members have been able to do effectively.

“This is the only place I know of that this system exists between At-Large and different constituencies,” the Premier said. “Of course, United States has something similar with their senate system and their congress system etcetera, but this is a very unique situation in the Westminster model and I think it’s, you know, it’s important to see how it’s going, how it’s working and so I would support that.”

Background to the At-Large system

According to the government’s website, the rationale behind their introduction was that there was a risk that constituency seats can become too closely tied to a particular local figure, and that if a certain number of local figures join the same political party, then the voters have no real choice in selection of their government.

Under the proposals, any person in the territory could stand as an At-Large candidate, and each voter would have four At-Large votes in addition to their constituency vote. The four At-Large candidates who received the highest total number of votes would then be elected to the HOA.

Currently, the four persons serving as At-Large representatives are Education Minister Sharie de Castro, Carvin Malone, Shereen Flax-Charles and Neville Smith.

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  1. I support at large says:

    The at large system is the greatest asset in our democracy to the people of the BVI. It is currently the only power that all the people have access to in order to remove a government or to prevent one that they don’t want from getting in. Why should a district with 500 voters determine the leader of the country for the 30,000 population? And then to maintain his leadership he just has to please his party and get 51% of those 500 votes. The at large system should stay. It is the people’s most valuable election asset.

    Like 28
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  2. At Large says:

    election system of the first 4 past the post is perfect for the BVI. Just abolish the 9 district rep elections and add 1 at large for Premier. The HOA members are reduced to 5 with the Premier as Head of the HOA. Eliminate the Speaker and Deputy positions and all political parties.

    BVI government can function much better with 5 persons working together than 15 persons competing against each other.

    Like 19
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  3. it nah work says:

    It need cutting out…Waste ah time

    Like 2
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  4. MSG says:

    We should elect all our representatives through the at large system if you ask me.

    Like 25
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  5. Exactly says:

    We should adapt the At-large System for all 13 seats,but I bet you those who are holding District Seats will oppose. The population deserve better representation.

    Like 20
  6. Yes but says:

    Revamp the whole thing! 1. Fully at-large 2. 9 seats – what is the purpose of the at-large people right now?

    Like 1
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  7. Well says:

    Actually there is only 65 registered voters on Anegada about 0.5% of the voting population and around 100 in JVD about 0.9% so yes these 2 seat would hold 15% of the HOA vote yet only have less than 1.4% of the voting population.
    This is never put forward when everyone wants their own districts.

    Now both these island are pinnacles in the tourism industry and this is the problem, they think that are bigger than they are and more important but give little revenue to the government.

  8. Free Soul says:

    People ask yourself a question; “What other British Dependent Territory has an At-Large system?” Answer……..NONE!

    The At-Large system was introduced or rather forced on BVI by the UK in 1995 to destabilize local Government and oust the then VIP party. At-Large was only supposed to be a trial run. It would seem the destabilizing has someone worked cause ‘doubt’ has been casted over our electoral process.

  9. BVIslander says:

    I totally agree with abolishing the district system we don’t need it. It will force the at large reps to focus on fixing the systems in the country rather than busy trying to give away the country money to cronies.

    Like 10
  10. LOL says:

    At Large system is what has saved this country from being even more corrupt. It is the one part of the system that works. We just need to be able to use the At Large persons to determine who the Premier and Deputy Premier will be.

    I don’t care what any other British Dependent Territory is doing.

    A District Rep should NEVER be the Premier of the BVI or Deputy Premier. An At Large candidate is voted on by the entire Territory and so will look out for the entire territory not just their district where they get votes from.

  11. Shine light says:

    Well said! Couldn’t agree more. What needs to be abolished are the district reps. Imagine someone only winning 400 votes and becoming a Minister or even Premier. Make them all at large

    Like 10
  12. @well says:

    Save for the fact that your numbers of registered voters is incorrect, your rationale is spot on. It makes no sense that being the least populated, that they should have the greatest level of representation in HOA

  13. This says:

    The district system is dysfunctional and should be abandoned. In a two-by-four country the size of ours, all legislators should be elected at large. Create district councils if needed to address the concerns of specific locales.

  14. Meli says:

    Actually Mr Premier, the at-large system offers a more democratic government than the district system. Get rid of the district representatives. It’s no way a district should determine who will be the Premier.

  15. Licher and Sticher says:

    Unless he means that the at large candidate with the most votes should be Premier. That would make absolute sense. That person would need to give a Territory specific agenda and speak to the most ppl. Not just eek out a win in the smallest district…

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