BVI News

Unheeded calls! Trade Director to resign over low staff levels, SFC told

Outgoing Director of the Department of Trade, Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs Karia Christopher

The Department of Trade, Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs has been described as being in a dire state.

The Department’s Director, Karia Christopher told lawmakers during the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) hearings recently that after years of pleading for staff members, she was forced to submit her resignation as a result of the poor response.

According to Christopher, after starting her tenure at the department with some 24 employees, there were now only six staff members working on most days, despite a current complement of eight workers.

She partially attributed the low staff turnout at the office to the presence of mould in the building, which she said has been documented and reported over the years.

Christopher told the SFC that she has issued a little more than 40 letters and emails regarding staffing issues in her department and explained that a number of technical posts remain unfilled, including a critical role for Business Development and Promotion Activities.

The Director reportedly expressed ‘grave frustration’ over the issue and indicated that after three plus years of firm documentation, begging and pleading for staff without any assistance, it made her ‘look bad’ as the Director.

She further told lawmakers that most persons are aware that she is very ill and said this level of stress was not helpful.

The SFC was told that the department has been gradually losing staff over the past four years and that the office was even closed for two and a half weeks recently because there was no one physically in the office.

Christopher explained that even though she was expected to receive staff since January 2022, no new staff have been assigned to her department to date.

Junior Minister for Trade, Shereen Flax-Charles commented that it should not take six months or a year to get someone employed.

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  1. Hog City Oprah says:

    Will her show ratings fall down?

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  2. Wow says:

    Yes the premier chatting about investors at door. All manner of useless legislation passing. Agreeing to let people operate without trade licence then sending their evil colleagues to post all manner of evil against Mrs Christopher and make her look bad. Who is the minister for trade, who responsible for the mold in that building, who responsible for not giving Mrs Christopher the support she needed to run the department effectively. Of course she will be stressed as a result. You going to expect her to perform her best under stress too? I am sure it was a hard decision for her but I am happy for the bold move she made in Jesus name. If the government serious about the issues raised, they know what to do to keep her. They are pathetic.

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  3. ??? says:

    Who would want to work in a mould infested building to get sick and possibly die?

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  4. Facts says:

    We need agriculture and fisheries to be clean out as well. This is no joke…YOU can asked anyone up there. It have persons being paid full salary and come work clock in and leave and do not return or return to clock out ‘maybe’. This is a great lost….whoever this person or personsrunning agriculture need to go.

    Like 22
  5. Wellsa says:

    If you really want to look deep its not only Trade, the Cabinet Office as well…Nobody likes working with that lady… this no story, people are slowly running from working there. I notice it and from what i can say they dont even care working there, just asked those who left.

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  6. Cruel says:

    Admit the fact that no one wants to work with her. Imagine short staff added on top of victimization of the public. How many people future this girl messed up …. I’m sorry your sorry is not accurate. Talk the truth. Was she ever trained for the post? Then again I don’t know how they could have have fixed her dire personality. I am happy you gone. The office will survive just fine and the people will flourish better. A big thank you for leaving. Applause.

  7. BuzzBvi says:

    Morenlikely Karia Christopher inc pioneering (no bills for ten years) Trade Licence got approved. New pioneering movie HEAD CockrOACH Coming Soon.

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  8. Goodbye says:

    Karia has always wanted too much publicity for herself and control over who gets what license, than doing what is best for our country. Her leaving is no great loss and perhaps will allow the department actually to function like it should. Was she guilty of corruption as well as incompetence? A thorough investigation should reveal all. Bring on the forensic accountants.

    Like 11
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  9. Vg says:

    Same as VG,no one works in the office for years now.

  10. Keep off says:

    You doing bitter. Happy New Year love. Karia will be just fine

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  11. Psychological intervention says:

    Geeeezzzz, the BVI, based on the comments, on the daily, on any given issue on the mentality of the people, my Black Virgin Islanders, is a very sick place. It needs deep psychological intervention.

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  12. Reality Check says:

    Managers are paid to get results. Need staff and have a moldy building would galvanize any private sector manager to solve the issue quickly and get back to doing what their department is supposed to be doing, in this case trade and business development.
    Find someone that will commit to actually managing!!

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  13. customer says:

    Look here before it had a Minister. Karia was in the seat when this building had mold on mold ..nobody can say the staff lying if they are getting sick.

    They bust there backside to assist, but those in the higher authority is to blame.. i said to member your health worth more, just go back to the doctor and get out of that building…let the owner get it tested.. he is to dam shame to accept that his building got mold….you are around sea water, sea blast is the air…no humidifier to clean the air. If they do its on them.

    government need to revamp these person in power seat, because they are only for a paycheck.

  14. Hmmm says:

    From 24 to 8 employees in such a short time makes you wonder about the management and HR capabilities of the Director

    Like 21
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  15. Lesson for all Gals says:

    Send her home. These BVI women are so nice, friendly and humble when they are simple and without power, as they get power, they become Meen, Unfriendly, unkind, too tall, too high to say a simple hello, or good day to people.. Send her home. Hope they get the message. Stay humble, Stay grounded, love people.

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  16. @Hmmm says:

    Clearly you don’t know how government works. Give the woman a break.

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  17. A Fan says:

    Karia you are strong and resilient. Bigger and better to come. Blessings for a speedy recovery.

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  18. Anonymous says:

    She is a beauty!! I hope she is not s meano in mind.

  19. Hmmm says:

    She did the same thing as N*j*n. Sign where the Premier or acting Premier by LAW must sign. Nj get arrested ND charge. Slowandwe begging kc to Stay and dont resign. Check stand Finance report. Is she one of his ****

  20. Season says:

    Sorry, I hit thumbs down by accident.

  21. Hurry and apply says:

    @Reality Check

    How about you. There is a vacancy now. Cease the opportunity. Are you AFRAID to ride the bull. Take it by the horn and do better than who was there. Simple!

  22. Sloppy Evil Service says:

    Well I had an experience when Karia was out sick and not in the picture. A senior from VG tried to sabotage my application. I don’t know this woman from Adam but her service was awful and VERY VINDICTIVE. Literally tried to hold back my applicationfor no known reason. The problem does not appear to be Karia, but someone under her.

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  23. Jumped before being pushed says:

    Who’s getting the rice bowl?

  24. Immigration says:

    So why cant the immigration Head do the honorable thing also and resigned. He is understaff and several persons are furious as their passport is in the hands of the immigration over 3 to 4 months now. What is the issue. They say they are understaff. What is the Premier doing? He doesn’t want to run for the up coming election. So he don’t care. Mr Penn needs to go also.

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  25. S hit the roof says:

    Best news for the rest of year. Trade department will be better in 2023! Happy New Year to all who suffered under Those victimizing hands. A trade license is just a start to the real hard work. People trying to pay themselves when she was ruining others and collecting her paycheck. Thank you Lord.

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  26. Cookie factory says:

    Never mind hand in cookie jar, she like willy Wonka in charge of teh cookie factory.
    Also, every building in BVI has some level of mold. It be a moldy place!!!!

    Like 1
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  27. @hmmm! says:

    Well, the prevailing lies always going around are that the Government/public service is overbloated with more employees than is needed. But I would venture to guess that this is now typical of a Government office. Understaffed, working in deplorable substandard conditions, in adequate technology, haven’t had a cost of living salary adjustment for maybe 3 to 5 years and politicians and other Heads leading them selfishly, incompetently and poorly.

  28. Madea says:

    Does Fahie get praise for this?

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