BVI News

Tourism boost: BVI Spring Regatta set for March

Organisers of the BVI Spring Regatta & Sailing Festival (BVISR) have announced that the 49th staging of the world-renowned event is scheduled to return this year.

It is scheduled to run from March 29 to April 4, 2021.  

The event is attended yearly by hundreds of sailors from around the world, and is one of the largest of its kind in the Caribbean. It is also a vital tourism staple of the BVI which is dubbed “The Sailing Capital”.

Entry details are listed on the BVI Gateway site as visitors will be subjected to the territory’s COVID-19 protocols.

This year, the regatta will kick off with a Sailing Festival, giving visitors arriving by flight time to quarantine, followed by the traditional spring regatta three-day racing series.   

Under current protocols, visitors arriving by flight to the British Virgin Islands will be tested upon arrival and must quarantine for four days prior to being re-tested. 

Proposed movement for those in quarantine

According to the event’s official website, race organisers are proposing an alternate racing schedule for the Sailing Festival to allow those in quarantine on their boats to enjoy day racing to various islands. 

Organisers are also hopeful that with careful planning, they may also be able to include the traditional Round Tortola Race for the Nanny Cay Cup, or a full race around the islands, if the weather allows.

“The Sailing Festival, a warmup to the BVI Spring Regatta, gives crews an opportunity to learn their boat, the BVI waters, and their crew,” Bob Phillips, Race Chairman, commented. 

“Making the best of unusual circumstances, we are reviewing different possibilities and it may be that sailors will see more of the islands, safely complete their quarantine, and be ready for the three-days of Spring Regatta racing,” Phillips added.

“As with all the events being held in the Caribbean, online registration, electronic Official Notice Board, online International Jury and social-distanced shoreside activities will be a primary focus,” Judy Petz, Regatta Director, stated. 

“We will ensure safe ways to make sure the spirit of camaraderie, cold beers and rum will be available,” Petz finished.

The Regatta is expected to hike the tourist arrival numbers of the territory, which have plummeted due to the onset of COVID-19.

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  1. Garrett says:

    Just get rid of the quarantine. Ensure visitors have a negative test upon arrival and your tourism industry will come right back

    Like 17
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    • Beach Tourist, USA says:

      @Garrett, I totally agree with your thread. I need a few days away from the snowy, icy, cold windy gloom. I am willing to have proof of Negative test upon arrival and pay for another test upon arrival.

      Like 9
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    • @Garrett says:

      We’d prefer to wait for the vaccines than play Russian Roulette & allow the coronavirus into this Territory.

      Like 12
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  2. A Shame says:

    Our boat will sadly miss this year if the 4 day quarantine is not removed before March.

    Like 14
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    • Superspreader says:

      It will not be a shame for us that live here if you don’t come due to our quarantine protocols. We have worked hard to keep COVID-19 out of the BVI & don’t want a Superspreader event to be held if arriving participants donlt want to quarantine….

      Like 17
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  3. Anonymous says:

    Government, be reminded, your medical infrastructure cannot withstand an explosion in infections.

    Management of the pandemic has been good so far. Do not now bend to those who are motivated by green greed at the expense of the health, safety and lives of the masses.

    Put stringent controls on those activities until it is safe to relax them.

    Those pandemic no mask wearing denyers do not care about anyone including the health of the people of the Virgin Islands.

    Like 12
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  4. EU Citizen says:

    The quarantine rule makes it a non starter.
    Good luck anyway!

    Like 5
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  5. Local Boats only says:

    With the ports closed only local boats will participate. All the other major regattas in the Caribbean have already been cancelled Grenada Sailing Week, RORC Caribbean 600, Heineken in SXM. USVI is only one that may still garner international competitors as their borders are open. Hopefully we still get some good races off with BVI based boats.

  6. bvi iSLANDER says:

    These visitors getting to me now man. You prefer to do the standard 14day quarantine to the 4 days quarantine? Because the Government is doing a damn good job on this.

    Like 6
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    • @BVIslander says:

      I totally agree. IF they don’t want to quarantine then don’t come!

      Like 11
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      • Tom says:

        yes, that is what they are saying “we are not coming”

        seems everyone is in agreement. You don’t want them to show up, and they are saying they won’t …

        all good- why fight?

  7. Hmm says:

    Very nice
    But Andrew Fahie will soon find a way to stop it
    Just wait you will see
    He is going to say he protecting the ppl from coronavirus

  8. Ok says:

    What the tourist board say about this? I bet they don’t even know what going on. And then they fire and make Cindy redundant so now they can’t sponsor the regatta again. Smart is them people on that board.

    Like 1
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  9. Sailor says:

    Just get rid of B*b P****ps

    Like 1
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  10. Arthur says:

    Due to the quarantine requirement, we will skip the Regatta. I know of several other traditional participants who also consider the quarantine as an annoying osbtacle which will discourage them from attending.

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