BVI News

UK Minister for OTs sends serious threat to BVI gov’t

UK Minister for the Overseas Territories (OTs), David Rutley

UK Minister for the Overseas Territories (OTs), David Rutley has threatened to take further action if the elected government continues to delay the implementation of the governance reforms that were handed down through the 2022 Commission of Inquiry (COI) report.

“The UK will provide further technical assistance if required. However, if there continues to be a lack of progress, we will not hesitate to take further action to help deliver the much-needed reforms,” Rutley said ahead of his February 4 arrival in the BVI.

His statement was issued by the Governor’s Office on Sunday, February 4.

Rutley will be meeting with Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and his government and is set to receive an update on the implementation of the COI reforms, which have caused a bigger rift between elected leaders and the Office of the Governor.

“The Commission of Inquiry has identified serious governance and reputational issues, but progress on implementing its recommendations has been too slow, with agreed deadlines missed. That is why I am here: to listen and understand from those working directly on the reforms how they can be delivered quicker so that the people of BVI get the good governance they deserve,” Rutley said.

He also noted that the UK Government is committed to security, prosperity and wellbeing of the people of the BVI, adding that Britain will continue to support the governor and the people in the quest to achieve that goal.

Newly appointed Governor Daniel Pruce said the UK Minister’s visit comes at a crucial time for the BVI, adding that delivering the recommendations of the COI will lead to positive changes in the society.

“Findings from the independent Commission of Inquiry (COI) showed that the people of BVI have long lacked good governance and set out a list of recommendations to be implemented to address the historic failures around honesty, transparency and the rule of law,” Governor Pruce said.

The statement from Minister Rutley is a doubling down on the threat from former Governor Rankin, who said his office may have to seek additional powers over the elected government in light of delays with the COI reforms.

No official decision has been made on what those additional powers would look like but Premier Wheatley has decried the threat, telling residents and the international community that any approval of additional powers for the UK representative, should be seen as an undermining of the BVI’s democracy.

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  1. King Charles II says:

    Doesn’t sound like a threat to me. It sounds like a necessity at this point.

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  2. Radio Rich says:

    About time.

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  3. YES TO UK says:

    UK please take over now because they are not going to do any better because the government think the UK is not going to do anything. About a week ago someone told me that one of government ministers told him the UK will never take over, with that in mind they don’t intend to do better. Natalio Wheatley spends the people’s money like it’s his with no one to answer to; he is not fit to be a Premier.

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  4. Lol says:

    Sl** one please present a proper plan with the funds to close the gap instead of flying around the world giving speaches.

    Like 58
  5. Arrant nonsense says:

    “ … the independent Commission of Inquiry (COI) …” is about as far from the truth as you can get. If that was an independent inquiry, I’d hate to see what a biased one would have looked like. The COI was a complete stitch up and we know it.

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    • @Arrant Nonsense says:

      Good name for you! With all that you heard during the COI you are still acting like a sheep. Guess what? They still doing stuff underneath because they putting their people in place to make their work look clean while frustrating the honest ones out of the system. Governor please interview retirees because in speaking with them you would get a lot of information to tighten up on those policies because they still doing underneath business through those weak permanent secretaries and department heads who following them to keep their jobs and the DG is of no help all of them are buddies.

      Like 35
    • Resident says:

      @Arrant Nonsense

      The evidence given before the CoI spoke for itself. We all saw it on the youtube broadcasts.

      How that can be called a stitch up I don’t know.

      The BVI has stitched itself up by having so little to show for the billions of government revenue its received since the 1980s.

      It has wasted a massive opportunity for its people.

      Like 42
    • Soccermom says:

      Really . Have you been asleep ?
      Remember who asked the COI ?? Can you remember??
      It was Fahie ! He asked for it. The ex Premier who is now up for drug related charges. Please think about this.. Fahie Fahie Fahie !! He asked for it. He’s greedy he’s self entitled! He’s a liar !

      Like 14
  6. thank you says:

    The BVI needs a restart – corruption has become the norm and crime has become acceptable.

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    • I've been a fool says:

      I like to trust and have faith in our elected leaders but I have been a fool. When the DEA agent was asked if there was US presence in the BVI he responded,”No ..because corruption on the island is pretty big” and feared for the safety of his agents! We need a restart and I have no faith at this point that our own people are going to solve decades of corruption when they can’t implement the COI recommendations which are there to protect us from this crap even after they have been given ample time. I would be a fool again to believe such.

  7. summu says:

    UK go home.

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  8. No Teeth Lion.. says:

    Britain acting like a no Teeth Lion, always angry but no courage, no ability to take action, Sowande knows that, he is not taking them serious..

    Like 27
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    • To No Teeth Lion says:

      They are giving us every opportunity so that when the hammer drops we can’t turn around and say they never gave us a chance to right our wrongs, clean up the mess, implement the reforms that could benefit us as a nation in the future. I think they are full of teeth but they are being very patient with us.

      Like 16
  9. Stop playing games says:

    Both Britain and the BVI govt need to stop playing games. I am still in favor of a short Britain take over fix the place put policies in place called an election hand back to local control..As it is now, local control is either incapable or simply refusing to clean up the place, abide by the law and practicing good governance. Time for Britain to step in..People like Cindy and others who were unfairly oppressed and victimized will rise and get justice under a Britain rule

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  10. Jim says:


    are coming!

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  11. BuzzBvi says:

    Unity Gov and Natalio been playing a game and expecting to carry on as before. Being disrespectful to the UK is not helpful. The COI was at all times conducted in a respectful manner. The same cannot be said of some of those participants from Government and their cronies. The VI is a territory of the UK and under its control and guidance. Just keep stating the people want independence is not the same as the people wanting independence. Natalio needs to find out what the people want. 473 people that voted for him does not mean VI are ready for or want independence now. Better the Gov gets focused on what the country needs and stop thinking only about lining their own pockets. Most people are fed up of this going nowhere stupidity. Lets hope we can get serious and lets hope we can get some new leaders with the qualities we need.

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  12. Seriously! says:

    BVI, stop letting the UK white man treating you like they know it all. They first need fix their own country. It’s an Indian who is trying to fix the mess in the UK.
    Stop allowing this slave master mentality of fear, to make the BVI weak. Be fearless and unite together. Rise up and fight BVI, Rise Up!

    Like 6
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    • Hahaha says:

      That Indian is not trying to fix anything in the U.K. He is trying to enrich his friends and family to the rune of billions of pounds as fast as possible, before they get caught.
      He has no interest in the BVI – there is not enough money to steal. Our entire annual budget is the equivalent of one well placed contract with a friend or family member in the U.K.

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  13. Frustrated says:

    Stop wasting time, UK. The small cabal who benefit from the transfer of massive government funds to private pockets will never change. This is at the expense of everyone else; especially those who pay their taxes.

    They are counting on the UK losing interest, especially with a new U.K. government likely.

    Drop the hammer. The sooner you start implementing structural reforms the sooner the place will improve.

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  14. Observer says:

    Nothing yet on the yellow site. Wiggy’s stubby little fingers will be arthritic by the time the day is out!

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  15. Anonymous says:

    We need another COI to investigate all the bad anti business decisions by the previous Chairman of the Labor Tribunal . Also look into the Disputes department of the labor department that can’t seem to make any decisions and seem to automatically send every minor dispute to the Minister who is too busy to look at the cases and sends every to the Tribunal. The Tribunal gave “ life changing Awards “ under the previous chairman . Awards 10 times larger than the original claims made to the Labor Department.
    Need to look at the traffic department which is practicing age Diogenes anyone over 70 . They will only issue licenses for 1 year as “a policy “ when the law says they can issue for 3 years .
    COI said laws should be used , not policies.

    Like 10
  16. @Frustrated. says:

    The new UK government you are talking about would be the Labor Party, who have previously stated they will take over the OT’s if they get into power.

  17. Black Lives Matter says:

    Stand up bvi and fight white supremacy and racism from the uk you people are not little children

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    • @ Black Lives Matter says:

      Sit down. Blacks taking advantage of blacks more than the whites. Take several seats.

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    • Sig says:

      Uk is genuinely trying to help people of the BVI but of course you make it into a race debate. Sound like Megan Markle crying everything about race to distract.

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  18. PT09 says:

    @Seriously! You are Seriously stupid.

  19. Guest says:

    Please come in, please sir we are begging you please come….

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  20. Taxpayer says:

    It is for the good of the BVI

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  21. Paul Revere says:

    Flogging a dead horse

  22. control says:

    mental emancipation will take forever in these VIs, the mentality of the mentally enslaved is fascinating. the only ones who should be holding the Government of the Virgin Islands accountable are the people of the VIs not the UK.

    This perpetual sword of damocles hanging over the BVI is not democracy, it looks very much like Russia Ukraine, Israel Palestine to me.

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  23. Trafalgar Law says:

    Took yall long enough tbh

    and if anyone has an issue with it.

    understand this.

    yall was given a chance to prove yourself.

    more than once

    is like unless you hold our government in a choke hold them won’t do nothing to improve the country.

    anything to keep the politician, family, and close friends from the cookie jar is good.

    use my tax money properly. Not to enrich yourself.

    Like 16
  24. Painful says:

    If you guys think it will be nice for UK to take over you are making a sad mistake. They have been monitoring to take the bvi long time but was only waiting on the right moment to jump in.

    Don’t cry like the wolf.

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  25. Fact says:

    The hate for eachother makes stuff like this take legs. Do we have issues? Sure! Is the UK the answer? F**k no! It’s time the voting population take responsibility for our affairs. BVIslanders/Belongers are the only ones that vote and are the ones that make up the Civil Service, who are the ones responsible for the COI recommendations. Do the math and realize that this starts and ends with us. We shouldn’t be here begging for UK to come save us from anything, we should actually be ashamed. Those begging for the UK to come are just emotional short-sighted lunatics that hate themselves.

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    • Anonymous says:

      Fact, fact and facts, @ facts and Scope Out.

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    • @Fact.. U dumb.. says:

      You started of very good had me going to hit the like button but ended up hitting the dislike button your first 7 lines sounded educated but your ending brings out how dumb you are, any one who calls another insulting names for their opinion and belief is disrespectful to the core..How can we hold the leaders accountable? The COI showed us that the politicians are deceiving us, lying to us, being dishonest to us, stealing from us as far back as in the 90’s we kept changing Govt, changing Govt, we are doing our part bug the people we elect kept disappointing us and failing us, “They are all black, our own”. Sad to say. I am for a short Britain take over fix tbe place, there is no other way to fix it. We have tried. Time to Give Britain an opportunity.

  26. Karnage says:

    Watch your tone.

  27. NoMoneyNoChange says:

    It starts with minimum wage! They want to see positive change but yet everyday of our lives we’re fighting to survive to make ends meet!

  28. Scope Out says:

    As someone who is living in the UK temporarily, how can a corrupt country be so judgmental on corruption. You would swear they have it figured out.
    Not all, but they are racist people. They show subtle signs and hide their ulterior motives until it’s time to strike. They don’t like us, they like the beautiful islands as a retirement option when they implement their ‘One Britain’ agenda. I believe if they get ‘temporary’ control that will turn into a long term deal with excuses as to why we cannot regain control.
    However, that does not excuse the actions of the BVI government.
    Why did the people re-elect the same government to continue to complain again about no change?
    $30M surplus is not nothing to brag about. You are misallocating funding and under budgeting. Why is minimum wage still below $7.
    Why can’t we make minimum wage age dependent $7.00 -(18-21), $9.00 – (21-25) , $10.00 – (25-30). Or something like that.

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  29. UK is savior? says:

    You think the uk going save us? Watch at history.

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  30. @Painful says:

    Boi the government slack so much for the past year that the UK had several chances to do it.

    Even in this statement them still AIN do it.

    so no,
    the UK don’t really care to take over parna

    you’re just ignorant.




    if anything them need to hurry up and do it!

  31. BVI says:

    @Fact it seems to me that you are the emotional short-sighted lunatic that feeds off of this government you afraid you lose your easy money.

    • Fact says:

      @BVI I said what I said and I have never relied on Government for anything, not even their public water system. Show me anything that I’ve said that is not a fact. Hold the local politicians and senior civil servants accountable and we won’t be here begging the UK for anything. The UK has been in Turks over 10 years, how is that going and tell us how much it cost so far?

  32. YES TO UK says:

    @UK is savior? Do you you know anything about history? history is history.

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  33. bvi says:

    But where is the threat, I failed to see the threat, still looking for it.

  34. PT09 says:

    Black Lives Matter You sound like a stupid child.

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  35. No Threat says:

    Why is this a headline? It was said several times, including at the last Governor’s final press conference.

  36. Surviving says:


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  37. A Critical Point. says:

    For centuries, were it not for ingenuity and creations of the descendants of slaves there would be no Black human beings living on these islands.

    After slavery was abolished and profits dried up, the UK left their monetary enrichers to eat salt, drink sea water or wither and die off.

    Their saying was, “these islands were mere bird sanctuaries.”

    The Black people, being extremely relilent, took their newly earned freedom and gradually forged their way forward.

    They engaged in economic activities from the ground, literally, up, through planting, fishing, coaling trading and other..

    In the sixties era, they enacted the Financial Services Department.

    The country and its people migrated into continuing higher standards of living in what they are today.

    There were no other people helping them, neither the UK, EU, US nor EC.

    Today, because the territory has developed a thriving economy, a huge GDP, a high standard of living, and has some money, it, the territory is now under attack.

    The greatest and most sinister voices calling for a UK take over are UK Caucasian citizens who, in their abject greed, prejudice, racist views envy and jealousy, are now eager to take over and claim for themselves what they nor their ancestors had no hand in developing.

    Further, they also have no care, concern or humanity to and for the people that have been living here for centuries, who are the descendants of the builders of these islands, their sovereignty, their livelihood or human rights as is enshrined in the Unite Nations Charters.

    The constant calling and other noticeable, political, in media and other for a UK take over is the most disrespectful and dishonorable practices facing the people of these islands to.

    It threatens to bring their current wayof life, humanity and political gains to a screeching halt.

    This people we must stop and prevent from happening, by any means necessary.

    We too, have a right to exist and benefit from what is legally ours. As, no man has a right to come into your home, take everything valuable, all of your food and drinks and render you a beggar, none!

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  38. @ ANONYMOUS says:


  39. Me says:

    It’s biggest mistake BVI made to make this boi your leader is no different than Fahie a l**r procrastinator so people of the wear what you bought..U.K pls.come tonight

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  40. YES TO UK says:

    @Fact you don’t know anything, Turks are far more advance than the BVI today because of the takeover years ago.

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    • Never Will, Colonialism. says:

      That is a bold face lie. The societal layers are seeing those at the top of command and control are white expats, the peoplewho created the change in the firstt place.

      At the middle re the others, and at the bottom are the majorityof the Black population.

      Colonialism was not invented to benefir Blackpeople and never will.

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  41. my2cents says:

    The COI recommendations are for the people to get value from their government but we don’t want more colonialism. The age of colonialism is at an end.

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  42. PT09 says:

    @@PT09 you dont know where I am from and it burns you because you know what I said is true. Get a life.

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  43. Uncertain Times says:

    The intent, desires, eyes, mind and hands of the UK people can be found in most of the comments here. Their ubiquitous presence can be felt all over this news site.

    Notice, every single comment that favors and or uplift the narratives n favor of the UK mysteriously receives hundreds of thumbs up.

    That is not a Virgin Islander doing that.. That is a completely white UK tactic to further their narratives and intentions. It has become apparent they are like a lion stalking its prey and getting ready pounce upon it.

    BVIslanders wake up, open your eyes, compile your thoughts, tools and get ready. There will be a battle to fight for.

    We. are now living in uncertan Times. The monster acrossthe waters are setting to invde, donate and kill us.

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  44. All confused says:

    1. It is Fahie who help to put us here not the UK
    2. It is BVI leaders who are raiding the people coffers not the UK
    3. It is the present premier who is so selfish and making promises to implement the policies along with MNU not the UK
    4. It is BVIslanders who are bitter aganist their Caribbean brothers and sisters not the UK
    5. It is the leaders in positions and senior civil servants who hide applications and give jobs to family members and political friends. Not the UK
    6. It is the businessmen ( majority) BVI and belongers who spike up the price of goods in their shops not the UK
    7. It is BVI people who have the roads , drains , community centers , Race TRack , maintenance of school in such state of chaos not the UK The UK offered a loan gaurentee now they eant to borrow S ocial Security money … Greedy Bill and the list can go on
    Let the UK take over and them we can compare !!!
    9. Stop pointing fingers my leaders and move the BVI fotward

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    • HISTORIC ENEMY. says:

      Today, because the territory has developed a thriving economy, a huge GDP, a high standard of living, and has some money, it, the territory is now under attack.

      The greatest and most sinister voices calling for a UK take over are UK Caucasian citizens who, in their abject greed, prejudice, racist views envy and jealousy, are now eager to take over and claim for themselves what they nor their ancestors had no hand in developing.

      Further, they also have no care, concern or humanity to and for the people that have been living here for centuries, who are the descendants of the builders of these islands, their sovereignty, their livelihood or human rights as is enshrined in the Unite Nations Charters.

      The constant calling and other noticeable, political, in media and other for a UK take over is the most disrespectful and dishonorable practices facing the people of these islands to.

      It threatens to bring their current wayof life, humanity and political gains to a screeching halt


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      • root & fruit says:

        A huge GDP? The GDP of the BVI is less than .005% of that of the UK. Do some research before blogging nonsense.

        The UK would like to be rid of us. The COI was a way for them to not to have to take responsibility with the international community when we go independent and turn into another Haiti.

  45. At a critical point. Missn the point. says:

    All you are saying sounds good, thanks to the long time leaders, who are rolling in their graves to see how these present leaders have destroy what they have built..Be honest our new so called educated leaders have failed us badly. They have us in this situation..

  46. Ayo dumb says:

    Yes UK will come and enforce good laws and all will be fixed when they take over . Please UK hurry up and lead the way! Put the blancos to lead us. #settask*#t

  47. Sister island says:

    Please launch a COI into the Ministry and Minister of Education. This and the Health Ministry are laced with corruption, abuse of power and incompetence and as such poses a threat to all of us. England, please help us. Bring these 2 Ministers and their ministries in for questioning examination and removal. If you do not want to suspend the constutution yet then suspend theae 2 and England take over management and maintenance of our clinics, hospitals and schools. Thank you.

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