BVI News

Two of BVI’s COVID deaths were partially vaccinated

Of the 37 reported COVID deaths locally, two who recently passed away had only been partially vaccinated.

According to Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Ronald Georges, those two persons were admitted within a week of receiving their first dosage and were therefore not expected to have developed any kind of immunity to the virus as of that time.

“We’ve had a few persons who were vaccinated who were admitted, and they were basically admitted for other reasons and just happened to be positive for COVID”, Dr Georges added.

Invariably, the persons who were admitted to the hospital and struggled with COVID symptoms were all found to be unvaccinated.

Nearly 17,000 tested during outbreak

Meanwhile, other statistics have shown that 17,000 tests were conducted over four weeks beginning June 29, Dr Georges said.

He said this represented a large segment of the BVI’s population, adding that this number offered some insight as to why there was such a great increase in cases.

During that time, active positive COVID-19 cases peaked at 1,604 persons. That number has since sharply declined due a significant increase in recoveries. As at the last COVID update delivered at the weekend, active cases stood at 152 persons.

And in the past week or so, there have only been single-digit entries – three to eight persons per day – in the number of new cases seen at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital.

Dr Georges said several are from travel screening while others have come from the community.

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  1. Rubber Duck says:

    The anti vaxers and juju witch doctors will leap on this.

    But read carefully, they had had one jab less than a week before they fell ill.

    It takes two weeks for the antibodies to take effect after the first jab.

    So you had better get yours now because the second wave is only weeks away.

    Like 51
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    • Slippery hill says:

      The point is the lied and said all were unvaccinated. They should of investigate propl

      Like 28
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    • @Rubber Duck says:

      What the h**l is your point??? The point is we KNEW all along that they authorities were not giving us the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH…they were not giving us the FULL STORY….the NEXT Point is this: the vaccine that they are touting like a saviour HAS ITS FLAWS!!!! so even if a man vaccinated the vaccine will take some time to “KICK-IN”. So this bulls**t all over the world and caribbean about people showing vaccination cards and taking the vaccine to get basic services is BULLS**T! The governments just want you check a box at your peril!!! But the BVI authorities KNEW what they were doing…these are EDUCATED PEOPLE who understand very well technical distinctions!

      Like 6
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    • schools says:

      will be in full swing by then
      people need to follow rules and the rules need to be enforced with penalties for organizations, businesses, individuals

      Like 2
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  2. ?? says:

    OK, now kindly tell us since there is no mass testing or contact tracing anymore, why isn’t the public receiving daily updates like other islands? why are we not being informed of what’s going on? how many cases are there now? it is possible we have alot of cases still ? what is happening?

    Like 51
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  3. unvaccinated says:

    At last we are getting some kinda truth now

    Like 11
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    • Haha says:

      You realize? If they going lie and say all were unvaccinated how can I trust these people.

      Come with the hard cold truth and people will respect you but they have an agenda.

      They can’t fool all the people but only some. All you carry on God has a place for these kinds.

      Like 18
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  4. question says:

    Dr. Georges, can you please inform the public on statistics on other health issues arising from patients after getting 2 doze of astraceneca. People reporting with strokes, blood clots, aneurysms and other sudden complications after taking shots. Keep the covid out of it, just need to know what other issues coming up.
    Yes there is science, and science do evolve. We now know alot more than we even knew 8 months ago when we did not have a vaccine. So there are new developments raising daily as this thing continues to be among us.
    I am neither for or against, just want to know.

    Thank you

    Like 28
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  5. EVEN THE DOC says:


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  6. Mother Teresa says:

    More of a Hospice than a Hospital!

    Like 3
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  7. Smoke in Mirrors says:

    We have all learned alot about covid-19 and the vaccines in the past months.Can any government minister or health official be honnest and let us know what is the real urgency and delibirate attemps to get people vaccinated and not doing the propper safety trials like before.Why are people being bribed and paid money.Something seems very fishy.If we follow whats going on we all can see that something is about to go down. Revalation time has seemed to be manifesting.Somebody please musta up the balls and tell us the truth.Is this vaccine leading up to the mark of the beast?Every country is now speaking about this new digital plan even the BVI. Is this vaccine lining people up for the chip? Because if it is, somebody in government has to have some kind of love in there heart and try to protect Gods people and not sell out to the devil.Lets put good over evil.We have a lot of very bright people in the BVI and you all can see whats going on in the rest of the world. A lie goes around the world twice before the truth comes out.Lets show some real BVI Love.( Not for Money)

    Like 15
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    • smoking something says:

      You should know about lies – you’re the one pushing them in spite of overwhelming real world evidence.
      “Vaccine effectiveness against mortality with 2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine is around 95 to 99%
      and with 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine around 75 to 99%” This from the weekly PHE update from the UK, where 86.7 million vaccinations have been made, and monitored.
      Chips! The Beast! Revelation!
      Question – How did your your alien abduction go?

      Like 4
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  8. Hurting Inside says:

    People in a state of confusion can’t recognize good from evil. They swear they are doing what’s right and just and fair but it seems you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. How could there be an outbreak on a cruise ship of fully vaccinated persons. There is more to this than meets the eye. All voices need to be herd.

    Like 8
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  9. lillian says:

    the truth is that them vaccines doesnt inmune any person from 100 only 30% will be inmune and the rest will die . with delta virus no vaccine up to now can stop it so you will die vaccinated or not with the variants. point blank!this is the truth!!and every year this virus will continue mutating and getting worse!! the time will tell besides me!.

    Like 4
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  10. Liston says:

    Oh dear. BVI will loose 50% of the population if all these idiots keep refusing to be vaccinated. I guess it is the survival of the fittest. How much more proof do you need. There are almost 2.5 BILLION people vaccinated on this planet and 99.9% deaths are the unvaccinated. Keep on being morons BVI. Good luck!

    Like 7
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  11. Dont get it Twisted. says:

    Partially and fully. A big difference. Dont get it twisted..When you are give antibiotic for 7 days, you cant take it for 3 days and think the bacteria going to go away. U need the full dose…

    Like 7
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    • @Dont get it twisted says:

      Time for you to untwist. Do your own research and get the facts.This thing is deeper than you think.Find out who is giving instructions to the world. The world health organization. What is there symbol.A medical rod with a snake wrapped around it. Is this a symbol of GOD or the devil. A serpant has two spikes. Does that ring a bell? In all the other traditional vaccines,were you requied to take two doses? Think for a moment.Does anyone have to bribe you to eat your food for your own health? Dont study me,read your bible and you can find truth and ask GOD and he will help you.Put not your trust in man.(Serpant = 2 spikes , this new wool over your eye vaccine = spike proteins.End result = Trying to change what GOD has created.Pray to GOD and let him rain over evil.GODS words “My people perish for the lack of knowledge”.

      Like 5
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  12. Jeremiah says:

    Some students can benefit from face to face and yet all students are mandated to go to school. A survey will then be taken to determine who is comfortable with this. We all know children behaviour in terms of wearing mask and social distancing. Who is going to police the schools to make sure protocols are followed. In every country after school opens in full cases spike. I thought we want to protect our kids and avoid the Delta variant. Of course those are falling behind should go to school but if parents can do online this should be allowed or hybrid blended class tried. Have their been a mandate for vaccinations for teachers.How do you expect children to wear mask for eight hours of course the younger kids going to disregard this. We have 37 deaths in the country when we had one death we we went online. I don’t see the logics in this.

  13. fromtheothersite says:

    Read this and you will know all about what is going on

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