BVI News

Too many applicants granted Belongership status

Government officials have revealed that some locals believe that there are too many applicants being granted Belonger status in the territory.

Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sustainable Development Joseph Smith-Abbott made that disclosure during the government’s recent Table Talk programme where a panel of officials addressed the topic of Inclusion in relation to the issuing of Residence and Belonger status in the BVI.

Smith-Abbott indicated that this was one of the issues put forward by some Belongers on the question of granting immigration status to non-belonger residents in the territory.

“It’s something that we will be hearing a lot over the upcoming period, especially during the consultative process,” Smith-Abbott said. “But our understanding is that from a Belonger’s perspective, there are too many applicants, too many applications being granted or considered at any given point.”

Some observers have called for a fixed number of applications to be considered annually and for other considerations to be examined as officials look to revamp the granting of residence and belongership, a process which came in for scrutiny during the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

Assistant Secretary in the Ministry Malvern Brathwaite explained that it was also important that the government establishes a clear and comprehensive immigration policy based on previously outlined sustainable development goals which take into consideration the territory’s socio-economic needs among other things.

But Smith-Abbott explained that there are also concerns on the reverse side of the equation, with some residents seeking permanent status in the territory often questioning the secrecy and complication that appears to enshroud the application process.

“From a non-belonger’s perspective, you may have the lack of information with respect to the status of that application and the length of time that it may have taken in the past to review that process,” he shared.

The Permanent Secretary also pointed to concerns being raised over what he described as the inconsistency between the policy that previously mandated a residence period of 20 years in the territory as opposed to what appears in the law, which is a 10-year requirement.

According to Smith-Abbott, those issues were all identified during the recent review of the granting of residency and belonger status. The reveiw was conducted by Kedrick Malone. Issues expected to be raised during consultations with the public on the review.


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  1. Blah blah blah says:

    It’s who you know round here cause it have people here for over 20 years and they still can’t get a lil residency.

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  2. Time to end this free for all says:

    A privilege to be here is enough…..We cant continue at this rate…..We are already outnumbered…..Time to close the flood gates…..7 years max, then exit and reapply.

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  7. Action says:

    I think it is time tolans stop breeding like eabbits and traveling to St. Thomas to give birth. Have you rascals ever thought about that. That is why tola is sinking and sinking fast. You all are really out numbered. There are more US citizen than tolans.

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  8. Thank you kindly says:

    We are outnumbered, I say five years, when the five years is up, leave the territory and reapply. Once you are here for the five years do not have any anchor babies or marry a local to get status in the territory.

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  9. Vi says:

    Tolan running away to other Country’s and nobody should come into thers what a shame and badminded ni**er you are?

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  10. FACTS says:

    I agree, too many individuals are being granted belongership.

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  11. Resident says:

    If you’re not careful you might get some voters who pay taxes and who can see what time of day it is. They might wonder why, with the billions of revenue paid into the Government since the 1980s our infrastructure is so woeful.

    And don’t tell me because of Irma. It was woeful before and then the geniuses in charge rejected the $400m loan guarantee from UK because it had to be spent properly. That tells you all you need to know.

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  12. patsyleak says:

    all the whitey pals of the deputy premier who were given status after irma didn’t help.

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  13. Dwayne says:

    I am so sick of local thinking like here is the Promise land. Stop having your children in the USA. Stop capitalizing on England for you benefits. You want to go to those places and make yourself Better but at the same time you do not wish that for the expatiate that are here. I have lived here for 36 years and you all are thinking the same SHIT.

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  14. Really says:

    For some, anything over zero is too much.
    This idea that the government needs to study this and come up with a plan is silly. 2/3 of the population is already non-belonger. Things don’t seem to be falling apart (other than these people are the only ones willing to do hard labor).
    Just looks like the same old thing again. I guess we can live with it…

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  15. SMH says:

    Why do people feel that the BVI is obligated to grant every one status? The Law says after x amount of years you are eligible to apply, it didn’t say that you are guaranteed approval.

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  16. Some says:

    will rush to posit that this comment is lifting racial types into the discussion.

    Well isn’t race a constant reality in our world and theirs historically, socially, economically and other?

    There must be a sound approach to the over population of these islands, that is a fact. And, there must be a sound approach to the protection of the folk that have lived here for centuries and know only these islands as home.

    They were here long, long before tourists, tourism, cars, bikes motorbikes, wall houses, electricity, inside running water and toilets, stoves and refrigerators line and cell phones.

    The offspring of those folk must be forever protected through foresighted legislation into time ad centuries.

    Meanwhile, the focus is deliberately and intentionally with the brothers and sisters from the other Caribbean islands, who truthfully, are here simply seeking a better life for themselves and family.

    They came out of the same human experiences we came out of. The dogma we hear today is a calculated scheme by outside influences to conquer and divide us and have us fighting each other. That is a fact.

    Meanwhile, media is turning its head to the other immigrants, from Asia, Europe, UK and others, all of who come from cultures and histories of profound hatred and oppression of people of African descent.

    This will not bode well for the people of these islands who are of African and are that color the world has extreme hatred for at this time in its existence. ..

    Sooner than later we will be made second and third class people in oue own home.. This we must keep in the forefront of our mind and act accordingly. Our bloodline and future generations depend on us to do that.

    Therefore, government must think ahead, way ahead to and create legislation that will look out for and protect the local people, their survival and continued full existence in this society.

    There is a known historic fact of the history between certain groups and peoples and the Black race that is hostile and indisputable.

    Hence, the people must be protected for centuries to come. Such legislation must be strong and all encompassing.

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  17. Barrister says:

    Please , think wisely as to your next approach with my application because the Board has been formed.

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  18. The Conscious One says:

    Have they applied? There is a process…

  19. The Conscious One says:

    That’s a great suggestion. Make sure you attend the public consultations or take the survey online to push that.

  20. The Conscious One says:

    You should make sure this suggestion is made to the powers that be during the public consultations. It is time for there to be a clear policy for sure.

  21. getsomesence says:

    yall inbred. diversify. many smart ones gone to states long time. america is king , not from excluding different people and immigration. STFU and be happy you own the land

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  22. The Conscious One says:

    Not sure what is silly about the government coming up with a plan, but if you are so adamant with that point you should let them know when you attend the public meetings.

  23. The Conscious One says:

    You have lived here as a matter of choice. People from here can choose to have their children wherever they feel like, it is still their country. It is what it is. Why be adversarial? You live here…let’s all be a part of the solution by coming together and agreeing on the way forward. Come out to the public consultations and let your voice be heard and documented.

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  24. ywea says:

    Well it must be the Promise Land because geeze you are here for 36 years, so stop complaining and belly aching. We can’t go to your country and be so dang boldfaced

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  25. concerned says:

    There are two issues. one is the time it takes to get a renewal on a work permit, It should be an easy renewal process but we submit paperwork and it takes ages to process and have to get immigration extentions.
    2 the law has been miss applied quoting 20 year. Basically the government has illegally collected work permit fees for 10 years on people who would have been granted status.
    The immigration process has been broken but there were a lot of improvements this year. Where once submitted they booked us in for a collection appointment.
    We love this island as much as the local people and want it to be the beautiful place it can truly be but the infrastructure is falling apart. It not normal for this anywhere else in the world. We want to work together to fit it.

  26. V dont owe them aything says:

    They are already from some place so wha belonger they talking bout?

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  27. SUGGESTION says:


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  28. @some says:

    Truthfully, do you actually believe all that poppycock?

  29. HonestTruth says:

    Here we go again with the “My ancestors were here first” nonsense. Newsflash: they weren’t! Now get over yourself and join the rest of the world.

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  30. Hmmmmm says:

    I have been living in the bvi for 26 years and am still paying work permit. Election gone when the now Deputy came and ask for my vote I told her am sorry but I can not she ask why.I told her I can’t vote she said how long have you been living here I said 25 years she said and you can’t vote? She say what are your status I said work permit holder she said that is ridiculous am still awaiting to see what she is doing about this in my 26 years here I have one child and he did not vote either cause to him it’s a waste of time cause no Matter how much they tell you they will look into it still nothing happens .so I got tired of them and that I am packing my bundle and going bk to my country of birth .come December.thank you bvi all I got is grey hair and pain in my body from you! Some will get a one bedroom apartment for rent come January bye bye

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  31. I would agree says:

    People here need to stop breeding like bunny rabbits then running over to the USVI to give birth so their children can receive US benefits. I know of two women right here in the BVI that is collecting USDA FOOD STAMPS, WIC AND MEDICAID. THEY LIVE IN THE BVI AND THE PARENTS GO DOWN TO ST. THOMAS TO SHOP AND WHEN IT IS TIME TO RECERT.

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  32. 5 years says:

    Exit is reasonable

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  33. no more anchor babies says:

    After they done rape and frigup our country they gone else where?

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  34. Truth says:

    You are a vwry silly person!

  35. BVI Love says:

    That like the only place on earth you hearing them petty talk about immigration status, No where else in the world . It all about xenophobia because if there were more white expatriates I am sure y’all would not even envy expats

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  36. Agreed says:

    Stop breeding and marrying our people… we breed and marry our own.

  37. Words says:

    Belongers? We want no more.
    We’re BVIslanders to the core!
    But who’ll pay our rents?
    This doesn’t make sense.
    Our future will no longer soar.

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  38. @Concerned says:

    You are WRONG! The Law does not state that persons are granted status after a certain number of years being resident, it was they are ELIGIBLE TO MAKE AN APPLICATION – BIG DIFFERENCE!

  39. Just to many…. says:

    Anchor babies in this place. Just like the Mexicans that is flooding the US. They come across the US border pregnant and drop the anchor babies in the US.

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  40. @@Some says:

    I don’t believe in fake and remade history. Clearly you are either a stoned cold troll, a human hater of the Black kind, or are completely out of touch with reality… Get help.

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  41. @HonestTruth says:

    Poor thing. Can read distress in your writing.. Truth is, write the facts as younknow them then. As, such statements do not shed knowledge, just exposes an ignorant mind……..

  42. Question says:

    Who will I get to rent my houses…

  43. lillian says:

    the fact is that all of you are always giving documents for money and for friendship and not legally to those who are tittle to belongers and residents you all will never stop! until….. GOD HAS MERCY FOR ALL, TIME WILL COME

  44. Anonymous says:

    To Honest Truth and @Some: Hate can make one truly loose common sense.

  45. Resident says:

    The problem lies with Government policies creating a huge backlog over time that was eventually dealt with…

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  46. Plain and simple says:

    Put a freeze on the belongers status application for 2 years. I often wonder if they are flooding the BVI because of the American dollar.There is no such thing as belongers in another man’s Country. You are a belonger of the Country you were born in. If your application were not process then keep it moving back to where you were born. Why sit here for 30 odd years waiting for a application that may never be processed. Move on with your life.

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  47. What the Hellz says:

    I am a Tolian and I will have my children where the hellz I want! That is a privilege afforded to me. You dont come on here and tell us Tolians what to do. If your country doesnt allow you that benefit, go talk to your fetchin leaders!!

    We can have dual nationality. If you dont understand why things are the way they are, go find out, From blogging piss. I am both British and American however I chose to live in the BVI. being American just lets me get to the US without much harrassment. So if you dont like that we can be both, go talk to America and the UK to change it!

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  48. @Dway n e says:

    The US and its territories have no issues with BVIslanders living and traveling in their countries,purchasing property,marrying, giving birth. The record shows that BVIslanders are welcomed and a preferred immigrant group. Unlike the updeislun folks whose eyeballs must be dissected and overhauled to simply be given entry for a visit everywhere they go. It has to do with the innate character of the updeislun group vs the BVIslanders. Same reason why BVI is regretting the open door policy to the critters from yonder.,Bad bad character,cursed, poverty inclined and defined. Rarely a positive giveback from this
    lot. Overall a losing investment time and time again near and far and in their own countries.

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  49. Wake Up People says:

    It may look like to some too many people are becoming Belongers, but you need to take a look at the overall picture before passing judgement. For so many years restrictive Government policies created a huge backlog of applicants. Applicants were required to be legal to work in the BVI for a period of 20 years before they could apply for Permanent Residency and then another period of time before they could apply for Belongership. Not only that, the government policy was such that only 25 applications per year would be approved.

    These restrictive policies thus created a huge backlog of applicants which the VIP Government went to work to rectify with the Fast Track Program. This Fast Track program created many permanent residents and Belongers in a short period of time that should have long been previously approved over many previous years. Obviously this looked like to some that too many Belongers are being approved which is certainly not the case.

    I personally have applied for Permanent Residency status in 2003 and have not seen any progress with my application. I have visited the Immigration office multiple times over the years for a status update, have sent emails and have even requested a personalmeeting with the Chief Immigration Officer all to no avail, it falls on deaf ears

  50. :) says:

    Well I guess when they exit, that Social Security do the needful. I could tell you boy smh.

  51. Wake Up People says:

    It may look like to some that too many people are becoming Belongers, but you need to take a look at the overall picture before passing judgement. For so many years restrictive Government policies created a huge backlog of applicants. Applicants were required to be legal to work in the BVI for a period of 20 years before they could apply for Permanent Residency and then another period of time before they could apply for Belongership. Not only that, government policy was such that only 25 applications per year would be approved.

    These restrictive policies thus created a huge backlog of applicants which the VIP Government went to work to rectify with the Fast Track Program. This Fast Track program created many Permanent Residents and Belongers in a very short period of time that should have long been previously approved over many previous years. Obviously this looked like to some that too many Belongers are being approved which is certainly not the case.

    I personally applied for Permanent Residency status in 2003, the year before Government introduced the 20 year policy and have not seen any progress with my application. I have visited the Immigration office multiple times over the years for a status update, have sent emails and have even requested a personal meeting with the Chief Immigration Officer all to no avail, it totally falls on deaf ears….

    Wake up people, new Permanent Residents and Belongers contribute hugely to the economy and future development of the BVI…

  52. Dis is it says:

    It is not the Q U A N T I T Y that has been given status it is the QUALITY .*** MONACO,locals are the minority but they the locals along with the immigrants are living high and comfortable due to what the immigrant population brought/ required to bring to the table.
    A self destruct patternc and blissful hardship is the modus operandi in the BVI. As a people we have acquiesced to the popular belief that we aren’t good enough and deserving. But for a few exceptions, tis so we move and groove,largely subconsciously,heading for the pie in the sky reward granted by White Jesus after we sprout wings post death.

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  53. @VI says:

    Tolians can go anywhere to any country because they are Blessed. Taking advantage of that priveledge is sensible for themselves and their family. Mind growth is their thing if they want it so. The World is their oyster. Their innate character is what makes/ made it so. They can a lways return home and to they and family owned real property.Pity those who can’t and wish they could. Stuck in a nothingness, envy jealousy and stunted mind growth. They and their pickneys become tortured souls and a bane to society. Prison,handouts and family networks they snatch as their reality to cope with their anger and hostility as a mechanism in their mind to “get over” on society.

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  54. @Dway n e says:

    Be so informed. The St. Thomas local, there or on mainland is a combination of centuries of BVI and St.Thomas blood mixing..Every to almost every Tomian family has links i BVI and vise cersa…

    It is only the US immigration, white imperialism and racism that keeps us apart, nulifies and ignores that family connection…

    Last, that family connction was thoroughly respected before the US took over the immigation department due to so called terrorism concerns.

    Those are the facts. Hope you are enlightened further.

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  55. too many poor people repeaping the sweet says:

    Too many lowlifes coming and getting belongership

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  56. Disappointed says:

    Let me tell you all,I am here for 26 years and I apply for residency status in 2021,I not calling yet for the test and the interview,but I l know some people they calling who submitted the application after me and some have less time than me in the bvi



  58. I THOUGHT says:

    Only the whites were racist , but after reading some of the comments of some of the bloggers which revealed the kind of evilness that lurks within we black people against other black people who is SUPPOSED to be our Caribbean brothers and sisters , nobody cannot come here and try to dictate , take over , rule own the country / its all in your mind . you own the country , you are the boss , what you say goes , so you are at war with yourselves , that ain’t the fault of the people who come here to make an honest living / if ignorance controls you , that’s your problem , and that Don’t give the right to take advantage of innocent people , like the money gram drama , where the employees gets double taxed and the employers who is not paying his fair share of taxes is untouched and protected like an angel there is a lot more that can be said but ignorance and hypocrisy is the new norm now / those with knowledge is using it on their own people to exploit the country and their own people and convincing the ignorant ones that people come to take over their land / control them and a whole ton loads of nonsense to create distractions , while they sit back and reap the benefits of their hidden agenda

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  59. Please be fair says:

    Some outside students who went school in the BVI don’t even receive exemption after they attend college as they are forced to come off their parents time and go under college time after they graduate there are no job opportunities for them as companies prefer local people which is not a bad thing locals must be given a chance first but what about others? They studied and worked hard for their degree and yet they don’t even get exemption no one is talking bout belonger here but the system needs to be fair tbh. My family and I have been here for the past 15 years and yet after college I have been forced into the work permit system and I did my whole schooling here since I was young and then so the rule says if you can’t work in a company for 3-5 years you have to leave and come back like really? After so many years of residency in this country I am forced to leave like who will I go to ? I don’t have finance to support myself and living here is so expensive that saving money at a minimum wage is hard while paying bills. The system needs to be fair and grant people status who are actually eligible. Complaining that too many people getting belonger is being a small minded mentality we are in the 21st century and we need to be fair because I know most of the people here are residents of different countries so why we cannot make the beautiful BVI our home ?? If yall can make the USA your home. We wanna get belonger to open business and contribute to make the country a better place look at other countries soo many jobs are there and look at the bvi yet teenagers are driving scooters and selling drugs when they can utilize that scooter and deliver foods via online app we have the ideas as young people but we cannot implement it as we are only work permit holders. You know how much jobs can be created in the bvi for local people if ideas were taken from people who come from outside because I’m sure their countries are far more developed than the bvi and the beautiful bvi can be developed too the same way just need the knowledge from the right people. So y’all must stop Complaining about too many people getting belonger and let people make this paradise their home too as at the end of the day god didn’t want this he made the earth for everyone we as humans divided it. Let us all live in peace.

  60. Disappointed says:

    I am here for 26 years and I summited my application for residency status in 2021 and I even get a call for the Interview yet that’s ridiculous

  61. Okay says:

    Bvi people are so insecure and feels inferior, that’s why they don’t want any expats, expats work hard and enjoy their life, Bvi people can’t do hard work, only thing they can do is feels jealous and talk rubbish , God is watching

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  62. One love says:

    All I know it got alot of man and woman from Venezuela and Colombia flooding the Night life.Everybody own a club nowadays..Tola ain’t easy.

  63. rastarite says:

    Fahie needed the votes

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  64. Silly says:

    Already part of the process

  65. I AM A BELONGER. says:

    Most of us were NDP supporters because VIP always expats hater. NDP messed up badly and drop the ball during the Hurricanes they performed so poorly. Allow all the abuse to happen to us and our families from tbe employers, labour and Immigration, since then we switch and NDP is strong no more. We were NDP Pillows. Though we now support VIP. They still hate us.

  66. Really says:

    What is the Theme song

  67. interesting says:

    90% of BVIlanders don’t give birth to their children right here in the BVI. Same BVIlander and non-belonger talk negatively about the BVI to their kids then when they grow up move away to the US where they are from. Furthering developing a other country and not worrying about where they grew up. We worrying about people who contribute to our country and give birth to their children here. BVIlander are the reason why it don’t have more BVIlanders around. They don’t take pride in where they are from. STOP

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  68. Dwayne says:

    just reading your response it means you have not grasp the meaning of what I will trying to say. Let me not waste time with you. By the I am local and I have been here for 36 years that from birth you Moran

  69. Ginger Tea says:

    Importing and installing criminals poverty and illiteracy is outright downright stupidity. Not conducive to building up a country for betterment.
    The results are obvious in these VI and destined for worse. You won’t get accolades on Earth or a place in your Heaven as a result. MATTHEW (7:6)

    As I mourn the absence of my child and her having to attend school overseas, in order to get a chance at quality education, looking
    in all these updeislun faces makes me want to puke,frankly. Ginger tea settle my stomach.
    With or without them, BVIslanders had land house, car,a full belly so why we accomodating this torture from the demographic of Lucifer.There are immigrants of all kind make and models from which to choose.
    Bring them in for work and send them home with the pocket full of $$$ is enough genorosity.
    Why degrade our culture quality of life and education for these envious disgusting can’t get enough empty handed demonic mortals.
    Tolians went to St Thomas and it was 29 days they were given. Track you down full speed if u weren’t gone by the 30th day rain or shine in or under the bed. Any hour.
    We complied with laws and customs and rules and invested productively in the USVI, became and continues to become an asset to their economy, customs and
    society. Never have u heard of Tolians being a pain in their anatomy..nowhere we go.,EVER !!!!
    Next time you in StThomas,Check out our mansions big and small on Tortola Hill as you stand on Tortola Wharf. We do not create slums in our adopted habitats. USVI education, kindergarten to their local College libraries and schools,Government,courts and on and on we are documented contributors and up-lifters in the USVI. Unlike the dilemma in these BVI, VIslanders didnt downgrade the quality of life for the USVI. NO additional prison and foreign Police by the hundreds required as a result of our presence.
    As a result we and our births are welcomed on their turf and also in US and everywhere. Take a page from our book and you would stand a chance in your quest for “your anywhere but home earthly wanderings and settling”

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  70. @Suggestion says:

    BVI doesn’t have a national song as it is a territory. The territorial song is Oh Beautiful Virgin Islands and was written just 10 years ago. Consequently hardly anyone knows it. I am a non belonger but I know this. I guess maybe as a belonger you might want to pay a bit more attention

  71. Belonger says:

    Yes we have a National Song – God Save the King. A bit of research needed before your application eh?

  72. @ Agreed says:

    You have spoken the sad and ugly truth, but aren’t you even ashamed to be admitting this curse that y’all have on yourselves? The incest decreased significantly when ex-pats became available. Ya’ll are nasty AF.

  73. Duh, what planet you from? says:

    Just look at the news every day…who is involved in the drug trade and involved in the many murders…it is certainly not the new Belongers…Duh wake up mofo…

  74. Resident says:

    Ahheeem, take a look who is mostly involved in the drug trade and committing murders in the BVI…certainly not the expat Belongers who choose to contribute and be law abiding people….

  75. @ ginger tea says:

    Those mansion that belongs to the banks ?
    The ones that had apartments soo as to pay the mortgage
    U sound like the envious women who can’t handle the beautiful island women that men can’t get enough of

  76. ??? says:

    Could tell you are a hater. Because you come Tola and can’t get to Stthomas to get yours.

  77. Jim says:

    The only way to fix this country is to replace the lazy belonger with one that will actually work to accomplish something. That comes from the outside. And it can’t come soon enough.

    Evil cats as my witness

  78. *@@ ginger tea says:

    Your unfortunate condition of imbecility is obvious as is the vast majority of imports from your part of Mother Earth, which partially explains the unfortunate plight of their human existence and their contribution of nothingness, resulting undesirability as immigrants pleading for acceptance and permanency trying v to keep their head above water..
    Comprehension would be a “not atall” but briefly;
    Building a home with a bank mortgage and in another man’s country especially, requires TRUST first and foremost,requires personal assets with a value at least equal to cost of the home and includes your income from employment etc and the potential income if any, generated by the new building.
    Such a venture is contributing to the economy of said country. It does not indicate that the buyer has no cash.. but quite the contrary.
    Maaany BVIslanders have land and homes in St Thomas and elsewhere and with mortgage and mortgage paid off but sold none of their land or other is called INVESTMENT and keeps banks afloat and contributes positively to the economy while creating generational wealth, pride,self reliance for the borrower. Soooyour snide remark ” mansions own by the banks” is as stupid as it gets.
    Also, women walking the streets and bars for a paltry living, have names but ” beautiful”

  79. @@ginger tea says:

    ” Those mansions that belongs to the bank” by Tolians are positive for the banks and the USVI economy.Indicative of this specific demograhic ,even in another country is riskfree, with solid assets,income and income potential.
    An ovecrowded and relatively new prison populated by a specific demographic of immigrants and their children is evidence of good for nothing immigrants that are a liability for the country, its economy and social structure.
    Purchasing and building a home with a coveted mortgage is good practical sensible business sense. Many tolians and successful investors worldwide create wealth by investing and reinvesting which results in generational wealth, ensuring their daughters do not become
    generational investors of their bodies with little short term street value,carriers of disease and destruction.
    Nothing beautiful and nothing there to be coveted.

  80. @@ginger tea says:

    Those ” mansions owned by banks” are in existence by BVIslanders with property owned outright in the VI. Some have migrated to the US mainland where they are also invested in real property and may be carrying a mortgage.
    In my travel pastimes, financed by my investments, I have met immigrants from many Caribbean Islands and they have zero in their land of origin,except memories and at least 99.9% are renters.
    Re: the “beautiful” ones,most are migrants from the DR,”hustling” in Spain. I am light complexion and was assumed to be from the DR once while checking jn and so was asked to leave, Thank God I had both my BVI and US documents as evidence and personal contacts as references.. In the UK, Jamaicans are the street walking “beauties” of the Caribbean.
    Very ugly and humiliating, far from any semblance of pretty much less beautiful as you claim.

  81. @Dwayne says:

    Why the expatriates are here if they say the BVI does nothing for them??

    Besides Expatriates do get babies in US as well.

  82. WTF says:

    You can take this “privilege” and put it where the sun does not shine….

  83. Hmm says:

    Those US citizens you speak of are in-fact Tolians, unlike you. Don’t be mad that they are both US citizens and Tolians.

  84. Ok says:

    Simple answer is just leave. You here for 36 years, you’re not from here what happened to your own country? Then you won’t have to worry about our mentality. Simple.. leave.

  85. Hmm says:

    Promise land. But you’re here, you left where to came from to be here. How many Tolians you see trying to get status where you’re from, or are ther for 36 years. I can guarantee you none. That should tell you.

  86. Hmm says:

    That’s not for you to worry about they are ours, we accept them. You are not, so we don’t accept you. Simple

  87. Anchor babies ? says:

    Which anchor babies u speak of ?
    The ones that expats have in BVI ?
    Or the ones that Virgin Islands drops of St Thomas,PR and mainland usa ?
    Tell Me plz ..

  88. The Eyes says:

    You all should be ashamed leaving the country of your birth to building up our country

  89. Redstorm says:

    @ wake up,
    They perhaps throw your application in the garbage, 2003 is some twenty years and going. But to see all those small minded people blog about a subject they know about, but refuse to accept it. Then change the narrative to state it’s a privilege, when it was found out , they now want to chang it to say this island small and can hold all the people who apply.

    So, if those person who are here above then yers should be given their stamp of approval and move to the next level. If not get a lawyer, the government would not like it but to know the laws clearly stipulate that the years are 10, then repay the people all their work permit and time money, and money for its effect it had on them.. this whole issue could escalate into a case of human rights to hold status after a period of time according to the constitutional rights of a person.

    Hold on, most of those applicants perhaps are not even here. After the hurricane,most move away.

  90. @What the hellz says:

    Being an American doesn’t just get you into the US for fee. It also also obligates you (and every other American( to file an annual 1040 Form reporting to the US IRS your world wide income, and paying tax on it.

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