Unapproved businesses told to ‘start getting ready to reopen’

Businesses not yet cleared to operate are being told to start getting ready to reopen.
A media release from the Ministry of Health on Thursday advised these establishments that they are now “allowed to begin putting social distancing requirements and health protocols in place in time for re-opening on Sunday, May 10”.
That date is also earmarked for an extension of the current curfew by six more hours. The new curfew will run during nighttime hours from 7 pm to 6 am for 14 days.
The release, in the meantime, said Cabinet approved for these businesses to start making preparation recently, adding that the approval was done in accordance with the Curfew (No.15) Order, 2020, whose purpose is to control, suppress or prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus locally.
“As businesses prepare to be inspected by the Environmental Health Division and the Social Distancing Task Force, owners are reminded that they are to remain closed to the public until they are given the approval to do so by the authorities,” the release further said.

In the meantime, the list of businesses currently approved to operate comprises the following
- Supermarkets
- Bakeries
- Fishers and Farmers
- Banks
- Fuel Stations
- Ferries for inter-island transportation only
- Busses and Taxis with limited passengers
- Construction companies, building and concrete supplies businesses
- Laundromats
- Home delivery services
- Insurance and Financial Services that cannot be carried out remotely
- Office supplies and equipment and electronic stores
- Automotive parts and repairs
- Manufacturers of hand sanitizers and personal protective equipment (PPEs)
- Water and ice production and deliveries
- Emergency household and business repairs as approved
- Medical Establishments
- Legal Establishments
- Telecommunication companies
- Hardware stores
- Commercial and household supplies and appliances
- Restaurants for delivery and take out
- Beauty products supply stores
- Courier Stores and Freight Agents
- Veterinarian practices
- Printing, graphics and signage supplies
- Flower Shops
- Real Estate Agents
- Department and Clothing stores
- Marine stores and Boatyard operations
- Churches and places of worship
- Funeral homes
- Sanitisation, insect, mould and bug control companies.
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salons need to be opened for the weekend we do not want to walk into a horror show when government reopens
U real funny. Lol
Take the time and give yourself a hair style that suit you and you will be surprise person would ask you who give you that beautiful hair style. Give it a try.
Its sad that all ppl can think about is their hair. I get that wanting to look appropriate is not bad. But wager the risk and the ppl u will be putting at risk every time u step into a salon. Its is impossible to adhere to social distancing when you have to physically touch and have this person breathing in your face for near the entire service. Plus those who will walk in unkempt with sorry hair and clothes form work or so to get a service done probably done contaminated and stepping into and area that is most likely small and air conditioned. With recent studies showing that 6ft is not nearly quite enough to interupt flow of contaminated air . it will be like sitting in a pool of infested air from blowdryer to air conditioning. Ppl are losing entire families children are being orphaned everyday. I think there is much more to be worried about than hair. Not saying that trying to get back to normalcy wouldn’t be nice but look at places that tried to rush this process. They say experience is life’s greatest teacher guess we want to he taught the hard way. I really hope that y’all sit think this through. Is it really worth it. Is looking good that necessary right now. Things will eventually iron out but what are we willing to sacrifice ? Vanity or life? Ill leave u to judge.
Tanto tiempo que pasaste escribiendo tu comentario pero al final se te conoce tu odio y demagogias, cuando tu materia gris se este en decadencia pasa por donde un barbero a combersar de la vida.
Recuerda que ellos son seres humanos y por tal tienen necesidad al igual que mucho de ustede.
O piensa que con solo una bolsa de. Omida que le regalaron basta, no amigos ellos tambien pagan rentas, luz, agua, compran comidad y tiene una familia al igual que tú.
En el unico lugar del mundo donde por esta pandemia el gobierno no a ayudados a nadie con respecto a los gasto necesarios es aquí.
Documentaste mejor y recuerdas si desea igiene y calidad en tus servicios de corte sólo pidele a tus bar ero que use mascarilla y guante y que no hable al trabajar.
Con higiene, bu3n servicios y calidad todos se puede.
Es cuanto.
If your point is worth making, why write it in Spanish? Your point is that the barbers and hairdressers have bills to pay but are not receiving adequate governmental assistance during the long shutdown. It is a valid point, and they should perhaps be better assisted. However, the public health risk is not worth reopening these places right now.
Fahie tried to fool people with that internal economy mushrooming nonsense…Within a week WU and MG will be open and the economy far from mushrooming. All the time he just waiting for the law to pass and the mechanisms to be put in place to collect his 7% that is all he had to say. The gift of the gab? That gift can be a strength and a weakness.
If you follow all the guidelines, you will be alive and virus free to see what happens. Every battle has different strategies depending on who the enemy is and these are the strategies needed for the virus.
The sooner ALL of the economy repens, the closer to a modicum of normalcy, many of us will begin to feel!
Social distancing protocols, in place, of course, only enhances safety, for us all.
Hair salons,and all of the manifestations of beauty, are a neccessary part of good grooming and hygiene, and will definitely lead to a sense of wellness, once those businesses resume normal hours!
so does this mean bars are allowed to open and if so sit down in restaurants, nothing is being said except”get ready” lets have some clarity
Big respect to this website….I commend your fairness and honesty which is a whole lot more than I can say about the one that tries to victimize those who don’t jump when they say jump. Their low tactics are such a shame.