BVI News

Top cop renews appeal for public’s help amid recent shootings

As the territory grapples with a series in gun crimes in the territory, Commissioner of Police Mark Collins has renewed calls for the public to assist the police.

This latest appeal came in an early-morning media statement from the Royal Virgin Islands (RVIPF) titled, ‘COP: Help us to restore calm and safety’.

“In less than a month, we have seen two murders and Saturday night’s near fatality along with a number of other firearm-related incidents. The risk of injury or death to innocent bystanders is very high. Our community deserves to feel and be safe. We need all who are either party to these actions or participating themselves to refrain from any more bloodshed. Please consider the consequences of decisions made in the heat of the moment. Help us to restore calm,” Commissioner Collins stated.

He said his officers are committed to identifying offenders but cannot do so alone. “I urge anyone who has any information on Saturday night’s shooting or other recent incidents to come forward,” Collins said.

The top cop further noted the need for relatives and friends of persons either aware of, or participating in gun violence to offer ‘wise counsel’ to these persons.

In the meantime, the police said persons can confidentially call the CrimeStoppers line at 800-8477 (TIPS) or call 1-284-800-8477 with information about any of the recent shootings or illegal firearms in the territory.


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  1. Parliament of Law says:

    Dear COP Mark Collins:
    1.What evidence do you have to charge Hasani Frett for Murder?

    2.What evidence do you have to charge public officials and public officers for Breach of Trust?

    3.What evidence do you have to charge police officers for Perjury and perverting the course of justice?
    Let the DPP answer the first question:

    Hasani Frett was a [by-stander],so because he chose to remain silent,which is his fundamental human rights and freedoms,you charge him for Murder?!
    As if to say.”since you refuse to talk,take the rap for the shooter?!
    This is an abuse of the criminal justice system

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  2. @Parliment of Law says:

    He might not be charged with murder but accessory to kinder in this case if they have evidence that he is connect to the murder

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  3. especially that blond haired one says:

    Tell your officers to stop chasing potential witnesses away from the crime scenes after they arrive…They should question all of them instead of chasing them away.

  4. ok says:

    Can we hear you speak up about how wrong it is to lock people up for a plant as many other police chiefs do…?

    Recall you are policing in the Virgin Islands not the UK where people enjoy a pint for recreation.

    Similarly we see it is as wrong to lock people up for that one beer as they do in Saudi Arabia.

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  5. Parliament of Law says:

    There are two ways a person can be charged for a criminal offence, for and by the unlawful actions of another person:-

    1.As an [accomplice to the crime],a look out person or a get-away driver etc.

    2.A [conspirator] when two or more persons conspired or plan to commit a crime, so if one do the actual killing, both can be charged for murder.

    In the case of Hasani Frett, the DPP told the court, that Frett and the shooter, were sitting in a car, when 3 masked men on bikes, surrounded their car.
    [That alone, masked bikers, is intimidation and provocation, in the law of self defense!]

    The passenger in the car pulled out a gun and fire shots, at the masked and armed bikers, killing one of the mask men who was armed with two gun!

    Frett did not even fire a gun:

    He was unarmed, just sitting in the car! He is not an accomplice to a killing or a conspirator to a killing!

    How could Mr. Frett, be charged for Murder, under these circumstances?.

    The shooter acted in self-defense, to defend himself, and to defend [by-stander-driver Mr. Frett].
    The Constitution:-
    Self-defense, is a fundamental human rights and freedoms, under section 11(3) of the BVI Constitution.

    Murder is an act of premedition with malice aforethought, expressed or implied, with-Mens rea=Guilty mind
    Actus reus=Guilty Act.

    The DPP presented no evidence to the court, that Frett and the shooter, went somewhere to kill this masked-armed biker! The Bikers surrounded their car.

    How could the police charge Frett for Murder?!

    Frett should be released from confinement, at once, by the legal means of [Habeas Corpus]!

    Lawyers in the BVI, are a bunch of jokers, just there watching the police and the DPP’s Office contravene the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the citizens?!

    The BVI is not a dictatorship: The BVI is a democracy, with a criminal justice system, under the BVI Constitution!

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  6. Wo says:

    Mr Parliament of law ,just ask yourself Why he was surrounded by 3 bikers at 4 in the morning and you get the answer

  7. Parliament of law at blogger-wo says:

    The law is not bias like us.
    The charge is murder.
    Criminality is not accepted in society,but the dpp cannot be malicious in charging people for murder.
    He might be involved in criminality,etc.
    Not my concern as a jurist.
    His actions by just sitting in a car,is not murder.
    If BVI had the death penalty,what you saying,Mr.Frett could be sentenced to death,because a shooter shot an armed mask man,who had 2 guns?Mr.Frett did not commit any crime.
    But he is charged for Murder??
    God will judge all of us.

  8. Parliament of Law says:

    Chapter-2, BVI Constitution-Fundamental Rights and Freedoms: Protection of Right to Life:
    “Section 11-
    (1) Every person has a right to life which shall be protected by law.
    (2) No person shall be deprived (intentionally) of his or her life.
    (3) A person shall not be regarded as having been deprived of his or her life in contravention of this section if he or she dies as a result of a lawful act of war or the use, to such extent and in such circumstances as are prescribed by law, or force which is no more than absolutely necessary-
    (a) for the defense of any person from violence”!

  9. Parliament of law says:

    Thank you very much for being a positive news site,broadcasting good and accurate news in the BVI.
    Not too much of name calling gossip on bloggs.
    As a litigant,I want your viewers and bloggers to understand and to realise,that the BVI is under a criminal justice system,and before the police-DPP,charge a person for a crime,there must be sufficient evidence on paper,to prove the offence[beyond a reasonable doubt].It not just about charging,then laying of a comp[laint in court.
    It is about proving the charge in court.
    The charging of Mr.Frett for MURDER in the First degree-[Murder with malice aforethought] is rather unfortunate:
    This is a trevesty of justice and a miscarriage of justice by the COP and DPP.
    There are elements or points to prove murder in a court of law.
    In the case of the murder charge against Mr.Frett,there is no point-of -fact,to prove murder under the law.
    This murder charge is WRONG!
    Society want to see justice,by successful prosecution in a court of law.
    Society does not want injustice by way of malicious prosecution with persecution.
    Bad luck COP and DPP.You cannot prove murder in a court of law.

  10. @ PARLIAMENT says:

    were you there ?,

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  11. @ PARLIAMENT OF LAW says:

    FOR WHO , so you got another new name to blogg under , if you so great , why you wasted our taxpayers money on the con artist lawyer from Trinidad, boy go put on your white boyz WIG and your G-string pUmkin is waiting

  12. Parliament of law says:

    I just knew that bloggers who want to support lawlessness in the RVIPF and in DPP Office,would come out smoking at Parliament of Law.LOL!
    If you are in your car,with a friend in the passenger,and bikers with mask and gun surround your car,and your passenger open fire;without evidence of a conspiracy to go out to kill,you are charged with murder??Murder??
    Not even accessory to murder,but murder???
    Are we in Afghanistan in the middle east??
    The COP and DPP should resign!!!

  13. Secret Ways says:

    We need a Curfew Law back in this place. I suggest the Curfew Law starts from 12:00 Midnight to 5:00 am and those who have to be out during these mentioned hours have ID document from the RVI Police Force stating so.

    I does hear gun shots firing all hours of the Night especially in the Purcell and Free Bottom area and young men all hours of the Night making noise with these scooters, bikes and boom box.

    There are more that 75 plus Unsolved Murders in the British Virgin Islands and the toll is climbing steadily.

    I guess we have to wait until they start shooting the Police Officers, the Politicians or other persons in High Society or the White People before anything is done.

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  14. Pontius says:

    The Courts is the venue for trials and discourse on this matter.
    Why the wasted bs on this site?
    Does %&%$#gani not have legal rep or a mouth pencil and paper to rep himself.

  15. Parliament of law says:

    Not only the courts to render justice!
    We the citizens also have a view: We are the jurors of the facts.
    The RVIPF and DPP, cannot be going about the BVI just charging innocent citizens for criminal offences, without evidence to prove the charge in a court of law!
    What none-sense is that, where a witness to a murder, who simply sat in his car, is charged for murder?!
    What none-sense is that in BVI!
    I want persons who commit crimes to be properly charged and properly prosecuted in a court of law!
    What will be the [opening statement to the jury from the DPP] at the trial?
    That Mr. Frett refused to cooperate, and he didn’t reveaL the name and identity of the shooter etc, and that the jury should find him guilty of murder?!What none-sense is that??
    The DPP needs to stop with this none-sense charges!
    Not even the shooter should be charged with murder:
    Sorry, this is self defense by the shooter and the shooter only:
    But the driver who sat in the car,is charged for murder???NONESENSE!!

  16. law is law says:

    If society has laws it’s the cops duty to try to have us abide by them, whether you think law in this case is non nonsensical or not

  17. Parliament of Law says:

    Law is Law:
    To charge an individual for a crime, that individual must first do an act, that is forbidden by law. Yes someone died, and we want a territory with no crimes, and if a crime occurred, we want the offender to be arrested and charged for the crime, then thereafter, properly prosecuted.
    However, we do not want persons in authority, like the DPP and COP, to just go about the BVI, arresting and charging the citizens, just to say that some body was charged for the crime, and that person will be prosecuted!
    And that is what the DPP has been doing in recent times: Just instructing the police to charge the citizens for criminal offences, with no evidence to prove the charge.
    It’s not about, let the court decide. It is not the court to decide. The court is there to hear and see the evidence, to say guilty or not guilty, based on the evidence presented by the DPP.
    It is the DPP to decide, if the evidence is strong enough to get a conviction along with the police,
    to collect the evidence: If the evidence on paper, is good enough to go to court, then go in court and prove the charge.
    Mr. Frett witnessed a killing which took place in circumstances, where the deceased was armed with two guns and well masked up.
    Mr.Frett is not the shooter.
    How the hell did he get charged for murder?
    It is none sense! And it is none sense,to charge Mr.Frett for murder!

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